How to extend inner classes?


Kay Schluehr

/ You can define a class variable Pos with the class Pos as its value
/>>/ class PeriodicGrid :
/>>/ class Pos:
/>>/ pass
/>>/ Pos = Pos
/>>/ >>> grid = PeriodicGrid()
/>>/ >>> grid.Pos()
/>>/ said:
You can, but that 'Pos = Pos' statement in this code is just as
redundant and useless as it appears. In every aspect, the behavior will
be exactly identical if you remove that assignment.


It's a matter of good i.e. bad taste. Ususally I prefer constructs like this:

class Pos:
class Pos:
def __init__(self):
self.__dict__ = Pos.__dict__
Pos = staticmethod(Pos)

and spread them all over my code thinking they are genuine Pythonic
with the emphasis of the original meaning of the word and for sake of the
great ancestors. I call them "strange idiom" idioms and they are
made for torturing mankind. If a believing christ would ask me why i do so
the answer would be: calling the animal and accelerating judgement day.

Bye and have a nice Sunday afternoon


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