how to fire asp page from an email



Hi All,

We are sending an html email from asp page.In the email we
appended an image tag and the "src" attribute points an asp page in our
server.Here when ever user read the email this image tag will fire our
asp page.It is working fine if we open the mail in web browsers.It is
failing in outlook express.We modified the code a bit and replaced the
<img> tag with <iframe> tag.It is woring fine in outlook express now.
but it is not failing in web browsers.Do we have any other alternative
method to call an asp page from the email.

Thanks in advance



srinivas said:

Good evening.
We are sending an html email from asp page.In the email we
appended an image tag and the "src" attribute points an asp page in our
server.Here when ever user read the email this image tag will fire our
asp page.It is working fine if we open the mail in web browsers.It is
failing in outlook express.We modified the code a bit and replaced the
<img> tag with <iframe> tag.It is woring fine in outlook express now.
but it is not failing in web browsers.Do we have any other alternative
method to call an asp page from the email.

May I just clarify how you expect this to work?

You send me an email.
I open the email and this causes my browser to launch and display your asp
(or whatever, the server side technology that produces the page is
irrelevant) page.

Or do you intend my email client to open a web page?

In either case I am glad I have caused my email client to display emails in
plain text only, that is no html, no scripting, nothing except plain text.


David Dorward

srinivas said:
We are sending an html email

Oh dear.
from asp page.In the email we
appended an image tag and the "src" attribute points an asp page in our
server.Here when ever user read the email this image tag will fire our
asp page.

Wrong. Most email clients block external images by default.

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