IF-free conception.


Eric Sosman

Good Time to all, Amici(Friends).

Here, i'd like to discuss how to reduce conditional branches in the code. 1st of the all, i would like to share some tricks. Their description is here (http://alg0z.blogspot.ru/2013/02/if-or-no-if.html).

The blog illustrates the transformation of

swap(a, root, child);

into the if-less "equivalent" (quotes because it isn't)

int *p0, *p1, a[], i1, i2, empty, *pEmpty, root, child;
(Aside: Looks like `a' should be `extern', or should be a function
parameter, or should have dimension.)
i1=(i2+1) AND 1;
(Aside: Have you learned about the `!' operator yet?)
p0=i2*p0 + pEmpty*i1;
p1=i2*p1 + pEmpty*i1;

.... and my first question is: "Where did you send the compiler's
error messages?" Pointer arithmetic in C is defined for pointer
plus-or-minus integer and for pointer minus pointer (both in
suitable ranges), but does not define pointer times integer -- no,
not even when the integer must be zero or one. The transformed
code is meaningless in C, and the compiler should have complained.

Later, you offer a pointer-less variant


.... and this one is not required to produce error messages. Note
that it still leaves `root' at its original value (the if-full
version changed it). Fixing this bug, while writing out the
booleans again gives

i2 = a[root] < a[child];
i1 = !i2;
empty = a[root];
a[root] = i1 * empty + i2 * a[child];
a[child] = i2 * empty + i1 * a[child];
empty = root;
root = i1 * empty + i2 * child;
child = i2 * empty + i1 * child;

(The last line corrects what looks like an oversight in the original
code; just delete it if the original was really intended to do
what it says.)

It seems to me you must really *hate* branches if you're
willing to go to such lengths to avoid them. (And only "maybe"
to avoid them, since `i2 = a[root] < a[child];' may require a
few branches itself.) You start with an `if' block containing
four or five (fleshing out the `swap'), and wind up with seven
or eight assignments, six or eight multiplications, three or four
additions, and a non-negligible increase in obfuscation. That
doesn't strike me as a good trade -- and I'm the child of a father
who so disliked waiting at traffic signals that he would drive
two miles out of his way to avoid them!

Your technique will also run into trouble if you try to
apply it to `a' elements for which multiplication is not
defined. For example, try your transformation on

char *a[42] = ...;
int root = ...;
int child = ...;
if (strcmp(a[root], a[child]) < 0) {
char *tmp = a[root];
a[root] = a[child];
a[child] = tmp;
root = child;

.... and see how far you get. Surprises are also likely if `a'
holds `double' values, some of which are infinities or NaNs
or negative zeroes.

In summary: I don't like your technique, not at all.

glen herrmannsfeldt

Evgeney Knyazhev said:
Good Time to all, Amici(Friends).
Here, i'd like to discuss how to reduce conditional branches in
the code. 1st of the all, i would like to share some tricks.


Some processors now have a conditional load instruction. It is up to
the compiler to figure out when to use it, unless you are doing
assembly coding. (In the latter case, you are in the wrong group.)

There is a slight chance that a compiler might figure out the
conditional operator when it wouldn't the conditional branch,
but pretty slight.

-- glen

Evgeney Knyazhev

Eric, thanks for reply. mostly, code, posted in the blog, is schematic ;D full code has been in source.

Evgeney Knyazhev

"i1 = !i2;" will be not working because i1 & i2 are integers. yes, you can set them as booleans, but i chose that way + it's question which variant is more quick.

Evgeney Knyazhev

It seems to me you must really *hate* branches if you're
willing to go to such lengths to avoid them. (And only "maybe"
to avoid them, since `i2 = a[root] < a[child];' may require a
few branches itself.)

Eric Sosman

"i1 = !i2;" will be not working because i1 & i2 are integers. yes, you can set them as booleans, but i chose that way + it's question which variant is more quick.

You are mistaken. `i2' is the result of an `<' operator,
hence either zero or one. `!0' is 1, `!1' is zero. `!i2' is

But if you don't like `!i2', consider `1 - i2' -- still a
simpler construct than your original `(i2 + 1) AND 1'.

Eric Sosman

It seems to me you must really *hate* branches if you're
willing to go to such lengths to avoid them. (And only "maybe"
to avoid them, since `i2 = a[root] < a[child];' may require a
few branches itself.)

Thanks for submitting your measurements to support the
"faster" claim. One question, though: Since the code you
offered will not even compile, how did you measure it?

Evgeney Knyazhev

Eric, you can download the source & app as well, so it will "heal" your questions.

Evgeney Knyazhev

You are mistaken. `i2' is the result of an `<' operator,
hence either zero or one. `!0' is 1, `!1' is zero. `!i2' is
well, let's assume

int i=0;
// then output: 0xffff

James Kuyper

You are mistaken. `i2' is the result of an `<' operator,
hence either zero or one. `!0' is 1, `!1' is zero. `!i2' is
well, let's assume

int i=0;
// then output: 0xffff

"The result of the logical negation operator ! is 0 if the value of its
operand compares unequal to 0, 1 if the value of its operand compares
equal to 0. The result has type int. The expression !E is equivalent to
(0==E)." (

Therefore, 0xFFFF is not a legal value for a logical negation
expression. I think that what you're thinking of is the bitwise
complement operator, "~"

i = ~i;

What value 'i' will have after that expression is executed depends upon
whether it's 2's complement, 1's complement, or sign-magnitude, but
regardless of which case applies, it's guaranteed to be negative, which
is not the case for 0xFFFF. Therefore, I assume you're also thinking as
if 'i' had the type 'unsigned int', and UINT_MAX == 0xFFFF.

Evgeney Knyazhev

anyway, "i1=!i2" ain't suited because we need inversion ;D
i1=0; // then i2==1
i1=1; // then i2==0

Keith Thompson

Evgeney Knyazhev said:
You are mistaken. `i2' is the result of an `<' operator,
hence either zero or one. `!0' is 1, `!1' is zero. `!i2' is
well, let's assume

int i=0;
// then output: 0xffff

"!" is the logical "not" operator; it yields 1 if its operand is 0, 0

"~" is the bitwise "not" operator. `~0` is 0xffff only if int is 16

Keith Thompson

Evgeney Knyazhev said:
Eric, you can download the source & app as well, so it will "heal"
your questions.

I downloaded your source via the URL buried at the bottom of the
site you mentioned in your first post in this thread. I got a file
called "IF free sorting.7z". Once I figured out how to unpack it,
it included a source file called "IF-free sorting.cpp". (Yes, both file
names had spaces in them.)

The code is (a) Windows-specific, and (b) writtin in C++, not C.

If you want to discuss the ideas represented in the code in the
context of C, preferably portable C, feel free to do so. Otherwise,
I'm suggest this is not the place.

Evgeney Knyazhev

Keith, yes, i've done it on windows-based ground. but i don't think people would have insuperable problems to fit solution to another grounds.


Thanks for reply.

Ben Bacarisse

Evgeney Knyazhev said:
Eric, thanks for reply. mostly, code, posted in the blog, is schematic
;D full code has been in source.

The code is C++ (there's another group for that) and non-standard C++ so
it won't compiler here without much editing. However I did take your
if-avoiding factorial function and timed it compared to

(a) one that was the same but written without all the extra bother of a
pointer argument, automatic arrays, and the subtract one/add one dance
you do; and

(b) one written with a simple conditional; and

(c) one that is written as a plain condition + iterative loop.

My (a) was a little faster than yours (1.3 vs 1.9). My (b) was faster
still (1.1 vs 1.9) and (c) was the fastest of the lot (0.7 vs 1.9).
These are with no optimisation. with more optimisation turned on, the
differences become more dramatic. I.e. the compiler can optimise the
simpler code more easily than it can your complex code.

These are crude tests, with one compiler, on one architecture so they
may not be representative but do you have any data to support writing
these messy alternatives?

Evgeney Knyazhev

Ben, factorial was written Just for fun :D Actually, recursive functions are the Evil. About performance, Just compare two codes:

1st. if(a<b)a++;
2nd. a+=(a<b);

James Kuyper

Keith, yes, i've done it on windows-based ground. but i don't think
people would have insuperable problems to fit solution to another

I haven't bothered to go through the trouble that Keith did to locate
your code - but if he felt that the code was sufficiently
Windows-specific to justify commenting on the fact, I suspect it would
require significant conversion to work in other environments.

The other point, which you seem to have ignored, is that the code is
C++. As such, it should be discussed in a C++ forum, not a C forum.

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