I'm a process-spawning idiot.


Devin Mullins

I'm looking for a method that, like Kernel#` and IO::popen, allows me to
call out to the system and grab its stdout. However, I'd like it to
accept multiple args (like Kernel#system), so I don't have to worry
about filenames with spaces and backslashes and the like. Alternatively,
I'll take a lib that escapes strings for Kernel#`, provided it works on
win32, unix, cygwin...

I'm sure I'm just missing the obvious. Help?


Eric Hodel

You want to what? You want to execute an arbitrary system command and
collect the command's output?

data = `command arg1 arg2 arg3`

Obviously if the provided command line works in a shell, it will
work here,
and vice versa.

system 'command', 'arg with spaces' will execute correctly (ARGV[0]
will be 'arg with spaces')

`command arg with spaces` requires manual intervention (ARGV[0] will
be 'arg').

That said, try playing with shell.rb. I don't really know what it
does, though.

Devin Mullins

Eric said:
That said, try playing with shell.rb. I don't really know what it
does, though.

This Ruby program:
STDOUT.reopen open('log.txt','w')
exec 'echo', 'Hi!'
outputs "Hi!" to log.txt.

shell.rb (or, more specifically, shell/process-controller.rb), uses this
combined with fork (since exec replaces the process) to do its dirty work.

Downloading win32-process now... :D


Devin Mullins

For reference's sake, I don't need fork. The same trick works with
Kernel#system. Some ugly code:
inp, out = IO.pipe
# start Thread.critical
old_stdout = STDOUT.dup
STDOUT.reopen out
system 'echo', 'matz is nice!'
STDOUT.reopen old_stdout
# end Thread.critical
puts "Hey guess what: #{inp.read}"

Out of curiosity, is this one of those places where I'd _have_ to use
Thread.critical (assuming I don't want other threads putsing to my pipe)?




This Ruby program:
STDOUT.reopen open('log.txt','w')
exec 'echo', 'Hi!'
outputs "Hi!" to log.txt.

shell.rb (or, more specifically, shell/process-controller.rb), uses this
combined with fork (since exec replaces the process) to do its dirty work.

Downloading win32-process now... :D


systemu.rb allows capture of stdout, stderr, and exit_status and specification
of stdin in an cross platform way.




univeral capture of stdout and stderr and handling of child process pid for windows, *nix, etc.




gem install systemu


<========< samples/a.rb >========>

~ > cat samples/a.rb

# systemu can be used on any platform to return status, stdout, and stderr of
# any command. unlike other methods like open3/popen4 there is zero danger of
# full pipes or threading issues hanging your process or subprocess.
require 'systemu'

date = %q( ruby -e" t = Time.now; STDOUT.puts t; STDERR.puts t " )

status, stdout, stderr = systemu date
p [ status, stdout, stderr ]

~ > ruby samples/a.rb

[#<Process::Status: pid=9960,exited(0)>, "Fri Nov 03 17:22:23 MST 2006\n", "Fri Nov 03 17:22:23 MST 2006\n"]

<========< samples/b.rb >========>

~ > cat samples/b.rb

# quite a few keys can be passed to the command to alter it's behaviour. if
# either stdout or stderr is supplied those objects should respond_to? '<<'
# and only status will be returned
require 'systemu'

date = %q( ruby -e" t = Time.now; STDOUT.puts t; STDERR.puts t " )

stdout, stderr = '', ''
status = systemu date, 'stdout' => stdout, 'stderr' => stderr
p [ status, stdout, stderr ]

~ > ruby samples/b.rb

[#<Process::Status: pid=9965,exited(0)>, "Fri Nov 03 17:22:23 MST 2006\n", "Fri Nov 03 17:22:23 MST 2006\n"]

<========< samples/c.rb >========>

~ > cat samples/c.rb

# of course stdin can be supplied too. synonyms for 'stdin' include '0' and
# 0. the other stdio streams have similar shortcuts
require 'systemu'

cat = %q( ruby -e" ARGF.each{|line| puts line} " )

status = systemu cat, 0=>'the stdin for cat', 1=>stdout=''
puts stdout

~ > ruby samples/c.rb

the stdin for cat

<========< samples/d.rb >========>

~ > cat samples/d.rb

# the cwd can be supplied
require 'systemu'
require 'tmpdir'

pwd = %q( ruby -e" STDERR.puts Dir.pwd " )

status = systemu pwd, 2=>(stderr=''), :cwd=>Dir.tmpdir
puts stderr

~ > ruby samples/d.rb


<========< samples/e.rb >========>

~ > cat samples/e.rb

# any environment vars specified are merged into the child's environment
require 'systemu'

env = %q( ruby -r yaml -e" puts ENV[ 'answer' ] " )

status = systemu env, 1=>stdout='', 'env'=>{ 'answer' => 0b101010 }
puts stdout

~ > ruby samples/e.rb


<========< samples/f.rb >========>

~ > cat samples/f.rb

# if a block is specified then it is passed the child pid and run in a
# background thread. note that this thread will __not__ be blocked during the
# execution of the command so it may do useful work such as killing the child
# if execution time passes a certain threshold
require 'systemu'

looper = %q( ruby -e" loop{ STDERR.puts Time.now.to_i; sleep 1 } " )

status, stdout, stderr =
systemu looper do |cid|
sleep 3
Process.kill 9, cid

p [ status, stdout, stderr ]

~ > ruby samples/f.rb

[#<Process::Status: pid=9985,signaled(SIGKILL=9)>, "", "1162599744\n1162599745\n1162599746\n1162599747\n"]



For reference's sake, I don't need fork. The same trick works with
Kernel#system. Some ugly code:
inp, out = IO.pipe
# start Thread.critical
old_stdout = STDOUT.dup
STDOUT.reopen out
system 'echo', 'matz is nice!'
STDOUT.reopen old_stdout
# end Thread.critical
puts "Hey guess what: #{inp.read}"

this is an insanely bad idea: a cross platform way to hang you system. try

harp:~ > cat a.rb
big = 42.chr * 4242
inp, out = IO.pipe
old_stdout = STDOUT.dup
STDOUT.reopen out
system 'echo', big
STDOUT.reopen old_stdout

harp:~ > ruby a.rb
# hung process

you can't keep writing to a pipe __unless__ someone is guarunteed to be reading
from the other end!

make it easy on yourself:

harp:~ > cat a.rb
require 'rubygems'
require 'systemu' # gem install systemu

systemu ['echo', 'matz is nice!'], :stdout=>STDOUT

systemu ['echo', 'matz is nice!'], :stdout=>stdout=''
p stdout

systemu 'cat', :stdin=>['line1', 'line2'], :stdout=>stdout
p stdout

harp:~ > ruby a.rb
matz is nice!
"matz is nice!\n"
"matz is nice!\nline1line2"

kind regards


Devin Mullins

On Wed, 29 Nov 2006, Devin Mullins wrote:
this is an insanely bad idea: a cross platform way to hang you system.
well, then. no need to be curt about it. :p
gem install systemu
aha! i had a stinking suspicion i should just've emailed you, and not
all of ruby-talk. thanks for the info, and the cool lib, ara.

(tmp_dir? Marshal.dump? Yikes. Glad I didn't have to write that crap.
Quick, someone put in an RCR for Kernel#backtick(cmd, *args) so this
craziness can go away.)

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