instanceof NOT (always) bad? The instanceof myth.



Hi all.

I just decided to write a message regarding the myth that the use of
the instanceof keyword is categorically bad. Not all java programmers
have fallen prey to the myth, but after years on the newsgroups it has
almost gotten to the point where if it was discovered that you used
instanceof anywhere in your app, it *must* be because you have a poorly
designed system.

Is this a situation of 'bad-practice-phobia', where the fear of being
thought of as a newbie programmer (or worse, a 'hack' who still
'doesn't get' OO) makes people create the most elaborately complex and
unmaintainable designs to avoid using a specific 'bad practice'?

I think what's very often forgotten is that a bad practice can never be
reduced to something as simplistic as 'never ever use keyword X'. All
bad practices have there 'scope of ill-use'--which may be very big--but
are almost never (if ever) absolute.


Alex Blewitt's Javaworld article
It has been said that, in most cases, instanceof should not be used to
test for object equality (see [BLEWITT1]) as it can break the symmetric
property of the equals method's equivalence relation. In this case,
using the getClass method of Object is the appropriate choice. This
makes a lot of sense.

But notice that Mr. Blewitt's article never simply says 'always use
getClass over instanceof'. He explicitly states a specific situation
in which using instanceof is not appropriate. So next time someone
cites Mr. Blewitt's article to prove your use of instanceof is bad
without even seeing your code, you can be fairly certain they've
probably never actually read the article. They are simply deep in the
'instanceof is always, always bad' myth.

Yoe see, getClass will always return the runtime class of an object and
is useless if what you want to determine is whether an object falls
within a specific inheritance hierarchy. In the example below, we want
to determine if an object's class implements a specific interface.
Here getClass does not help us.

class A implements IShared

A a = new A();

a instanceof A; // true
a instanceof IShared; // true

a.getClass() == A.class // true
a.getClass() == IShared.class // false

Now, of course, this is a contrived example with no context, but the
need to check whether an object can be polymorphically treated as a
specific type--wherever that type may exist in its inheritance
hierarchy--can often be useful in practice (see the references section
for some specific examples of this, such as those uses found in the
Ecplipse framework).

Avoiding instanceof
Another thing you may find on the net are people who will try their
darndest to provide you with an example of how you can get around using
instanceof. They will explain that you need their complex, difficult
to maintain, cyclic-dependency-creating solutions because your design
is bad (you used instanceof right?... so it *must* be bad), and that
your solution will certainly be a nightmare to maintain in the future.
Let's take a brief look at some of the common 'solutions'.

Use method overloading instead
Some may say that you simply need to overload a number of methods with
different class parameters. Why use instanceof to determine if an
object's class implements a specific interface? Let the overloading
functionality of the language do this for you!

The problem is that

interface Animal
public void move();

class Fish implements Animal
public void move()

public void eatAlgae(){}

class Mouse implements Animal
public void move()

public void makeHoleInWall(){}

So now we can create methods such as

class Test

public void scare(Mouse m)

public void scare(Fish fish)

public Test()
Animal fish = new Fish();

scare(fish); // does not compile


So what happened? Why doesn't this even compile? Because the fish
object's compile-time type is Animal, *not Fish*. Of course, we could
get around this by creating a new scare(Animal a) method, but then
we're right back where we started.

Visitor (and Proxy Visitor)
Another option that is often brought up is the use of the Visitor
pattern. The problem with this is that it creates a huge maintenance
issue. Visitor requires updating all of the 'visitable' classes every
time we add new visitable class into the pattern.

Why not use adapter classes then? The problem is that in Java, its not
always simple for 'visitable' classes to extend a 'VistableAdapter' (to
avoid implementing an accept method for every possible visitable class)
due Java's single inheritance (e.g.: if your class is already extending
a class, you're out of luck unless you want to get into some messy
code). This turns the Visitor pattern into a maintenance nightmare.

Now I have obviously skimmed over this one very quickly, but this is
because Robert C. Martin has already ready written on this better than
I could. Check out his web page on the subject [MARTIN1], as well (if
you have ACM Portal access) his published paper on it [MARTIN2].

Other people using instanceof
I encourage people to check out some of the other sources I've listed
here. Maybe if people found out that the Eclipse framework uses
instanceof [OTAKU], or if after they read an article by Bill Venners
with a section explicitly titles 'When to use instanceof' [VENNERS],
they will see that one should always beware of grand sweeping
generalizations in any situation. So go ahead and use instanceof when
it's appropriate, avoid it when it's not appropriate, and don't believe
the hype!


Michael N. Christoff

Object equality--Writing equals and hashCode methods for data objects

Visitor vs instanceof

Acyclic visitor

See section "When to use instanceof" at the following link:

See section "Extensibility the interface way"

Oliver Wong

I think what's very often forgotten is that a bad practice can never be
reduced to something as simplistic as 'never ever use keyword X'. All
bad practices have there 'scope of ill-use'--which may be very big--but
are almost never (if ever) absolute.

Never use keyword "goto" (unless your goal is to make your Java code not

Alex Blewitt's Javaworld article
It has been said that, in most cases, instanceof should not be used to
test for object equality (see [BLEWITT1]) as it can break the symmetric
property of the equals method's equivalence relation. In this case,
using the getClass method of Object is the appropriate choice. This
makes a lot of sense.

But notice that Mr. Blewitt's article never simply says 'always use
getClass over instanceof'. He explicitly states a specific situation
in which using instanceof is not appropriate. So next time someone
cites Mr. Blewitt's article to prove your use of instanceof is bad
without even seeing your code, you can be fairly certain they've
probably never actually read the article. They are simply deep in the
'instanceof is always, always bad' myth.

Actually, I think it's a good idea to use instanceof in the equals() method.
Here's how I usually implement it (written off the top of my head, might
contain some syntax errors, but hopefully the semantics is clear):

class Foo {
private int myField;

@Overrides public boolean equals(Object other) {
if (other == this) {
return true;
if (other instanceof Foo) {
return this.equals((Foo)other);
return false;

public boolean equals(Foo other) {
if (other == this) {
return true;
if (!this.getClass().equals(other.getClass())) {
/*this is explained below*/
return other.equals(this);
if (this.myField != other.myField) {
return false;
return true;

The .getClass() conditional is basically checking whether other's exact
class is Foo, or if it is a strict-subclass of Foo. In the case that it is
exactly a Foo, then we have all the information we need to determine
equality, and so the method proceeds as normal.

In the case that "other" is a subclass of Foo, then I invoke that subclasses
equals() method, because the subclass would knows more about Foo than Foo
knows about the subclass.

Note that with this pattern, all subclasses of Foo *MUST* override the
equals(Foo) method, or else you'll end up with an infinite recursion.

Use method overloading instead
Some may say that you simply need to overload a number of methods with
different class parameters. Why use instanceof to determine if an
object's class implements a specific interface? Let the overloading
functionality of the language do this for you!

The problem is that

interface Animal
public void move();

class Fish implements Animal
public void move()

public void eatAlgae(){}

class Mouse implements Animal
public void move()

public void makeHoleInWall(){}

So now we can create methods such as

class Test

public void scare(Mouse m)

public void scare(Fish fish)

public Test()
Animal fish = new Fish();

scare(fish); // does not compile


So what happened? Why doesn't this even compile? Because the fish
object's compile-time type is Animal, *not Fish*. Of course, we could
get around this by creating a new scare(Animal a) method, but then
we're right back where we started.

I'm not sure that this example is an argument for/against using
instanceof. At best, it's an argument against Java's choice of resolving
method calls based on the declared type of a reference, rather than the
runtime type. A cleaner design that doesn't involve instanceof or its lack
thereof might be:

public interface Animal {
public void actScared();

public class Test {
public Test() {
Animal fish = new Fish();
Visitor (and Proxy Visitor)
Another option that is often brought up is the use of the Visitor
pattern. The problem with this is that it creates a huge maintenance
issue. Visitor requires updating all of the 'visitable' classes every
time we add new visitable class into the pattern.

Why not use adapter classes then? The problem is that in Java, its not
always simple for 'visitable' classes to extend a 'VistableAdapter' (to
avoid implementing an accept method for every possible visitable class)
due Java's single inheritance (e.g.: if your class is already extending
a class, you're out of luck unless you want to get into some messy
code). This turns the Visitor pattern into a maintenance nightmare.

Now I have obviously skimmed over this one very quickly, but this is
because Robert C. Martin has already ready written on this better than
I could. Check out his web page on the subject [MARTIN1], as well (if
you have ACM Portal access) his published paper on it [MARTIN2].

I only read [MARTIN1], and it seems the main argument is to "avoid
recompiling", which IMHO isn't a significant gain.

- Oliver

Daniel Dyer

Yoe see, getClass will always return the runtime class of an object and
is useless if what you want to determine is whether an object falls
within a specific inheritance hierarchy. In the example below, we want
to determine if an object's class implements a specific interface.
Here getClass does not help us.

This isn't an argument for or against instanceof, but you can achieve what
you describe by using the Class object returned by getClass:


Chris Smith

I just decided to write a message regarding the myth that the use of
the instanceof keyword is categorically bad. Not all java programmers
have fallen prey to the myth, but after years on the newsgroups it has
almost gotten to the point where if it was discovered that you used
instanceof anywhere in your app, it *must* be because you have a poorly
designed system.

On these newsgroups? I've followed these newsgroups for many years
(since about 1998) and haven't gotten that impression. Nevertheless, if
the impression has been given, then it is incorrect.

What has often been said is that avoiding runtime type dependencies in
general is a good idea whenever possible. Typically, though, this
advice is applied to reflection instead of use of the instanceof
keyword. I can also see that there are a lot of places where someone
unfamiliar with OO programming may wish to use instanceof, but which
should be replaced with polymorphism. Again, though, I see no
justification for an absolute rule forbidding instanceof. Indeed,
inheritance is often poorly applied to situations where it breaks proper
separation of concerns.
It has been said that, in most cases, instanceof should not be used to
test for object equality (see [BLEWITT1]) as it can break the symmetric
property of the equals method's equivalence relation. In this case,
using the getClass method of Object is the appropriate choice. This
makes a lot of sense.

I am completely with you on this one. I have noticed a tendency (not so
much on this newsgroup, but in other places, at least, such as
introductory textbooks of fly-by-night tutorial web sites that are
sometimes posted here) to do the following:

1. Assume that the programmer intends to write a certain kind of very
mechanical implementation of the equals or hashCode methods.

2. Draw conclusions about how to uphold their contracts, on the basis of
these mechanical implementations.

3. Forget that less mechanical implementations are possible.

This tendency is exaggerated by the section (which is a good one, by the
way) in Josh Bloch's Effective Java that gives a mechanical way to
handle hashCode (but that *also* notes that it only applies to
information that is relevant to object identity... a qualification that
is often lost in translation), and by the kinds of silly introductory
examples to overriding hashCode and equals that are frequently in intro
textbooks or tutorials.

An excellent example of where this does NOT apply is java.util.List.
The contract for java.util.List.equals contains a requirement that any
List should compare equal to any other List with the same contents. I
think this is a very poor requirement, but it is nevertheless a
requirement. Beginning an implementation of MyList.equals by comparing
this.getClass() to other.getClass() is a sure-fire guarantee of breaking
the contract.

What is true, though, is that in the absence of some specification for
how to declare dissimilar classes, the task shoulod be considered
impossible... i.e., they should always be considered unequal. That
specification logically ought to occur in the documentation of some
supertype. Hence, it may be valid to say that instanceof should never
be used to check equals UNLESS there is some specification in some
supertype that defines equality for some containing inheritance sub-
Another thing you may find on the net are people who will try their
darndest to provide you with an example of how you can get around using
instanceof. They will explain that you need their complex, difficult
to maintain, cyclic-dependency-creating solutions because your design
is bad (you used instanceof right?... so it *must* be bad), and that
your solution will certainly be a nightmare to maintain in the future.

Hopefully, you don't mean to include here situations in which someone
provides not only general advice on how to avoid using instanceof, but
also specific negative consequences of the use of instanceof, and how
their proposed solutions avoids those drawbacks. For example, one
common problem with instanceof is that it introduces a single point that
must be extended in order to completely integrate a new subtype into the
system. If the solution can avoid this by moving certain type-specific
code into the subclass itself, this is nearly always a good thing.
Therefore, there is reason to be cautious with this keyword when working
in a situation where the list of possible subtypes is not theoretically
limited, such as when working with a hierarchy of objects representing
different accounting policies for various legal jurisdictions.
Use method overloading instead
Visitor (and Proxy Visitor)

You missed the obvious one. If possible, take the type-specific
behavior, and move it into a polymorphic method of the class. Doing so
can require some creativity in design... but that's because you're
really doing design rather than following someone's furmulaic answer.
Design is a creative process. It involves finding and using the
abstractions that are inherent to the system.

My suspicion is that when most advice is given to avoid instanceof, this
is what is meant. Don't use instanceof, but rather identify and
describe the inherent abstractions that allow you to write something
that applies to all relevant types. If the advice is taken to mean
something else, such as that a specific trick should be employed to
remove the keyword in an automatable way, then someone has profoundly
missed the point.
Other people using instanceof

Note that most of the really good examples of using instanceof come from
writing code that is inherently somewhat dynamic systems. The only
exception I can think of comes from so-called "marker" interfaces, which
are problematic from a design standpoint anyway; or from backward-
compatibility limitations that prevent making appropriate changes to a
common supertype.

Daniel Dyer

"Foo.class.isAssignableFrom(object.getClass())" is just a very
roundabout and awkward version of "object instanceof Foo" is it not? ;)

Yes, but the point is that the OP claimed it was not possible. instanceof
would be preferable in most situations, but isAssignable from can be
useful in a situation where you don't know at compile-time exactly which
class that you are using.


Chris Uppal

Chris said:
An excellent example of where this does NOT apply is java.util.List.
The contract for java.util.List.equals contains a requirement that any
List should compare equal to any other List with the same contents. I
think this is a very poor requirement, but it is nevertheless a

I hadn't realised that. Live and learn...

My suspicion is that when most advice is given to avoid instanceof, this
is what is meant. Don't use instanceof, but rather identify and
describe the inherent abstractions that allow you to write something
that applies to all relevant types. If the advice is taken to mean
something else, such as that a specific trick should be employed to
remove the keyword in an automatable way, then someone has profoundly
missed the point.

+1 (and in spades).

Note that most of the really good examples of using instanceof come from
writing code that is inherently somewhat dynamic systems. The only
exception I can think of comes from so-called "marker" interfaces, which
are problematic from a design standpoint anyway; or from backward-
compatibility limitations that prevent making appropriate changes to a
common supertype.

And +1 again.

-- chris


Chris said:
I like the idea that a List<java.awt.Point> can be equal to a List<byte[]> ;-)

I think it's more that a LinkedList<Foo> may be equal to an
+1 (and in spades).

And +1 again.

What's this -- an obscure way of saying "I agree" or "Seconded"? You do
realize it is possible to take conciseness *too* far? :)

Chris Smith

Twisted said:
What's this -- an obscure way of saying "I agree" or "Seconded"? You do
realize it is possible to take conciseness *too* far? :)

It is a means of expressing agreement.

I believe it originated (at least I first saw it) in open-source
software project practices. In that setting, it's an official voting
mechanism: someone makes a suggestion about a course of action on the
project mailing list, and any active developers (often, committers) for
the project may post +1 or -1 or 0, and the votes are all tallied at the
end to see whether the vote passed or failed.

I doubt it is used merely for conciseness; it's a sort of cultural
heritage thing, as well.

Timo Stamm

Chris said:
It is a means of expressing agreement.

I believe it originated (at least I first saw it) in open-source
software project practices. In that setting, it's an official voting
mechanism: someone makes a suggestion about a course of action on the
project mailing list, and any active developers (often, committers) for
the project may post +1 or -1 or 0, and the votes are all tallied at the
end to see whether the vote passed or failed.

I doubt it is used merely for conciseness;

If you call for votes on a topic and receive hundreds of replies, the
conciseness of +1/-1 is very useful. It is much easier to count
occurrences of "+1" instead of having to consider dozens of variants of
the expression of agreement. It also helps to keep a voting thread from
trailing off.



Timo said:
If you call for votes on a topic and receive hundreds of replies, the
conciseness of +1/-1 is very useful. It is much easier to count
occurrences of "+1" instead of having to consider dozens of variants of
the expression of agreement. It also helps to keep a voting thread from
trailing off.

Wouldn't putting a poll feature in a forum where this is done be better

And that's leaving aside the horrible revelation. I thought software
design by committee (much MS stuff comes to mind) was bad enough.
There's also software design by democracy? Oh no!

Timo Stamm

Twisted said:
Wouldn't putting a poll feature in a forum where this is done be better

Does your news reader have a poll feature? Or your email client? Keep it

And that's leaving aside the horrible revelation. I thought software
design by committee (much MS stuff comes to mind) was bad enough.
There's also software design by democracy? Oh no!

"I've never heard of it before but it is bad"

Chris Smith

Twisted said:
And that's leaving aside the horrible revelation. I thought software
design by committee (much MS stuff comes to mind) was bad enough.
There's also software design by democracy? Oh no!

Perhaps, but I think things are much better than this worst case, in

The problem with "design by committee" (in the way that the term is
normally used, which actually doesn't much apply to Microsoft as I
understand it from friends who've worked there) is that you bring in a
bunch of people with vested interests in certain design decisions and
begin a huge compromise process. For example, (not I'm using random
names and features here; please don't assume anything about real
products based on the section below!) Oracle wants this kludgy syntax
used by the SQL standard because they have already implemented it, while
DB2 wants the Entry-level compliance requirements weakened to the point
that their product is considered compliant, and meanwhile, Sybase
doesn't want to break their customers existing code by having to
implement a standard that contradicts their existing product.
Generally, everyone gets their way, and the result is a mess.

What happens on open-source project mailing lists is different.
Everyone is primarily interested in writing good code, since there
really are no monetary or marketing interests involved. The developers
working on the project generally self-select for agreeing with the
general design principles in the first place. Developers who have a
conflict of interest may simply avoid voting on some feature. Most
design work is done by single individuals who can follow through with
their ideas, and feedback from the mailing list is used as an aid.
Actually, the majority of formal votes that I see like this are
regarding whether someone should be given write access to the source
code repository; but if a design-related vote is taken, it's because a
developer specifically wants feedback from other smart, unbiased people
in the project when evaluating design alternatives.

Seems like a reasonable system to me.

Oliver Wong

Twisted said:
Chris said:
I like the idea that a List<java.awt.Point> can be equal to a
List<byte[]> ;-)

I think it's more that a LinkedList<Foo> may be equal to an
ArrayList<Foo>. I expect sets are even more flexible, comparing equal
no matter what order the objects are in too. :)

Consider the definition of equality for lists:

Both lists have the same size, and all corresponding pairs of elements in
the two lists are equal. (Two elements e1 and e2 are equal if (e1==null ?
e2==null : e1.equals(e2)).) In other words, two lists are defined to be
equal if they contain the same elements in the same order.

So a List<Point> and List<byte[]> will be equal if they only contain
nulls, or if they are both empty.

- Oliver


Chris said:
The problem with "design by committee" (in the way that the term is
normally used, which actually doesn't much apply to Microsoft as I
understand it from friends who've worked there) is that you bring in a
bunch of people with vested interests in certain design decisions and
begin a huge compromise process.

For example, you want to write a next-gen OS, and invite all the big
businesses to a table to suggest features. Users want to be able to do
anything they want. The entertainment industry wants to have root-level
control over what can be viewed, copied, etc. when, even over a
system's administrator's wishes. The OS vendor itself wants to
gratuitously make migrating to any other OS difficult, so proposes
obfuscated APIs that don't function precisely as publicly documented,
though internal documentation of their real contracts prevets this
being a problem for their in-house application developers. Third-party
application developers want clearly-specified, well-behaved APIs.
Government agencies and law enforcement want snoopable backdoors and
key escrow anywhere encryption is used. Users and encryption vendors

The result of course is a huge mess, which will be glossed over by
giving it a pretty-sounding name, such as some nice harmless herbivore
like maybe a longhorn, or something suggesting a huge panorama of
wonderful options, such as might be termed a "vista" ...

Hrm. I thought you said Microsoft didn't do design by committee? ;)
What happens on open-source project mailing lists is different.
Everyone is primarily interested in writing good code, since there
really are no monetary or marketing interests involved.


Unfortunately, open source projects do sometimes have vested interests,
though they are different vested interests. Most p2p apps try to
enforce some kind of social engineering. Some make it hard to grab
large numbers of search results at once, even though the sooner you
have the files the sooner they're being shared *cough*Shareaza*cough*.
Others nag you about licenses and copyright*cough*Limewire*cough*. A
lot deliberately obfuscate the documentation (if there is any) and user
interface to push an agenda of requiring users become technical and
learn lots of stuff they shouldn't need to about the internals, and
when they call with questions are told to read the source, and with bug
reports to submit a patch -- here there's a clear and unsubtle push to
make all the users become more developers and/or to not support anyone
but developers. When it's a compiler this is questionable, since a
developer of RPGs, say, may not have time to devote to learning how to
write and fix a compiler as well as an RPG. When it's image
manipulation software it's inexcusable since that's a genre everyday
nontechie Joes should be able to use. (Not naming any compilers here --
gcc user support and documentation in particular doesn't seem to be at
all bad -- but I will name a photo manipulation package ... GIMP ...)
The developers working on the project generally self-select for agreeing with the
general design principles in the first place.

True, and different philosophies can always fork. Games also get forked
simply to create new, similar games that aren't direct competitors with
the original because they aren't really substitutable, the way two
variations of say a paint program would be. A paint program is a paint
program is a paint program, but two different games are, well,

Developers will likely agree internally then, though they may disagree
with what users want to do with a product...
Seems like a reasonable system to me.

So did the electoral college to somebody. Now we're stuck with an
unwanted war president with world-record-low approval ratings, unjust
oil wars ongoing, and so on, all motivating the next big terrorist
attack, whenever that ends up happening.

Oliver Wong

Twisted said:
For example, you want to write a next-gen OS, and invite all the big
businesses to a table to suggest features. Users want to be able to do
anything they want. The entertainment industry wants to have root-level
control over what can be viewed, copied, etc. when, even over a
system's administrator's wishes. The OS vendor itself wants to
gratuitously make migrating to any other OS difficult, so proposes
obfuscated APIs that don't function precisely as publicly documented,
though internal documentation of their real contracts prevets this
being a problem for their in-house application developers. Third-party
application developers want clearly-specified, well-behaved APIs.
Government agencies and law enforcement want snoopable backdoors and
key escrow anywhere encryption is used. Users and encryption vendors

The result of course is a huge mess, which will be glossed over by
giving it a pretty-sounding name, such as some nice harmless herbivore
like maybe a longhorn, or something suggesting a huge panorama of
wonderful options, such as might be termed a "vista" ...

Hrm. I thought you said Microsoft didn't do design by committee? ;)

I don't think the government, third party application developers and the
entertainment industry actually ever really participated in the design of
Vista. They may have requested certain features, but Microsoft was free to
ignore those requests.

Otherwise, it's like saying "the lever"/"the inclined plane"/"some other
elegant machine" was designed by committee, because I requested for a
feature to be present in that machine, and thus I participated in its

"Vista is a mess, therefore it must have been designed by committee" is,
of course, fallacious reasoning.

- Oliver


Oliver said:
I don't think the government, third party application developers and the
entertainment industry actually ever really participated in the design of
Vista. They may have requested certain features, but Microsoft was free to
ignore those requests.

Then why didn't they? It's not those organizations that will be buying
copies of Vista -- well, they probably will, but most sales will go to
other organizations and individuals.

That MS didn't ignore those requests implies that they basically did
have some special grant to give input into the design process. And that
makes it design by committee.

Oliver Wong

Twisted said:
Then why didn't they? It's not those organizations that will be buying
copies of Vista -- well, they probably will, but most sales will go to
other organizations and individuals.

That MS didn't ignore those requests implies that they basically did
have some special grant to give input into the design process. And that
makes it design by committee.

Specifically, which request(s) are you referring to?

- Oliver

Oliver Wong

Twisted said:
The ones to put TC features in Winblows so Big Entertainment can
control your use of lawfully purchased DVDs, in contravention of first
sale doctrine? And others like those? MS didn't include such evilness
out of the goodness of its heart. :p

I suspect Microsoft put Trusted Computing into Vista willingly, and not
as a "compromise" to bow down to "Big Entertainment". Why would Microsoft
want to NOT put TC in? The only reason I can think of is to gain the favour
of the the anti-TC advocates, which is probably not Microsofts target
demographic anyway.

The fact that this was not a compromise on Microsoft's part means that
this was probably not the result of design by committee.

- Oliver


Oliver said:
I suspect Microsoft put Trusted Computing into Vista willingly

It probably opens them wide to all kinds of lawsuits, liability, and
antitrust actions. Root level power over most of the PCs in the world,
with the kill switch located in Redmond? Too much concentrated power to
be tolerated for long by any country. Build that fucker and threaten to
actually use it, and it might not just be lawsuits and DoJ
investigations -- how about armed fucking invasion? (And this when
they've deliberately used recent security updates to XP to "piggyback"
unremovably spyware that can and sometimes does deactivate XP. There's
only been a trickle of cases so far, but when Vista ships, they'll quit
testing it and nuke all remaining functioning copies of XP to force
everyone to upgrade. And then ... one ring to bind them all, my friend.
That's going to be a direct threat to the sovereignty of any nation
that hasn't migrated mission-critical stuff to open source, and the
usual response to such a threat is military force. Of course, it would
mean invading the nuclear-armed USA. Do you really think Bill was ready
to start World War III without some convincing? As for the lawsuits, I
don't think their EULA will let them weasel out of responsibility for
problems caused by TC in Vista. Having been found to wield monopoly
power by the courts, anything with such obvious anticompetitive uses
will be under a lot of scrutiny, and one-sided contracts of adhesion
people are leveraged into by a monopoly misusing copyright law* are
just begging to be found null and void.)

*Using copyright to control conditions of sale and distribution so as
to ram a contract down someone's throat that then grants the vendor
much greater powers and privileges than they would have under just
copyright law, such as blocking fair uses like backing up, reverse
engineering, or doing what you like (short of distributing copies or
"publicly performing" the thing) after purchase, clearly falls under
the doctrine of copyright abuse. Of course, that doctrine is looking
kind of quaint, much like the Sherman Act. And first sale and fair use
seem to be heading that way next. :p In any event, the Copyright Act
was never intended to permit the copyright holder to manufacture all
kinds of new exclusive rights out of whole cloth or forbid fair use;
software EULAs are a legal travesty more generally. Save the GPL and
its ilk, of course, which are genuine license agreements that *permit*
you to do some of the things copyright by default *reserves*, such as
distribute copies, under certain conditions (such as that you include
or at least provide a pointer to the source); as opposed to *further
restricting* you.

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