Interfaces and polymorphism producing a compiler warning


Disclaimer: I am a university student in a not-directly programming
related field, although I want to go into programming, so I have not
yet taken any real formal programming courses or training. If my
question seems simple or odd please forgive me! :)

I have been trying to expand my C++ knowledge by wrapping a C++/CLI
(Microsoft extension) class so that it can be used in unmanaged C++.
To my understanding, the only way to accomplish this is to create a
library containing an unmanaged interface to mixed wrapper classes
(i.e. classes containing gcroot<T^> items from vcclr.h). I have been
able to do this without problems; however, while attempting to make
the interface and wrapper classes polymorphic I am receiving compiler
warning that bug me.

Below is a minimal trivial example that illustrates the problem and
contains no C++/CLI (as that would be off-topic in this newsgroup).
The code has been compiled and run in Visual Studio 2008 Express
V9.0.30729.1 under Windows XP. The only warning is “warning C4250:
'Derived' : inherits 'Base::Base::GetShort' via dominance”, which can
be solved by including the GetShort() definition that is currently
commented out in the Derived class -- although this does not change
the behaviour of the code. I am hoping that there is a better way to
accomplish this so that I do not have to explicitly forward calls from
the derived functions to the base functions (as with non-trivial code
this would be very repetitive and prone to error). Any additional
nitpicks on my code would also be appreciated!

Thanks in advance,

class IBase
virtual ~IBase() { }
virtual short GetShort() const = 0;

class IDerived : public virtual IBase
virtual int GetInt() const = 0;

class Base : public virtual IBase
Base(short s) : m_s(s) { }
virtual short GetShort() const
return m_s;
short m_s;

class Derived : public virtual IDerived, private virtual Base
Derived(int i, short s) : Base(s), m_i(i) { }
virtual int GetInt() const
return m_i;
//virtual short GetShort() const
// return Base::GetShort();
// warning C4250: 'Derived' : inherits 'Base::Base::GetShort' via
int m_i;

IDerived* CreateDerived(int i, short s)
return new Derived(i, s);

#include <iostream>
using std::eek:stream;
using std::cout;
using std::endl;

ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, IBase const * const pBase)
return os << pBase->GetShort() << endl;

ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, IDerived const * const pDerived)
IBase const * const pBase = pDerived;
return os << pDerived->GetInt() << endl << pBase;

int main(int argc, char** argv)
IDerived* pDerived = CreateDerived(5, 2);
IBase* pBase = pDerived;

cout << pDerived << endl;
cout << pBase << endl;

delete pDerived; // or delete pBase



On 14 Apr, 03:33, (e-mail address removed) wrote:

Below is a minimal trivial example that illustrates the problem and
contains no C++/CLI (as that would be off-topic in this newsgroup).

Any additional
nitpicks on my code would also be appreciated!

class Base : public virtual IBase
Base(short s) : m_s(s) { }
virtual short GetShort() const
return m_s;
short m_s;


Consider making this single-argument constructor explicit, unless
there is a good reason not to. Allowing implicit conversion from short
to Base may have surprising results.

Any reason in particular m_s is protected and not private?

ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, IBase const * const pBase)
The latter const serves no useful purpose here.
ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, IDerived const * const pDerived)
IBase const * const pBase = pDerived;
return os << pDerived->GetInt() << endl << pBase;

Same with the const here. Could also be written as:
return os << pDerived ->GetInt() << endl
<< static_cast<const IBase*>(pDerived);

essentially replacing the automatic object with a temporary (for
better or worse).
int main(int argc, char** argv)
{ ....

You are missing a declaration for the system function. #include
<cstdlib> or <stdlib.h>

The statement in the warning is true. I have no idea why some compiler
writer thought you needed to be told what you'd done. Dominance is
intended for exactly this kind of situation.

Thanks for the clarification,

class Base : public virtual IBase
Base(short s) : m_s(s) { }
virtual short GetShort() const
return m_s;
short m_s;

Consider making this single-argument constructor explicit, unless
there is a good reason not to. Allowing implicit conversion from short
to Base may have surprising results.

Any reason in particular m_s is protected and not private?

For this trivial example m_s could be private instead of protected; I
was just mimicking my actual code where protected members are used.
Basically, my code is for communication that allows either local or
remote (using Windows Communication Foundation) connections to a
socket or a serial port. As I prefer writing things such as "if
( m_Connected )" to "if ( IsConnected() )" in derived classes, I went
with protected members as I believe that is what they are meant for.
Also, this code is meant to be added as a static library to other
projects with a header containing only the interface classes (to allow
the C++/CLI code to be used in unmanaged C++). This means that only I
have access to the concrete classes and I can't think of any drawbacks
to using protected members in this case.
The latter const serves no useful purpose here.

Same with the const here. Could also be written as:
return os << pDerived ->GetInt() << endl
<< static_cast<const IBase*>(pDerived);

essentially replacing the automatic object with a temporary (for
better or worse).

Arguably the former const serves no purpose in this trivial example as
there are no non-const member functions that could be called. Even if
there were non-const member functions, I would say that both const
still serve no real purpose as I wouldn't /knowingly/ try to call any
non-const member functions. However, in the event that I /accidently/
do something that I don't want, the compiler will let me know so that
I can fix it. Additionally, to my knowledge the const qualifier
doesn't affect the run-time of the program, so I don't really see a
reason to not include it. It would help prevent horrible mistakes
such as:

ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, IDerived const * pDerived)
pDerived = CreateDerived(pDerived->GetInt(), pDerived->GetShort
return os << pDerived->GetInt() << endl << static_cast<IBase
const * const>(pDerived);
} // same functionality but now there's a leak!

Is there a reason you are suggesting to remove the second const that I
am unaware of?
You are missing a declaration for the system function. #include
<cstdlib> or <stdlib.h>

Ah, I didn't even know that -- silly VS compiler automatically does it
for me!


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