iterating with a substitution



I'm feeling stupid. How can I combine the substitution and matching in
the example below?

use strict;
use warnings;

while (<DATA>) {
while (/<(\d+)>/g) { #1
print "$1 removed\n";
s/<\d>//g; #2

aaa aaa aaa aaa aaa aaa
bbb b <12> bb bbbb bbbb
cccc ccc cc cc cc ccccc
dd dd <22> dd <99> dd d
eee eee eee eee eee eee

12 removed
22 removed
99 removed

What #1 would eliminate the need for #2?

Ron Bergin

I'm feeling stupid. How can I combine the substitution and matching in
the example below?

use strict;
use warnings;

while (<DATA>) {
   while (/<(\d+)>/g) {     #1
     print "$1 removed\n";
   s/<\d>//g;               #2


aaa aaa aaa aaa aaa aaa
bbb b <12> bb bbbb bbbb
cccc ccc cc cc cc ccccc
dd dd <22> dd <99> dd d
eee eee eee eee eee eee

12 removed
22 removed
99 removed

What #1 would eliminate the need for #2?

while (<DATA>) {
print "$1 removed\n" while s/<(\d+)>//;


I'm feeling stupid. How can I combine the substitution and matching in
the example below?

use strict;
use warnings;

while (<DATA>) {
while (/<(\d+)>/g) { #1
print "$1 removed\n";
s/<\d>//g; #2

aaa aaa aaa aaa aaa aaa
bbb b <12> bb bbbb bbbb
cccc ccc cc cc cc ccccc
dd dd <22> dd <99> dd d
eee eee eee eee eee eee

12 removed
22 removed
99 removed

What #1 would eliminate the need for #2?

use strict;
use warnings;

local $/ = 4096;
(my $str=<DATA>) =~ s/<(\d+)>(?{ print "$^N removed\n" })//g;
print "\n",$str;

aaa aaa aaa aaa aaa aaa
bbb b <12> bb bbbb bbbb
cccc ccc cc cc cc ccccc
dd dd <22> dd <99> dd d
eee eee eee eee eee eee



Why use an experimental feature when perfect standard idioms are known?


In the regex? Which is the experimental feature and what does that mean
to you? Did it work on your build?

Which of these extended features are experimental, why or why not?

Extended Patterns:
(?<=pattern) \K
(?<NAME>pattern) ) >>
(?{ code })
(??{ code })
(?PARNO) (?-PARNO) (?+PARNO) (?R) (?0)


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