JNI: instace object C++ from Java



I'm a newby about JNI.
I have an application write in C++ and I have to migrate it to Java.
I have seen that JNI permit to call c++ methods that return only
primitive type as string or int.
My question is simple: if I have a C++ class that we call "ClassA", can
I instance an object "ClassA" in Java that run the constructor and
where can I call the methods of "ClassA" as I was in C++?

I want something like this in Java:

jClassA a;
jClassB b
b = h.methodClassA(int d);

Can I do that?

Thank you!

Gordon Beaton

I have an application write in C++ and I have to migrate it to Java.
I have seen that JNI permit to call c++ methods that return only
primitive type as string or int.

Not just primitives: you can pass *any* Java types (primitives or
Objects) between Java and native code. Please note that String is not
a primitive.

My question is simple: if I have a C++ class that we call "ClassA",
can I instance an object "ClassA" in Java that run the constructor
and where can I call the methods of "ClassA" as I was in C++?

No. JNI doesn't let you invoke arbitrary methods written in C or C++,
or create C++ objects.

JNI is a mechanism that lets you implement some (or all) of a Java
class's methods in C or C++. Furthermore those methods must have been
written with the intent of being called through JNI, i.e. they must
use signatures and data types as defined by JNI, and follow a specific
calling convention.

However from those native methods you are free to create C++ objects
and invoke their methods however you like.

JNI also lets your native code invoke any Java methods or
constructors, or access fields in Java objects.


Gordon Beaton

Are you sure that there isn't some trick to use c++ methods?

Did you actually read the thread you referred to?

The example shows that it is possible to call a native method, and
_from_there_ create the C++ object. If you read my earlier answer,
you'll see that this is exactly what I said you must do.

The only "trick" here is that the C++ pointer is passed back to Java
as an int (although I would recommend a long).

You still can't use the object from Java. To do anything meaningful
with it you must first pass it back to a native method, then cast it
to whatever object it once was.


Roedy Green

jClassA a;
jClassB b
b = h.methodClassA(int d);

Normally, Java calls C/C++, but you can do the reverse. Normally you
just pass primitives back and forth. On the C++ side, you can create a
Java object with the JNI API and populate its fields and return it,
most commonly a String.

You can also create C++ objects and use them on the C++ side. They
mean nothing on the Java side so you can't bring them over into Java
without converting them to Java objects first.

see http://mindprod.com/jgloss/jni.html

Roedy Green

No. JNI doesn't let you invoke arbitrary methods written in C or C++,
or create C++ objects.

More precisely, from Java you cannot create arbitrary C or C++
objects, but of course you can create them on the C++ side.

Gordon Beaton

More precisely, from Java you cannot create arbitrary C or C++
objects, but of course you can create them on the C++ side.

Which is exactly what I wrote a couple of sentences later.


Roedy Green

Which is exactly what I wrote a couple of sentences later.

I thought your explanation was going over OP's head. So I decided to
restate it in a more elementary way.


First, thanks to all for response.

I haven't understand how I can manage the object pointer.
Can someone do an explicit example?
We can suppose that we have in java this code:

public class JObject {

private final long objectPtr = 0;
private native void objectCreate();

public static void main(String[] args){
JObject my = new JObject();

In native code what will we write?

Java_objectManager_objectCreate(JNIEnv *env, jobject obj)

CppObject *ptr = 0;
CppObject myCppObject;
ptr = &myCppObject;

?????????????????? :-(


Can someone rewrite correctly the above code with the target to
instance a C++ class (CppObject) and return to Java its pointer?

Thank you!!!!!

Gordon Beaton

Can someone rewrite correctly the above code with the target to
instance a C++ class (CppObject) and return to Java its pointer?

It's trivial if you declare the native method so that it *returns* the

private native long objectCreate();


return (jlong)&myCppObject;



private native long objectCreate();

return (jlong)&myCppObject;

Ok, this cast is simple.
But suppose that I must call a method of my object.
I have to call in java a function that give as member the long variable
private native void objectMethodA(objectPtr);

public class JObject {

private final long objectPtr = 0;
private native long objectCreate();
private native void objectMethodA(long objectPtr);

public static void main(String[] args){
JObject my = new JObject();


Then, how can I call "methodA" (myCppObject.methodA) in native code?

Java_objectManager_objectMethodA(JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jlong ptr)



Java_objectManager_objectCreate(JNIEnv *env, jobject obj)
CppObject *ptr = 0;
CppObject myCppObject;
ptr = &myCppObject;
return (jlong)&ptr;



Java console give me this error: unsatisfiedLinkError:
JAxObjectManager.axObjectManagerConstructor() ect.....

I don't understand where is the error..
can someone help me?
I use:
- jvm--> j9 ibm
- pocket pc 2003
- evc4

I use this link:
"-cp" "\Programmi\J9\MIDP20\examples\Axom2\axom.jar" "JAxObjectManager"


class JAxObjectManager {

// salvo il puntatore all'oggetto allocato nel codice nativo
private static long axObjectManagerPtr = 0;
private native long axObjectManagerConstructor();
private native void jgetRootIndex(long axObjectManagerPtr);

public static void main(String[] args){

JAxObjectManager my = new JAxObjectManager();
axObjectManagerPtr = my.axObjectManagerConstructor();

//System.out.println("Dopo: "+axObjectManagerPtr);



/* DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE - it is machine generated */
#include <jni.h>
/* Header for class JAxObjectManager */

#ifndef _Included_JAxObjectManager
#define _Included_JAxObjectManager
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
* Class: JAxObjectManager
* Method: axObjectManagerConstructor
* Signature: ()J
(JNIEnv *, jobject);

* Class: JAxObjectManager
* Method: jgetRootIndex
* Signature: (J)V
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_JAxObjectManager_jgetRootIndex
(JNIEnv *, jobject, jlong);

#ifdef __cplusplus


#define WIN32
#include <jni.h>
#include "windows.h"

#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <fstream>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <string>
#include <axom/axobjectmanager.h>

ect..... other include...

#include "JAxObjectManager.h"

Java_JAxObjectManager_axObjectManagerConstructor(JNIEnv *env, jobject

AxObjectManager *axObjectManagerPtr = 0;
AxObjectManager myAxom;
axObjectManagerPtr = &myAxom;
return (jlong)axObjectManagerPtr;


Java_JAxObjectManager_jgetRootIndex(JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jlong

AxObjectManager* myAxom;
myAxom = (AxObjectManager*) axObjectManagerPtrLong;
AxCommandExpand *beforeExpand = new
TEST("expand (empty)",



I don't know j9, but AFAICT you failed to load the DLL in your code
(i.e. System.loadLibrary() or equivalent).

i run dll "AxomStudentVCEmbeddedDLL" from link path, there isn't a
System.loadLibrary() in the code, it's not supported:

"-cp" "\Programmi\J9\MIDP20\examples\Axom2\axom.jar" "JAxObjectManager"

Gordon Beaton

Java console give me this error: unsatisfiedLinkError:
JAxObjectManager.axObjectManagerConstructor() ect.....

I don't understand where is the error..

I don't know j9, but AFAICT you failed to load the DLL in your code
(i.e. System.loadLibrary() or equivalent).


Gordon Beaton

i run dll "AxomStudentVCEmbeddedDLL" from link path, there isn't a
System.loadLibrary() in the code, it's not supported:

This article on using JNI with j9 seems to disagree with you:


Other posts I've seen claim that JNI itself isn't supported by early
versions of j9. Perhaps you need a later version that supports JNI and
thus has System.loadLibrary(). Again, I don't know j9 or midp...

Other things to check:

Is there (or has there been) a package declaration in your java
source? If so, there is a chance that the generated native symbol
names are wrong as a result.

Have you confirmed with a binary inspection tool that the native
symbols in the DLL *exactly* match those in the generated header file?

Failing that, post the complete and exact error message, it may
contain some more clues.


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