JTree navigation



Here are some useful tips to navigate the tree. Can anyone tell me the
limitations of getNextMatch.

Thank you

// Create tree
JTree tree = new JTree();

// Search forward from first visible row looking for any visible
// whose name starts with prefix.
int startRow = 0;
String prefix = "b";
TreePath path = tree.getNextMatch(prefix, startRow,

// Search backward from last visible row looking for any visible
// whose name starts with prefix.
startRow = tree.getRowCount()-1;
prefix = "b";
path = tree.getNextMatch(prefix, startRow, Position.Bias.Backward);

// Find the path (regardless of visibility) that matches the
// specified sequence of names
path = findByName(tree, new String[]{"JTree", "food", "bananas"});

// Finds the path in tree as specified by the node array. The node
array is a sequence
// of nodes where nodes[0] is the root and nodes is a child of
// Comparison is done using Object.equals(). Returns null if not
public TreePath find(JTree tree, Object[] nodes) {
TreeNode root = (TreeNode)tree.getModel().getRoot();
return find2(tree, new TreePath(root), nodes, 0, false);

// Finds the path in tree as specified by the array of names. The
names array is a
// sequence of names where names[0] is the root and names is a
child of names[i-1].
// Comparison is done using String.equals(). Returns null if not
public TreePath findByName(JTree tree, String[] names) {
TreeNode root = (TreeNode)tree.getModel().getRoot();
return find2(tree, new TreePath(root), names, 0, true);
private TreePath find2(JTree tree, TreePath parent, Object[] nodes,
int depth, boolean byName) {
TreeNode node = (TreeNode)parent.getLastPathComponent();
Object o = node;

// If by name, convert node to a string
if (byName) {
o = o.toString();

// If equal, go down the branch
if (o.equals(nodes[depth])) {
// If at end, return match
if (depth == nodes.length-1) {
return parent;

// Traverse children
if (node.getChildCount() >= 0) {
for (Enumeration e=node.children();
e.hasMoreElements(); ) {
TreeNode n = (TreeNode)e.nextElement();
TreePath path = parent.pathByAddingChild(n);
TreePath result = find2(tree, path, nodes, depth+1,
// Found a match
if (result != null) {
return result;

// No match at this branch
return null;

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