Malloc returning segmentation fault


Dawn Minnis

Hey guys - this code when called with parameters:

driver.o n n 12 12 12 12 12 12 2.6 3.2

is kicking back a segmentation fault.

I've read the rest of the postings but am still confused. Can someone
take a look and tell me how to fix it - please dont be like the guy I
spoke to today and tell me that I am not allocating the memory
correctly and then walk off. Please, if possible provide me with
solutions or at least suggestions to try out.



/*driver: used to handle arguments*/
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <sys/time.h>

/* define the external functions */
extern void callhelp();
//extern void getparams(int argc, char *argv[], double params[]);
extern void buildMatrix(double *arrayX, int dim1, int dim2);
extern void myMxM(char *transA, char *transB, int *m, int *n, int *k,
double *alpha, double *arrayA, int *lda, \
double *arrayB, int *ldb, double *beta, double *arrayC, int *ldc);

extern void dgemm_(char *transA, char *transB, int *m, int *n, int *k,
double *alpha, double *arrayA, int *lda, \
double *arrayB, int *ldb, double *beta, double *arrayC, int *ldc);

extern void lsame_(char*,char*);
extern void xerbla_(char*,int*);

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
int c, flag, m, n, k, lda, ldb, ldc, d, e, f, arrayDim=0,
int *ptrM, *ptrN, *ptrK, *ptrLda, *ptrLdb, *ptrLdc;
char transA, transB;
double alpha, beta;
double *arrayA, *arrayB, *arrayC, *tempArrayC, *ptrAlpha, *ptrBeta;
char *endptr, *ptrTransA, *ptrTransB;

struct timeval start, stop;

while (--argc > 0 && (*++argv)[0] == '-')
while (c = *++argv[0])
{ flag = 0;
switch (c)
case 'h':
/*printf("\ncall help file");*/
argc = 0;
flag = 1;
printf("find: illegal option %c\n", c);
argc = 0;
flag = 1;
}//end inner while
}//end outer while

//Check for correct number of parameters
if(argc != 10 && flag != 1)
printf("\n*-*-*-*-*- ERROR -*-*-*-*-*\n");
printf("Incorrect number of parameters. Run program again with option
-h for help.\n");
printf("*-*-*-*-*- ERROR -*-*-*-*-*\n\n");
else if(argc == 10 && flag != 1)

transA = *argv[0];
transB = *argv[1];
m = atoi(argv[2]);
n = atoi(argv[3]);
k = atoi(argv[4]);
lda = atoi(argv[5]);
ldb = atoi(argv[6]);
ldc = atoi(argv[7]);
alpha=strtod(argv[8], &endptr);
beta=strtod(argv[9], &endptr);

if((m == 0 || n == 0 || k == 0 || (alpha == 0 && beta == 0)) && flag
!= 1)
{ //values are equal to zero
printf("\n*-*-*-*-*- ERROR -*-*-*-*-*\n");
printf("Result will be zero with the parameters you provided\nRun
program again with option -h for help.\n");
printf("\n*-*-*-*-*- ERROR -*-*-*-*-*\n");
flag = 1;
else if(((lda < m || lda < 1) || (ldb < k || ldb < 1) || (ldc < m ||
ldc < 1)) && flag != 1)
{ //values for lda, ldb, ldc are less than 1 or m, n, k
printf("\n*-*-*-*-*- ERROR -*-*-*-*-*\n");
printf("One of LDA, LDB, LDC of incorrect length. Run program again
with option -h for help.\n");
printf("*-*-*-*-*- ERROR -*-*-*-*-*\n\n");
flag = 1;
else if((transA != 'n' && transA != 'N' && transA != 't' && transA
!= 'T' ) && flag != 1)
//transA not one of n or t
printf("\n*-*-*-*-*- ERROR -*-*-*-*-*\n");
printf("TRANS A not one of: n, N, t, T. Run program again with
option -h for help.\n");
printf("*-*-*-*-*- ERROR -*-*-*-*-*\n\n");
flag = 1;
else if((transB != 'n' && transB != 'N' && transB != 't' && transB
!= 'T') && flag != 1)
//transB nott one of n or t
printf("\n*-*-*-*-*- ERROR -*-*-*-*-*\n");
printf("TRANS B not one of: n, N, t, T. Run program again with
option -h for help.\n");
printf("*-*-*-*-*- ERROR -*-*-*-*-*\n\n");
flag = 1;
else if(flag != 1)//all is well, proceed.

//Check whether matrix A and B are transposed
//then build the array's accordingly
if(transA == 'n' || transA == 'N')
if(transB == 'n' || transB == 'N')
//both A and B are non-trans
//printf("Initial A\n");
arrayDim = lda*k;
fprintf(stderr, "allocating memory to ArrayA\n");
fprintf (stderr, "dimension: %d\n", arrayDim);
arrayA= (double *)malloc(sizeof(double)*arrayDim);
buildMatrix(arrayA, lda, k);

//printf("Initial B\n");
arrayDim = ldb*n;
fprintf(stderr, "allocating memory to ArrayB\n");
fprintf (stderr, "dimension: %d\n", arrayDim);
arrayB= (double *)malloc(sizeof(double)*arrayDim);
buildMatrix(arrayB, ldb, n);

//printf("Initial C\n");
arrayDim = ldc*n;
fprintf(stderr, "allocating memory to ArrayC\n");
fprintf (stderr, "dimension: %d\n", arrayDim);
arrayC= (double *)malloc(sizeof(double)*arrayDim);
buildMatrix(arrayC, ldc, n);

/*printf("after build A contains = %f\n", arrayA[1]);
printf("after build B contains = %f\n", arrayB[1]);
printf("after build C contains = %f\n", arrayC[1]);*/
else if(transB == 't' || transB == 'T')
//A is non-trans, B is trans
//printf("Initial A\n");
arrayDim = lda*k;
arrayA= (double *)malloc(sizeof(double)*arrayDim);
buildMatrix(arrayA, lda, k);

//printf("Initial B\n");
arrayDim = ldb*k;
arrayB= (double *)malloc(sizeof(double)*arrayDim);
buildMatrix(arrayB, ldb, k);

//printf("Initial C\n");
arrayDim = ldc*n;
arrayC= (double *)malloc(sizeof(double)*arrayDim);
buildMatrix(arrayC, ldc, n);
else if(transA == 't' || transA == 'T')
if(transB == 'n' || transB == 'N')
//A is trans, B is non-trans
//printf("Initial A\n");
arrayDim = lda*m;
arrayA= (double *)malloc(sizeof(double)*arrayDim);
buildMatrix(arrayA, lda, m);
//printf("A0 now contains arrayA[%f]", arrayA[0]);

//printf("Initial B\n");
arrayDim = ldb*n;
arrayB= (double *)malloc(sizeof(double)*arrayDim);
buildMatrix(arrayB, ldb, n);

//printf("Initial C\n");
arrayDim = ldc*n;
arrayC= (double *)malloc(sizeof(double)*arrayDim);
buildMatrix(arrayC, ldc, n);
else if(transB == 't' || transB == 'T')
//both A and B are trans
//printf("Initial A\n");
arrayDim = lda*m;
arrayA= (double *)malloc(sizeof(double)*arrayDim);
buildMatrix(arrayA, lda, m);

//printf("Initial B\n");
arrayDim = ldb*k;
arrayB= (double *)malloc(sizeof(double)*arrayDim);
buildMatrix(arrayB, ldb, k);

//printf("Initial C\n");
arrayDim = ldc*n;
arrayC= (double *)malloc(sizeof(double)*arrayDim);
buildMatrix(arrayC, ldc, n);

tempArrayDim = ldc*n;
fprintf(stderr, "allocating memory to TempArrayC\n");
fprintf (stderr, "dimension: %d\n", tempArrayDim);
tempArrayC= (double *)malloc(sizeof(double)*tempArrayDim);

//buildMatrix(tempArrayC, ldc, n);
for(f=0; f<tempArrayDim; f++)
tempArrayC[f] = arrayC[f];

//generate pointers to the values
ptrTransA = &transA;
ptrTransB = &transB;

ptrM = &m;
ptrN = &n;
ptrK = &k;

ptrLda = &lda;
ptrLdb = &ldb;
ptrLdc = &ldc;

ptrAlpha = &alpha;
ptrBeta = &beta;

start.tv_usec=0; stop.tv_usec=0;

myMxM(ptrTransA, ptrTransB, ptrM, ptrN, ptrK, ptrAlpha, arrayA,
ptrLda, arrayB, ptrLdb, ptrBeta, arrayC, ptrLdc);

printf("start =%i..stop =%i..result

printf("myMxM resulting C matrix\n");
for(d=0; d<e; d++)
printf("contents = %.8f\n", arrayC[d]);

for(f=0; f<tempArrayDim; f++)
arrayC[f] = tempArrayC[f];
start.tv_usec=0; stop.tv_usec=0;

dgemm_(ptrTransA, ptrTransB, ptrM, ptrN, ptrK, ptrAlpha, arrayA,
ptrLda, arrayB, ptrLdb, ptrBeta, arrayC, ptrLdc);

printf("start =%i..stop =%i..result

printf("dgemm resulting C matrix\n");
for(d=0; d<e; d++)
printf("contents = %.8f\n", arrayC[d]);


}//close if(argc>1)

return 0;

Michael Mair

Dawn said:
Hey guys - this code when called with parameters:

driver.o n n 12 12 12 12 12 12 2.6 3.2

is kicking back a segmentation fault.

I've read the rest of the postings but am still confused. Can someone
take a look and tell me how to fix it - please dont be like the guy I
spoke to today and tell me that I am not allocating the memory
correctly and then walk off. Please, if possible provide me with
solutions or at least suggestions to try out.


[snip: lengthy code segment]

Sorry, your code does not compile for me, as I do not have
the prototyped functions and <sys/time.h> is no standard header.

Please provide a compiling minimal example. If it is still
too long to post here, consider offering the source for download
and posting a link to it.
This helps the people round here helping you.



Michael said:
Dawn said:
Hey guys - this code when called with parameters:

driver.o n n 12 12 12 12 12 12 2.6 3.2

is kicking back a segmentation fault.

I've read the rest of the postings but am still confused. Can someone
take a look and tell me how to fix it - please dont be like the guy I
spoke to today and tell me that I am not allocating the memory
correctly and then walk off. Please, if possible provide me with
solutions or at least suggestions to try out.


[snip: lengthy code segment]

Sorry, your code does not compile for me, as I do not have
the prototyped functions and <sys/time.h> is no standard header.

Please provide a compiling minimal example. If it is still
too long to post here, consider offering the source for download
and posting a link to it.
This helps the people round here helping you.


Hey Michael

Sorry for the confusion - but I'm a bonefide dimwit. In one of the
functions I was using malloc and multiplying by the dimension "0". Yes
zero, not a genuine dimension that was nicely passed in, no no, zero.

I am living proof you should never try and code or debug when tired.

Thanks again for your time and patience - and such a quick response.


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