Memory Issue



I am having an issue where a struts based application continually
uses more and more ram. I get the available memory on each pass and
manually call gc which has slowed the issue but not fixed it.

public ActionForward view (ActionMapping mapping,
ActionForm form,
HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response) {

Session ses = new SessionManager().getSession();

Rooms rooms = new Rooms(ses);
Posts posts = new Posts(ses);

HttpSession session = request.getSession();

List room_list = rooms.find_all();
request.setAttribute("rooms", room_list);

List post_list = posts.full_set(new
request.setAttribute("posts", post_list);

rooms = null;
posts = null;

/* runtime variable r is declared above */

return mapping.findForward("done");


The memory usage follows this pattern:

Pass 1: (before gc) 231.4797 (after gc) 242.2315
Pass 2: (before gc) 232.2050 (after gc) 241.6035
Pass 3: (before gc) 231.8197 (after gc) 241.2478

JVM is started using (although I have tried many different
combinations of the arguments):

-server -XX:+CMSClassUnloadingEnabled -XX:permSize=128M -
XX:MaxPermSize=128M -Xconcurrentio -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -
XX:NewRatio=30 -XX:+UseParNewGC -XX:NewSize=8m -XX:MaxNewSize=8m -
Xms256m -Xmx256m -XX:MinHeapFreeRatio=70 -XX:MaxHeapFreeRatio=90

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated and if you want to see any of
the other files let me know.

Thanks in advance!



I am having an issue where a struts based application continually
uses more and more ram. I get the available memory on each pass and
manually call gc which has slowed the issue but not fixed it.

public ActionForward view (ActionMapping mapping,
ActionForm form,
HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response) {

Session ses = new SessionManager().getSession();

Rooms rooms = new Rooms(ses);
Posts posts = new Posts(ses);

HttpSession session = request.getSession();

List room_list = rooms.find_all();
request.setAttribute("rooms", room_list);

List post_list = posts.full_set(new
request.setAttribute("posts", post_list);

rooms = null;
posts = null;

/* runtime variable r is declared above */

return mapping.findForward("done");


The memory usage follows this pattern:

Pass 1: (before gc) 231.4797 (after gc) 242.2315
Pass 2: (before gc) 232.2050 (after gc) 241.6035
Pass 3: (before gc) 231.8197 (after gc) 241.2478

JVM is started using (although I have tried many different
combinations of the arguments):

-server -XX:+CMSClassUnloadingEnabled -XX:permSize=128M -
XX:MaxPermSize=128M -Xconcurrentio -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -
XX:NewRatio=30 -XX:+UseParNewGC -XX:NewSize=8m -XX:MaxNewSize=8m -
Xms256m -Xmx256m -XX:MinHeapFreeRatio=70 -XX:MaxHeapFreeRatio=90

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated and if you want to see any of
the other files let me know.

Thanks in advance!


it's hard to say without the list of imports and without the code of the
beans Room and Post.
by the way the before gc value deos not seem to grow...

Daniel Pitts

I am having an issue where a struts based application continually
uses more and more ram. I get the available memory on each pass and
manually call gc which has slowed the issue but not fixed it.
[snip code]
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated and if you want to see any of
the other files let me know.

Thanks in advance!

Unless you are seeing an Out Of Memory exception, don't worry about
available memory. The Garbage Collector doesn't necessarily pick things
up as soon as they're no longer needed.

You might also make sure that you're not holding on to objects in static
maps/collections or long lived maps/collections.


Daniel said:
I am having an issue where a struts based application continually
uses more and more ram. I get the available memory on each pass and
manually call gc which has slowed the issue but not fixed it.
[snip code]
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated and if you want to see any of
the other files let me know.

Thanks in advance!

Unless you are seeing an Out Of Memory exception, don't worry about
available memory. The Garbage Collector doesn't necessarily pick things
up as soon as they're no longer needed.

You might also make sure that you're not holding on to objects in static
maps/collections or long lived maps/collections.

For those who answered on clj.programmer, there is more in response to the multipost, and vice versa.

To the OP: Please do not multi-post. Read the FAQ post from David Alex Lamb,
"{help,programmer} - what they're for (mini-FAQ 2006-03-31)",
and its links for details. The FAQ is posted every five days, so there are no
worries about missing it.

Cross-posted in service of the OP.


it's hard to say without the list of imports and without the code of the
beans Room and Post.
by the way the before gc value deos not seem to grow...- Hide quoted text -

- Show quoted text -

It does shrink over time.
Before my original changes it took about 3 minutes to get to an out of
memory exception.


it's hard to say without the list of imports and without the code of the
beans Room and Post.
by the way the before gc value deos not seem to grow...- Hide quoted text -

- Show quoted text

The imports are the standard ones for a servlet.
I will post the code in the morning for you to review.

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