multimethod (or rather overloading) in Python


anton muhin

Dear pythonistas!

I'd like to emulate overloading in Python (like C++).

Let's consider an example:

class A(object): pass
class B(object): pass

Of course, there are some standard overloading implementations for
Python. For example:

def overload(cls):
def wrapper(f):
gl = f.func_globals

next = gl.get(f.func_name, failedOverload_(f.func_name))
def _(obj, *args, **kwargs):
if isinstance(obj, cls):
return f(obj, *args, **kwargs)
return next(obj, *args, **kwargs)
return _

def foo(_): print 'foo@A'

def foo(_): print 'foo@B'

However, it obviously doesn't work for classes: I cannot overload
instance methods with such a decorator.

The best way I found is closures. Unfortunatley, in this case I need a hack:

gl = f.func_globals

turns into:

gl = sys._getframe(1).f_locals

and with this hack one can make the following trick:

def poorManOverloadedMethods(someInfo):
def _(_): print '%s: poorManOverloadedMethods@A' % someInfo

def _(_): print '%s: poorManOverloadedMethods@B' % someInfo

return _

PMOM = poorManOverloadedMethods('test')


Of course, I can imagine some metaclasses magic that would allow to code:

class MyClass(WithOverloading):
def someMetod(self, _): ...

But it would rather convoluted: the best idea I have so far is to mangle
methods name in the manner most of C++ compilers do.

Is there better way? Can I unify both @overload and @overloadMethod?

with the best regards,

anton muhin

anton muhin wrote:

Of course, I can imagine some metaclasses magic that would allow to code:

class MyClass(WithOverloading):
def someMetod(self, _): ...

But it would rather convoluted: the best idea I have so far is to mangle
methods name in the manner most of C++ compilers do.

Stupid me. Of course, name magling is impossible and unnecessary. Sorry.

Still the question remains.

with the best regards,

Nick Coghlan


anton muhin

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