Need help comparing Array data


Matt Beckley

Trying to write code for rock paper scissors game and read in two values
from people playing. Take those values and determine the outcome. As I
understand an array you are able to compare values with the <=> and I
think this is the big jump I need to making things work. I would have
something like this:

a = [rock,paper,scissors] #Comparison array
b = [userinput1 , userinput2] #User store .a values

if userinput1 < userinput2 #loop for showing who wins
elsif userinput1 > userinput2
else userinput1 == userinput2

So my question is how do I go about comparing my two arrays to determine
a outcome? I think a hash is the way to go, not sure how to make the
jump. please include code. Thanks,

Axel Etzold

-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Datum: Sun, 18 Oct 2009 20:21:02 +0900
Von: Matt Beckley <[email protected]>
An: (e-mail address removed)
Betreff: Need help comparing Array data
Trying to write code for rock paper scissors game and read in two values
from people playing. Take those values and determine the outcome. As I
understand an array you are able to compare values with the <=> and I
think this is the big jump I need to making things work. I would have
something like this:

a = [rock,paper,scissors] #Comparison array
b = [userinput1 , userinput2] #User store .a values

if userinput1 < userinput2 #loop for showing who wins
elsif userinput1 > userinput2
else userinput1 == userinput2

So my question is how do I go about comparing my two arrays to determine
a outcome? I think a hash is the way to go, not sure how to make the
jump. please include code. Thanks,

Dear Matt,

you can use the Array#index method and comparisons of these values:

p a.index("rock")
p a.index("paper")
p a.index("scissors")
p a.index("rock")>a.index("paper")
p a.index("paper")>a.index("rock")
p a.index(user_input1)>a.index(user_input2)

If the user enters something that isn't in your Array a, you'll get an error:

p a.index(user_input1)>a.index(user_input2)

You can catch that using a begin - rescue clause ...

Best regards,


Axel Etzold

I am just confused: what happens in this game if
rock and scissors are compared ?
You might have to check that beforehand if
rock wins against scissors ..

Best regards,


Josh Cheek

[Note: parts of this message were removed to make it a legal post.]

Trying to write code for rock paper scissors game and read in two values
from people playing. Take those values and determine the outcome. As I
understand an array you are able to compare values with the <=> and I
think this is the big jump I need to making things work. I would have
something like this:

a = [rock,paper,scissors] #Comparison array
b = [userinput1 , userinput2] #User store .a values

if userinput1 < userinput2 #loop for showing who wins
elsif userinput1 > userinput2
else userinput1 == userinput2

So my question is how do I go about comparing my two arrays to determine
a outcome? I think a hash is the way to go, not sure how to make the
jump. please include code. Thanks,
How about something like this

class RPS

Hierarchy = {
:rock => { :rock => :tie , :paper => :lose , :scissors => :win } ,
:paper => { :rock => :win , :paper => :tie , :scissors => :lose } ,
:scissors => { :rock => :lose , :paper => :win , :scissors => :tie } ,

Choices = Hierarchy.keys

attr_reader :guess
def initialize( guess )
guess = guess.to_sym
raise "invalid guess" unless Choices.include?(guess)
@guess = guess

def fight ( opponent ) Hierarchy[guess][opponent.guess] end
def beats? ( opponent ) fight(opponent) == :win end
def beat_by? ( opponent ) fight(opponent) == :lose end
def ties? ( opponent ) fight(opponent) == :tie end
def to_s ( ) guess.to_s end


RPS::Choices.each do |userinput1| RPS::Choices.each do |userinput2|

player1,player2 =,

outcome = player1.fight(player2)

puts "player1 chooses #{player1.guess} and #{outcome}s " \
"the fight with player2 who chooses #{player2.guess}"

end end

Matt Beckley

class RPS
Hierarchy = {
:rock => { :rock => :tie , :paper => :lose , :scissors =>
:win } ,
:paper => { :rock => :win , :paper => :tie , :scissors =>
:lose } ,
:scissors => { :rock => :lose , :paper => :win , :scissors =>
:tie } ,

Like what you did with the hashes by making each possible scenario its
own hash/array. I thought I had to do the comparison with operators <=>,
Still working through the rest of it.

Greg Barozzi

Matt said:
Trying to write code for rock paper scissors game and read in two values
from people playing. Take those values and determine the outcome. As I
understand an array you are able to compare values with the <=> and I
think this is the big jump I need to making things work. I would have
something like this:

a = [rock,paper,scissors] #Comparison array
b = [userinput1 , userinput2] #User store .a values

if userinput1 < userinput2 #loop for showing who wins
elsif userinput1 > userinput2
else userinput1 == userinput2

So my question is how do I go about comparing my two arrays to determine
a outcome? I think a hash is the way to go, not sure how to make the
jump. please include code. Thanks,

Here's a way that seems to work ...

# Rock Paper Sciscors

def rock_paper_scissors
rps = %w{ rock paper scissors }

player1 = rand(3)

player2 = rand(3)

# If they picks the same things it is a tie
case player1
# If they choose the same thing it is a tie
when player2 then puts "#{rps[player1]} and #{rps[player2]} is a
# If player1 is one higher than player2, player1 wins
when player2 + 1 then puts "Player one wins #{rps[player1]} beats
# If player one chose rock(0) and player2 chose sciscors(2) player1
when player2 - 2 then puts "Player one wins #{rps[player1]} beats
#player2 wins
puts "Player two wins #{rps[player2]} beats #{rps[player1]}."


20.times {rock_paper_scissors}

Brian Candler

# How about a separate object to represent each choice:
# RPS::Rock
# RPS::paper
# RPS::Scissors
# and RPS::All is an array of all three.

class RPS
attr_accessor :beats
def initialize(name, beats=nil)
@name = name
@beats = beats
def beats?(other)
@beats == other
def to_s

Rock = new("rock")
Paper = new("paper", Rock)
Scissors = new("scissors", Paper) = Scissors
All = [Rock, Paper, Scissors]

player1 = All[rand All.size]
player2 = All[rand All.size]

puts "Player 1 chose #{player1}"
puts "Player 2 chose #{player2}"
puts "Player 1 wins!"
puts "Player 2 wins!"
puts "Tie!"

20.times do

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