Newbie 2 First Grade!



void main(){

char Mybuffer[32];
I got this input from user

from this line
cin.getline(Mybuffer, 32 '\n');

My question is how can I compute the result???
Need a little help here u know what I mean...


Thanks Fellas...

Alf P. Steinbach

void main(){

'main' must have result type 'int'.

Some compilers erronously accept 'void'.

char Mybuffer[32];

Use 'std::string', what you have is a buffer that will likely

I got this input from user

from this line
cin.getline(Mybuffer, 32 '\n');

No you did not. That won't compile.

My question is how can I compute the result???
Need a little help here u know what I mean...

As Greg P. have answered, check out Bjarne Stroustrup's TCPPPL
book for ideas on how to do that in C++.

But at your current level consider using an interpreted language,
e.g., JScript in Windows,

// Tab = indent = 4
// A _very_ primitive calculator.
// Note: WScript is not part of JScript but is provided by the WSH environment.

var expression;
var stdout = WScript.StdOut;
var stdin = WScript.StdIn;

stdout.Write( "? " );
expression = stdin.ReadLine();
stdout.WriteLine( eval( expression ).toString() );

or VBScript (this also in Windows)

' Tab = indent = 4
' A _very_ primitive calculator.
' Note: WScript is not part of VBScript but is provided by the WSH environment.

option explicit

dim expression, stdout, stdin

set stdout = WScript.StdOut
set stdin = WScript.StdIn

stdout.Write "? "
expression = stdin.ReadLine
stdout.WriteLine Replace( Eval( expression ), ",", "." )

or Perl (more system-independent)

# Tab = indent = 4
# A _very_ primitive calculator.

use strict;

my $expression;

print "? ";
$expression = <STDIN>;
print eval $expression;

Hope this helps...

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