Not sure what I'm missing...


Rob Meade

Hi all,

I'm trying to dynamically create the navigation for my web page - I have
achieved this at work and whilst trying to reproduce the code this evening
at home I'm obviously missing something, I just cant see what...

Here's the error:

Class 'System.Web.UI.WebControls.TableRow' cannot be indexed because it has
no default property.

Here's the code for my left navigation web user control.

Imports System.IO

Public Class LeftBorder

Inherits System.Web.UI.UserControl

Private Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As
System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load

' Declare variables
Dim strCurrentPage As String
Dim tblNavigation As Table
Dim addNavigation As TableRow

tblNavigation = New Table
addNavigation = New TableRow

strCurrentPage = Path.GetFileName(Request.Path)

' Create navigation
tblNavigation.Rows.Add(addNavigation(strCurrentPage, "Home",

End Sub

End Class

Public Class LeftNavigation

Function addNavigation(ByVal CurrentPage As String, ByVal PageName As
String, ByVal PageLink As String) As TableRow

' Declare variables
Dim Row As TableRow
Dim Cell As TableCell
Dim Link As HyperLink

Link = New HyperLink

If CurrentPage.ToLower = PageName.ToLower Then
Cell.Text = PageName
ElseIf CurrentPage.ToLower <> PageName.ToLower Then
' Set the properties of our link
Link.NavigateUrl = PageLink
Link.CssClass = "normalText"
Link.ToolTip = PageName
Link.Target = "_top"
End If


Return (Row)

End Function

End Class

I think I probably need to change the inherits lines around so that the
second class has the Inherits System.Web.UI.UserControl
and then I derived my main class from that using inherits leftNavigation

The line I get the error on is the first class where I am calling

Any help would be appreciated - quite new to this so be gently :)




I don't know what you are trying to do, but this is your problem

Dim addNavigation As TableRow

tblNavigation = New Table
addNavigation = New TableRow

strCurrentPage = Path.GetFileName(Request.Path)

' Create navigation
tblNavigation.Rows.Add(addNavigation(strCurrentPage, "Home",


addNavigation is your tablerow object, so what are you trying to do with this??

addNavigation(strCurrentPage, "Home", "Default.aspx")

Rob Meade

I don't know what you are trying to do, but this is your problem
Dim addNavigation As TableRow
tblNavigation = New Table
addNavigation = New TableRow
strCurrentPage = Path.GetFileName(Request.Path)

' Create navigation
tblNavigation.Rows.Add(addNavigation(strCurrentPage, "Home",

addNavigation is your tablerow object, so what are you trying to do with this??

addNavigation(strCurrentPage, "Home", "Default.aspx")

Hi Raterus, thanks for the reply..

I spotted the Dim'ing of the tblNavigation and removed it just now - now it
references the table that I have in the design view (<asp:table
id="tblNavigation" runat="server"></asp:table> etc)

What I am trying to do is call the function, passing it the current page, a
page name, and a page URL - if it turns out that the current page is the
page url then it only writes a piece of text in the cell, if it isnt then
it'll write a link to the page...

I have managed to get away from any squiggly lines in VS, but still nothing
is happening....

Code as of now is (still not producing anything to the page though):

Imports System.IO

Public Class LeftBorder
Inherits LeftNavigation

Private Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As
System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load

' Declare variables
Dim strCurrentPage As String

strCurrentPage = Path.GetFileName(Request.Path)

tblNavigation.Rows.Add(addNavigation(strCurrentPage, "Home",

End Sub

End Class

Public Class LeftNavigation
Inherits System.Web.UI.UserControl
Public Function addNavigation(ByVal CurrentPage As String, ByVal
PageName As String, ByVal PageLink As String) As TableRow
'addNavigation(strCurrentPage, "Home", "Default.aspx"
' Declare variables
Dim Row As TableRow
Dim Cell As TableCell
Dim Link As HyperLink

Row = New TableRow
Cell = New TableCell

If CurrentPage.ToLower = PageName.ToLower Then

Cell.Text = PageName

ElseIf CurrentPage.ToLower <> PageName.ToLower Then

Link = New HyperLink
' Set the properties of our link
Link.NavigateUrl = PageLink
Link.CssClass = "normalText"
Link.ToolTip = PageName
Link.Target = "_top"


End If


Return (Row)

End Function

End Class


Are you trying to add this usercontrol dynamically? They are a bit more complicated to add than a regular server/custom control, because they have that added implementation in the .ascx file.

Try this:

Dim addNavigation As LeftNavigation = CType(LoadControl("../path/to/LeftNavigation.ascx"), LeftNavigation)
addNavigation.addNavigation(strCurrentPage, "Home", "Default.aspx") 'these really should be properties of the usercontrol if you wanted to do it right...

Natty Gur


You want to access function in other class. You have two options:

1) Create instance of the class and use it to access class function:

Dim oLeft as LeftNavigation = new LeftNavigation()

You also need to set your addNavigation function as public.

2) Make addNavigation shared function and access it by LeftNavigation

tblNavigation.Rows.Add(LeftNavigation .addNavigation(....))
. . .

Public shared Function addNavigation(ByVal CurrentPage As String, ByVal
PageName As
String, ByVal PageLink As String) As TableRow

The main cause for all this confusion is that the TableRow and the
function got the same name. Try next time to use name convention. Using
name conventions make your code more readable and reduce such problems.

Natty Gur[MVP]

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Mobile: +972-(0)58-888377

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