Passing value from one script on one page to another script on another page.


Robert Cohen

Hi All,
I have what is an easy question for you all, but I have not idea (this
is in vbscript). I have this script below that works great. It figures out
the user logged in and gives the AD information about the user.
On another webpage, I have a staff directory which lists all the users.
What I would like to do is create a link on the staff directory that will
open up this information page with the user specified (instead of the logged
in user) What I would like to know is how should the link be set up to pass
the value (the value of the oUser.sAMAccountName that is being clicked) and
to put it into the script below. I know how to set up a hyperlink but need
to know how it should read (is it like"rcohen" or something
like that)? And how would I declare the value in the new page? Please

d = Request.ServerVariables("REMOTE_USER")
p = Instr(d, "\")
logonUser = Right(d, Len(d) - p)

On Error Resume Next
Dim oContainer

Dim FileSystem


EnumerateUsers oContainer

Set oContainer = Nothing

Sub EnumerateUsers(oCont)
Dim oUser
For Each oUser In oCont
Select Case LCase(oUser.Class)
Case "user"

If oUser.sAMAccountName= logonUser Then

Response.Write "<h2>" & oUser.FullName & "'s Basic Information" &
"</h2><TABLE BORDER=0> <TR><TH></TH><TH></TH></TR>"
Response.Write "<tr><td><b>First Name:</b></td><td></td><td>" &
oUser.givenName & ""
Response.Write "<tr><td><b>Last Name:</b></td><td></td><td>" & &
Response.Write "<tr><td><b>Extension:</b></td><td></td><td>" &
oUser.TelephoneNumber & "</td></tr>"
Response.Write "<tr><td><b>Title:</b></td><td></td><td>" & oUser.Title &
Response.Write "<tr><td><b>Department:</b></td><td></td><td>" &
oUser.Department & "</td></tr>"
Response.Write "<tr><td><b>Office:</b></td><td></td><td>" &
oUser.physicalDeliveryOfficeName & "</td></tr>"
Response.Write "<tr><td><b>Mobile Phone:</b></td><td></td><td>" &
oUser.Mobile & "</td></tr>"

strManager = oUser.Manager
If strManager <> "" Then
Set objManager = GetObject("LDAP://" & oUser.Manager)
strCN = objManager.displayname
strNTName = objManager.sAMAccountName
End If

Response.Write "<tr><td><b>Manager: </b></td><td></td><td>" & strCN &

Response.Write "<tr><td><b>Directly Reports to " & oUser.givenName &

strDirectReports = _

For Each strValue in strDirectReports
Set strDirect = GetObject("LDAP://" & strValue)
strCN = strDirect.displayname

Response.Write "<tr><td></td><td></td><td>" & strCN & "</td></tr>"

LogonUser = oUser.sAMAccountName & ".jpg"
%></table><!--mstheme--><font face="Trebuchet MS, Arial, Helvetica">
<p><img border="0" src="Pictures/Staff/<% =LogonUser %>" width="150"

Response.Write "<h3>Additional Information For Administrative Purposes
%> <!--mstheme--></font><TABLE BORDER=0>
<TR><TH><!--mstheme--><font face="Trebuchet MS, Arial, Helvetica"></TH>
<TH><!--mstheme--><font face="Trebuchet MS, Arial, Helvetica"></TH>
Response.Write "<tr><td><b>profilePath:</td><td></b>" & oUser.ProfilePath &
Response.Write "<tr><td><b>scriptPath:</td><td></b>" & oUser.ScriptPath &
Response.Write "<tr><td><b>homeDirectory:</td><td></b>" &
oUser.HomeDirectory & "</td></tr>"
Response.Write "<tr><td><b>homeDrive:</td><td></b>" & oUser.HomeDrive &
Response.Write "<tr><td><b>Account Created:</td><td></b>" &
oUser.whenCreated & "</td></tr>"

End If

Case "organizationalunit" , "container"

EnumerateUsers oUser
End Select
End Sub



Ray at

If you only have one domain and all your users are in the same OU, you'd
just have to pass the username, like:

But, if your users are stored in all different container or you have
different domains, you'd have to have to pass that info, to:

With that, you could do:

Dim sOU, sCN, sDC, aOU, aCN, aDC
Dim sUsername
sOU = Request.Querystring("ou") : aOU = Split(sOU, ", ")
sCN = Request.Querystring("cn") : aCN = Split(sCN, ", ") '''no container in
this example
sDC = Request.Querystring("dc") : aDC = Split(sDC, ", ")
sUsername = Request.Querystring("username")

sLDAP = "LDAP://"
For iCounter = 0 To UBound(aOU)
sLDAP = sLDAP & "ou=" & aOU(iCounter) & ","

For iCounter = 0 To UBound(aCN)
sLDAP = sLDAP & "cn=" & aCN(iCounter) & ","

For iCounter = 0 To UBound(aDC)
sLDAP = sLDAP & "dc=" & aDC(iCounter) & ","

sLdap = Left(sLDAP, Len(sLDAP) - 1)

Then, do:

Set oContainer = GetObject(sLDAP)
'''code, code, code
If oUser.sAMAccountName= sUsername Then...

'''I'm sure there's a much more graceful way to build the ldap string out of
a querystring than what I demonstrated...

Ray at home

Robert Cohen

Okay, I have my first page with the output of for example:


The question that I am having a hard time is using that value in the new
page. For example if I do

Passed Value= <% =logonuser %>

my output is:

Passed Value=

I would have fiqured it would be Passed Value=dallen or Passed Value= rcohen
with the respective code.

What am I doing wrong?

Sorry, I am no longer including my e-mail address as I am getting to much
spam. I really have no desire to enlarge "it" by three inches, that is even
if I get e-mailed 10 times a day from different e-mail addresses so I can't
block it.
Besides I finally came to believe what others have said, if you have a
question, you should ask the group as others might benefit from it. Anyone
on the group who I converse with off topic or on the side, can easily find
my e-mail address.

Andrew Durstewitz

Your need...

LogonUser = Request.QueryString("logonUser")

That will set the value of LogonUser equal to the URL String Variable


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