Perl Objects



Hi all:

I was wondering if someone could help me find a *better* or more
*correct* solution to my problem.

The problem:

I have a module that parses XML data using XML::parser. This module
is written in Object oriented fashion and defines the object in the
normal way...

sub new {
my $invocant = shift;
my $class = ref($invocant) || $invocant;

# No args by default, args is an array ref
$self = { acode => '',
file => '',

bless $self, $class;
return $self;

THe instance method parseTIGRFile is called to process the XML data
file. Within this method, XML::parser is called and a handler is
passed to deal with XML start tags (actually there are 3 handlers, but
the question/answer is the same for all 3 handlers)....

sub parseTIGRFILE {
my $self = shift;
$parser = new XML::parser(Handlers => { Start => \&handle_start,
End => \&handle_end,
Char => \&handle_char,
} );

sub handle_start {
my ($expat, $elem, @atvals)= @_;

Here is the problem... the handlers cannot not take arguments (unless
I am wrong about this... ???), so I cannot pass $self to the handler.
While the data is being parsed, I want it stored in the object's
instance variables $self->{MY_VAR}, but the handler doesn't have any
way to *see* $self.

My current solution... I have defined $self globally.
my $self;
sub new {
bless $self, $class;
return $self;

Since the parseTIGRFile method is an instance method, this
appropriately sets the instance variables (I have tested this).
However, I fear there may be a consequence to globalizing $self that I
am unaware of.

So... can anyone tell me:
1. Is my current solution acceptable?
2. Is there a better alternative?

Thanks in advance for your help... and please let me know if more
information is required.


Bart Lateur

Paul wrote:

[problem description snipped, as it's quite long]
So... can anyone tell me:
1. Is my current solution acceptable?

Only if you ever use only one instance of this module at a time. That
doesn't agree with the philosophy of OO.
2. Is there a better alternative?

I can think of a few... the safest would be to use closures for the
handlers. Let me show you how:

sub new {
my $invocant = shift;
my $class = ref($invocant) || $invocant;

# No args by default, args is an array ref
$self = bless { acode => '',
file => '',
}, $class;
$self->{handlers} = {
Start => sub {
# normal handle_start sub body. You can now access $self
End => sub {
# idem for handle_end
Char => sub {
# idem for handle_char
return $self;

and to invoke the parser, use these values in %{$self->{handlers}} for

A problem is that now you have circular references: the handler subs
refer to $self, and self refers to the handlers. You need an explicit
method to destroy these circles, by undeffing $self->{handlers} for
example, before you let got of the object.

A way to avoid that, is to use weak references, see WeakRef or
Scalar::Util on CPAN. Only, it's not clear to me how or if that is

I have an idea for weak referencing $self inside the subs, but I'm not
too sure it's actually going to work. It is that you make a copy of
$self in new(), make one of the two a weak reference, and return the
other. If the other is deleted, the subs will go too. I would hope that
might work.

Another approach: the handlers when called, get a reference to their
parser. You could put $self into a field of that object, and preferably
make it a weak reference.

I thought I knew of one more, but I seem to have forgotten it. Oh well.

Dave Weaver

sub parseTIGRFILE {
my $self = shift;
$parser = new XML::parser(Handlers => { Start => \&handle_start,
End => \&handle_end,
Char => \&handle_char,
} );

sub handle_start {
my ($expat, $elem, @atvals)= @_;

Here is the problem... the handlers cannot not take arguments (unless
I am wrong about this... ???), so I cannot pass $self to the handler.
While the data is being parsed, I want it stored in the object's
instance variables $self->{MY_VAR}, but the handler doesn't have any
way to *see* $self.

Use closures:


$parser = new XML::parser(Handlers => {
Start => sub { $self->handle_start( @_ ) },
End => sub { $self->handle_end ( @_ ) },
Char => sub { $self->handle_char ( @_ ) },
} );

sub handle_start {
my ($self, $expat, $elem, @atvals) = @_;


Thanks Bart. I didn't think my solution agreed with OOP philosophy.
As a Java programmer, I sometimes have a little trouble with OOP in

I implemented your first solution (using closures). This seems to be
working quite well. To break the circular reference I simply added a
DESTROY method that undefined the handlers (I think/hope this was

my $self = shift;
$self->{handlers} = undef;

Thanks again for your response, it was quite helpful.



Hi Dave,

Thanks! I implemented and tested this out... works like a charm!
Use closures:


$parser = new XML::parser(Handlers => {
Start => sub { $self->handle_start( @_ ) },
End => sub { $self->handle_end ( @_ ) },
Char => sub { $self->handle_char ( @_ ) },
} );

sub handle_start {
my ($self, $expat, $elem, @atvals) = @_;


Steve Grazzini

Paul said:
I implemented your first solution (using closures). This seems
to be working quite well. To break the circular reference I
simply added a DESTROY method that undefined the handlers (I
think/hope this was enough).

Actually, this will still leak:
my $self = shift;
$self->{handlers} = undef;

since DESTROY won't be called while the circular reference
exists. That might not matter in a short-running script, but
if you need the object to be destroyed earlier, use a weak
reference as Bart suggested.

use Scalar::Util qw(weaken);

sub new {
my $class = shift;
my $self = {};

# add closures referring to $self

my $ref = $self;
weaken $self;
bless $ref, $class;


Thank you Steve... This program and the XML files are rather large, so
it is important to me to control memory leaks.

Thanks to everyone for the excellent information.


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