Perl Strings vs FileHandle



Hi all,

Just wanted to run this through Perl gurus to see if fit is correct?.

I have a file that could possibly be 1GB in variable length EBCDIC
data. I will read the file as EBCDIC data and based on some criteria
split it into 100 different files which will add up to the 1GB. This
way a particular copy book can be applied to easy of the split files.

The approach I am using is a filehandle ( IO::FileHandle and
$Strings), substr and write out to 100 different files after applying
the 'logic'. I will use two routine, one to read and one to write, I
have tested this out with 100MB file and it works fine. The question
though is there a memory limit to this, as we are using strings to
break the files. Or is there an alternative way to do this?

Comments, suggestions, improvements and alternatives will really help
to design the code. thanks


John W. Krahn

shadabh said:
Hi all,

Just wanted to run this through Perl gurus to see if fit is correct?.

I have a file that could possibly be 1GB in variable length EBCDIC
data. I will read the file as EBCDIC data and based on some criteria
split it into 100 different files which will add up to the 1GB. This
way a particular copy book can be applied to easy of the split files.

The approach I am using is a filehandle ( IO::FileHandle and
$Strings), substr and write out to 100 different files after applying
the 'logic'. I will use two routine, one to read and one to write, I
have tested this out with 100MB file and it works fine. The question
though is there a memory limit to this, as we are using strings to
break the files. Or is there an alternative way to do this?

Comments, suggestions, improvements and alternatives will really help
to design the code. thanks

You have to show us what "this" is first. It is kind of hard to make
comments, suggestions, improvements and alternatives to something that
we cannot see.



You have to show us what "this" is first.  It is kind of hard to make
comments, suggestions, improvements and alternatives to something that
we cannot see.

Perl isn't a toolbox, but a small machine shop where you
can special-order certain sorts of tools at low cost and
in short order.                            --Larry Wall- Hide quoted text -

- Show quoted text -

Sure. Here is what I meant by 'this way'. Please comment. Thanks

while ($raw_data) {
$val = substr $raw_data,$var_len,4;
$asc_string = $val;
eval '$asc_string =~ tr/\000-\377/' . $cp_037 . '/';
# open(OUTF, '>>ebcdic_ID.txt');
# #print OUTF $var_len, $asc_string, "\n";
# close OUTF;
open(PARM, '<TSY2_PARM.par') || die("Could not open the
parammeter file $PARM_FILE ! File read failed ..check iF file exits");
$parm_data = <PARM>;
(($parm_data =~ m!($asc_string)!g) eq 1) {
$COPYBOOK_LEN = substr $parm_data,length($`)+4,4;
close (PARM);
$OUT_DATAFILE = 'EBCDIC_'.$asc_string.'.txt';
open(OUTF, ">>$OUT_DATAFILE")|| die("Could not open file. File
read failed ..check id file exits");
print OUTF substr $raw_data, $INIT_LEN, $RECORD_LEN;
close OUTF;
print $INIT_LEN;
print $var_len;
else {
print 'End of file reached or copy book is not a part of the
loading process', "\n";
exit 0;


If you are loading the entire file in memory as a giant string, then
you will need enough memory to do so. My favorite machine has enough
memory to do that with no problem. We don't know how much memory your
machine has. ...

Where did $raw_data come from?
while ($raw_data) {

As far as I can tell, $raw_data is never modified. So the loop will be
infinite (or never iterate at all)

And is an indent size of 40 characters really a good idea?
$val = substr $raw_data, $var_len,4;

So maybe do:

while (1) {
$val = substr $raw_data, $var_len,4;
last unless 4==length $val;

You do seem to have a conditional exit later on, but why wait until then
when you already know you are at the end?

The rest of the code is hideously difficult to read. All cap variable
names make my eyes bleed. So there is only so much time I'm willing to
spend staring at it.

Why reread $parm_data each time through the loop? You are reading it from
the same file each time, so doesn't it have the same value?


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this fact.

John W. Krahn

shadabh said:
Sure. Here is what I meant by 'this way'. Please comment. Thanks

while ($raw_data) {

You don't modify $raw_data inside the loop so there is no point in
testing it every time through the loop.

my $var_len = $INIT_LEN + $AC_NUM_LENGTH;
$val = substr $raw_data,$var_len,4;
$asc_string = $val;

my $asc_string = substr $raw_data, $var_len, 4;
eval '$asc_string =~ tr/\000-\377/' . $cp_037 . '/';
# open(OUTF, '>>ebcdic_ID.txt');
# #print OUTF $var_len, $asc_string, "\n";
# close OUTF;
open(PARM, '<TSY2_PARM.par') || die("Could not open the
parammeter file $PARM_FILE ! File read failed ..check iF file exits");

You are opening 'TSY2_PARM.par' but your error message says you are
opening $PARM_FILE. You should include the $! variable in the error
message so you know *why* it failed to open.

open my $PARM, '<', 'TSY2_PARM.par' or die "Could not open
'TSY2_PARM.par' $!";
$parm_data = <PARM>;

You assign the same data to $parm_data every time so...
if (($parm_data =~ m!($asc_string)!g) eq 1) {

your pattern will always match at the same place every time through the
loop so if the pattern is present you have an infinite loop. You are
not using the contents of $1 so the parentheses are superfluous. The
comparison test to the string '1' is superfluous.

if ( $parm_data =~ /$asc_string/g ) {
$COPYBOOK_LEN = substr $parm_data,length($`)+4,4;

The use of $` is discouraged as it slows down *all* regular expressions
in your program.

my $COPYBOOK_LEN = substr $parm_data, $-[ 0 ] + 4, 4;
close (PARM);
$OUT_DATAFILE = 'EBCDIC_'.$asc_string.'.txt';
open(OUTF, ">>$OUT_DATAFILE")|| die("Could not open file. File
read failed ..check id file exits");

open my $OUTF, '>>', $OUT_DATAFILE or die "Could not open
print OUTF substr $raw_data, $INIT_LEN, $RECORD_LEN;
close OUTF;
print $INIT_LEN;
print $var_len;
else {
print 'End of file reached or copy book is not a part of the
loading process', "\n";
exit 0;

So, to summarise:

open my $PARM, '<', 'TSY2_PARM.par' or die "Could not open the
parammeter file 'TSY2_PARM.par' $!";
my $parm_data = <$PARM>;
close $PARM;

while ( 1 ) {

my $var_len = $INIT_LEN + $AC_NUM_LENGTH;
my $asc_string = substr $raw_data, $var_len, 4;
eval '$asc_string =~ tr/\000-\377/' . $cp_037 . '/';

if ( $parm_data =~ /\Q$asc_string\E/g ) {

my $COPYBOOK_LEN = substr $parm_data, $-[ 0 ] + 4, 4;
my $OUT_DATAFILE = "EBCDIC_$asc_string.txt";

open my $OUTF, '>>', $OUT_DATAFILE or die "Could not open
print $OUTF substr $raw_data, $INIT_LEN, $RECORD_LEN;
close $OUTF;

print $COPYBOOK_LEN, $INIT_LEN, $var_len;
else {
print "End of file reached or copy book is not a part of the
loading process\n";

exit 0;




Sure. Here is what I meant by 'this way'. Please comment. Thanks
while ($raw_data) {

You don't modify $raw_data inside the loop so there is no point in
testing it every time through the loop.

     my $var_len = $INIT_LEN + $AC_NUM_LENGTH;
    $val = substr $raw_data,$var_len,4;
    $asc_string = $val;

     my $asc_string = substr $raw_data, $var_len, 4;
    eval '$asc_string =~ tr/\000-\377/' . $cp_037 . '/';
#   open(OUTF, '>>ebcdic_ID.txt');
#   #print OUTF $var_len, $asc_string, "\n";
#   close OUTF;
    open(PARM, '<TSY2_PARM.par') || die("Could not open the
parammeter file $PARM_FILE ! File read failed ..check iF file exits");

You are opening 'TSY2_PARM.par' but your error message says you are
opening $PARM_FILE.  You should include the $! variable in the error
message so you know *why* it failed to open.

     open my $PARM, '<', 'TSY2_PARM.par' or die "Could not open
'TSY2_PARM.par' $!";
    $parm_data = <PARM>;

You assign the same data to $parm_data every time so...
    if (($parm_data =~ m!($asc_string)!g) eq 1) {

your pattern will always match at the same place every time through the
loop so if the pattern is present you have an infinite loop.  You are
not using the contents of $1 so the parentheses are superfluous.  The
comparison test to the string '1' is superfluous.

     if ( $parm_data =~ /$asc_string/g ) {
        $COPYBOOK_LEN = substr $parm_data,length($`)+4,4;

The use of $` is discouraged as it slows down *all* regular expressions
in your program.

         my $COPYBOOK_LEN = substr $parm_data, $-[ 0 ] + 4, 4;
        print $COPYBOOK_LEN;
        close (PARM);
        $OUT_DATAFILE = 'EBCDIC_'.$asc_string.'.txt';
        open(OUTF, ">>$OUT_DATAFILE")|| die("Could not open file. File
read failed ..check id file exits");

         open my $OUTF, '>>', $OUT_DATAFILE or die "Could not open
        print OUTF substr $raw_data, $INIT_LEN, $RECORD_LEN;
        close OUTF;
        print $INIT_LEN;
        print $var_len;
    else {
        print 'End of file reached or copy book is not a part of the
loading process', "\n";
        exit 0;

So, to summarise:

open my $PARM, '<', 'TSY2_PARM.par' or die "Could not open the
parammeter file 'TSY2_PARM.par' $!";
my $parm_data = <$PARM>;
close $PARM;

while ( 1 ) {

     my $var_len = $INIT_LEN + $AC_NUM_LENGTH;
     my $asc_string = substr $raw_data, $var_len, 4;
     eval '$asc_string =~ tr/\000-\377/' . $cp_037 . '/';

     if ( $parm_data =~ /\Q$asc_string\E/g ) {

         my $COPYBOOK_LEN = substr $parm_data, $-[ 0 ] + 4, 4;
         my $OUT_DATAFILE = "EBCDIC_$asc_string.txt";

         open my $OUTF, '>>', $OUT_DATAFILE or die "Could not open
         print $OUTF substr $raw_data, $INIT_LEN, $RECORD_LEN;
         close $OUTF;

         $INIT_LEN += $RECORD_LEN;
         print $COPYBOOK_LEN, $INIT_LEN, $var_len;
     else {
         print "End of file reached or copy book is not a part of the
loading process\n";

exit 0;



Thanks for all your suggestions/comments. So what is your idea of
using this method. is there an alternative at all??
because $parm_data could potentially contain GB's worth of data.
Suggestions to improve the method are welcome. BTW all your comments
are good and have included in my code. TY



shadabh said:
Thanks for all your suggestions/comments. So what is your idea of
using this method. is there an alternative at all??

Yes, many alternatives. The easiest might be to use Sys::Mmap to make
the file look like a variable without having it all in memory at the same
time. That would require no changes to the code you showed us.

Or you could translate all of your substr operations on the variable into
the equivalent combination of "seek" and "read" operations on a file

Or you could read the file in suitable sized chunks. But I found your code
so hard to follow (and you didn't show how variables get initialized) that
I won't dig into the exact way to do that.
because $parm_data could potentially contain GB's worth of data.

But that doesn't mean anything to us. We don't know what computer you
are using. Do you have GB worth of RAM to go along with it? In other
words, do you actually have a problem?
Suggestions to improve the method are welcome. BTW all your comments
are good and have included in my code. TY

If you don't have enough RAM to use your current method and thus actually
have a problem, please post your new code with the improvements in place
and with the indents and such cleaned up so we can follow it, and showing
how variables get initialized.


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The costs of publication of this article were defrayed in part by the
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this fact.

Tim Greer

shadabh said:
shadabh said:
shadabh wrote:
Hi all,
Just wanted to run this through Perl gurus to see if fit is
correct?. I have a file that could possibly be 1GB in variable
length EBCDIC data. I will read the file as EBCDIC data and based
on some criteria split it into 100 different files which will add
up to the 1GB. This way a particular copy book can be applied to
easy of the split files. The approach I am using is a filehandle
( IO::FileHandle and $Strings), substr and write out to 100
different files after applying the 'logic'. I will use two
routine, one to read and one to write, I have tested this out
with 100MB file and it works fine. The question though is there a
memory limit to this, as we are using strings to break the files.
Or is there an alternative way to do this? Comments, suggestions,
improvements and alternatives will really help to design the
code. thanks
You have to show us what "this" is first.  It is kind of hard to
make comments, suggestions, improvements and alternatives to
something that we cannot see.
Perl isn't a toolbox, but a small machine shop where you
can special-order certain sorts of tools at low cost and
in short order.                            -- Larry Wall- Hide
quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Sure. Here is what I meant by 'this way'. Please comment. Thanks
while ($raw_data) {

You don't modify $raw_data inside the loop so there is no point in
testing it every time through the loop.

my $var_len = $INIT_LEN + $AC_NUM_LENGTH;
$val = substr $raw_data,$var_len,4;
$asc_string = $val;

my $asc_string = substr $raw_data, $var_len, 4;
eval '$asc_string =~ tr/\000-\377/' . $cp_037 . '/';
# open(OUTF, '>>ebcdic_ID.txt');
# #print OUTF $var_len, $asc_string, "\n";
# close OUTF;
open(PARM, '<TSY2_PARM.par') || die("Could not open the
parammeter file $PARM_FILE ! File read failed ..check iF file

You are opening 'TSY2_PARM.par' but your error message says you are
opening $PARM_FILE.  You should include the $! variable in the error
message so you know *why* it failed to open.

open my $PARM, '<', 'TSY2_PARM.par' or die "Could not open
'TSY2_PARM.par' $!";
$parm_data = <PARM>;

You assign the same data to $parm_data every time so...
if (($parm_data =~ m!($asc_string)!g) eq 1) {

your pattern will always match at the same place every time through
the loop so if the pattern is present you have an infinite loop.  You
are not using the contents of $1 so the parentheses are superfluous.
The comparison test to the string '1' is superfluous.

if ( $parm_data =~ /$asc_string/g ) {
$COPYBOOK_LEN = substr $parm_data,length($`)+4,4;

The use of $` is discouraged as it slows down *all* regular
expressions in your program.

my $COPYBOOK_LEN = substr $parm_data, $-[ 0 ] + 4, 4;
close (PARM);
$OUT_DATAFILE = 'EBCDIC_'.$asc_string.'.txt';
open(OUTF, ">>$OUT_DATAFILE")|| die("Could not open file. File
read failed ..check id file exits");

open my $OUTF, '>>', $OUT_DATAFILE or die "Could not open
print OUTF substr $raw_data, $INIT_LEN, $RECORD_LEN;
close OUTF;
print $INIT_LEN;
print $var_len;
else {
print 'End of file reached or copy book is not a part of the
loading process', "\n";
exit 0;

So, to summarise:

open my $PARM, '<', 'TSY2_PARM.par' or die "Could not open the
parammeter file 'TSY2_PARM.par' $!";
my $parm_data = <$PARM>;
close $PARM;

while ( 1 ) {

my $var_len = $INIT_LEN + $AC_NUM_LENGTH;
my $asc_string = substr $raw_data, $var_len, 4;
eval '$asc_string =~ tr/\000-\377/' . $cp_037 . '/';

if ( $parm_data =~ /\Q$asc_string\E/g ) {

my $COPYBOOK_LEN = substr $parm_data, $-[ 0 ] + 4, 4;
my $OUT_DATAFILE = "EBCDIC_$asc_string.txt";

open my $OUTF, '>>', $OUT_DATAFILE or die "Could not open
print $OUTF substr $raw_data, $INIT_LEN, $RECORD_LEN;
close $OUTF;

print $COPYBOOK_LEN, $INIT_LEN, $var_len;
else {
print "End of file reached or copy book is not a part of the
loading process\n";

exit 0;



Thanks for all your suggestions/comments. So what is your idea of
using this method. is there an alternative at all??
because $parm_data could potentially contain GB's worth of data.
Suggestions to improve the method are welcome. BTW all your comments
are good and have included in my code. TY


You said that "$parm_data could potentially contain GB's worth of data",
in which case, the below:

my $parm_data = <$PARM>;

Is going to kill your resources and probably even crash/overload the
system. You need to do a while on the <PARM> file handle and step
through it per line (instead of reading it into a string or array
first). You can cut out the middle man that way, too. Otherwise you
are reading a potentially huge amount of data into a string (into
memory) and then trying to parse it. That is always bad.

John W. Krahn

Tim said:
You said that "$parm_data could potentially contain GB's worth of data",
in which case, the below:

my $parm_data = <$PARM>;

Is going to kill your resources and probably even crash/overload the
system. You need to do a while on the <PARM> file handle and step
through it per line (instead of reading it into a string or array
first). You can cut out the middle man that way, too. Otherwise you
are reading a potentially huge amount of data into a string (into
memory) and then trying to parse it. That is always bad.

In that context the size of data read is defined by the value of $/
which defaults to "\n" and the OP is working with "text" files so each
record is probably not that large.


Tim Greer

John said:
In that context the size of data read is defined by the value of $/
which defaults to "\n" and the OP is working with "text" files so each
record is probably not that large.


I've seen some pretty large files that use a new line as a separator.
Maybe huge logs are being parsed? I've seen Apache log files that
people want processed easily get up in the 1 - 2 gig range (of course,
they have to rotate or clear them once they get 2+ gigs in size).
Anyway, as I said, I am only seeing the tail end of this thread.

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