POP3 Mail Client in PERL using IO::Socket module only and regular expressions



Hi everyone

I am writing a POP3 Client program in Perl. You connect to a POP
Server and have a running conversation with the mail server usin
commands from the RFC 1939 Post Office Protocol. This program ca
perform 5 options from a menu on your POP3 mail by logging in with th
correct POP3 server along with a user name and password that you use t
log in to your ISP. The user name and password as well as the serve
name are all hard-coded into the program and no user input is required
You just have to hard-code your ISP server ($host variable), user nam
($username variable) and password ($mypass variable) into the program

I can't figure out how to get the e-mail messages required in "Lis
Messages" in Menu Option 1 of my program to display a list of th
messages displaying ONLY the message number, who the message is fro
and the subject. I am not displaying the entire text of the message i
Option 1.

I am close to getting all of the messages in the mailbox listed wit
their message number, who the message is from and the subject but it i
messing up and giving me ALL the header information of the message eve
though I only want the message number defined in the program as well a
the \"From\" and \"Subject\" fields. It also seems to be only displayin
the header info for one of the messages which means something is fault
with the \"for\" loop that I created and it is not looping through th
mail message by message properly.

Can someone also tell me for Option 3 where I need to display th
header and body of the e-mail based on the message number typed in b
the user how I can differentiate between the header and body of eac
message using regular expressions? I should also point out that I a
prohibted from using any of the Net::pOP3 Perl modules or POP3Mail Per
modules to complete this so I need to use regular expressions and th
IO::Socket Perl module only.

Here is the code that I have for the program up to this point

#!/usr/bin/perl -
use strict
use IO::Socket qw:)DEFAULT :crlf)
my $host = shift || 'pop3.sympatico.ca'
my $port = shift || '110'
my $socket = IO::Socket::INET->new(PeerAddr => $host, PeerPort =
$port) or die "no sock $!"
my $choice; # line 1
my $answer
my $username
my $mypass
my $msgnum
my $msgcount = 0
$username = "x9xxxx99"; # format masks for user name and password for
$mypass = "99xxx9x9"; # ISP accoun
print $mypass
$answer = <$socket>
print "$answer\n"
# send username, pas
print $socket "user " . $username,CRLF
$answer = <$socket>
print $socket "pass " . $mypass,CRLF
$answer .= <$socket>
print "$answer\n"
#line 3
print "=======================================================\n"

print "POP3 Mail Client you have " . $msgcount. "messages waiting.\n"

print "=======================================================\n"

while (1)
# men
print " 1 List Messages\n"
print " 2 Display body\n"
print " 3 Display header and body\n"
print " 4 Write message to a file\n"
print " 5 Delete message on the server\n"
print " 6 Quit\n\n"
print "Enter choice: "
chomp ($choice = <STDIN>)
if ($choice =~ /^1$/)
print $socket "STAT",CRLF
$answer = <$socket>
print "$answer\n\n"
if ($answer =~ /^\+OK\s(\d{1,}).*/)
$msgcount = $1
print "You have " . $msgcount . " messages"
if ($msgcount > 0)
for (my $i = 0; $i < $msgcount; $i++)
print $socket "STAT",CRLF
$answer = <$socket>
print "$answer\n\n"
$msgnum = $i
print "Message Number: " . $msgnum
print $socket "RETR " . $msgnum,CRLF
$answer = <$socket>
if ($answer =~ /^\-ERR/)
print "ERROR"

if ( $answer =~ /^From:(.*)/ ) {
print "From: $1\n"

if ( $answer =~ /^Subject:(.*)/ )
print "Subject: $2\n"

print "\n"

print "\n\nYou currently have no messages."

if ($choice =~ /^2$/) {
print "\nPlease enter message number: "
chomp($msgnum = <STDIN>);
print $socket "RETR ".$msgnum,CRLF
$answer = <$socket>
if ($answer =~ /^\-ERR/)
print "Error: invalid message number"

if ($choice =~ /^3$/)
print "\nPlease enter message number: "
chomp($msgnum = <STDIN>);
print $socket "RETR ".$msgnum,CRLF;
$answer = <$socket>;
if ($answer =~ /^\-ERR/) {
print "Error: invalid message number";
else {
if ($choice =~ /^4$/) {
print "\nPlease enter message number: ";
chomp($msgnum = <STDIN>);
print $socket "RETR ".$msgnum,CRLF;
$answer = <$socket>;
if ($answer =~ /^\-ERR/) {
print "Error: invalid message number";
else {
if ($choice =~ /^5$/) {
print "\nPlease enter message number: ";
chomp($msgnum = <STDIN>);
print $socket "RETR ".$msgnum,CRLF;
$answer = <$socket>;
if ($answer =~ /^\-ERR/) {
print "Error: invalid message number";
else {
if ($choice =~ /^6$/) {
print $socket "QUIT",CRLF;
print "exiting\n" and last;

If this is too confusing to read (my first time posting on here which
may be causing the code to look funny), I have also attached the code
in a .txt document that will need to be renamed to a .pl extension in
order to execute it as a PERL program.

If anyone can give me any assistance on this problem, it would be
greatly appreciated. Thanks.

|Filename: pop3.txt |
|Download: http://helpfeeds.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=480 |

A. Sinan Unur



I a, prohibited from using Mail::pOP3 Client module on this particula
project but I did try it and the program won't compile. It says "Can'
locate Mail/POP3Client.pm in @INC (@INC contains C:/Perl/li
C:/Perl/site/lib.) at POP3Mail.pl line 4.

Is there some extra header file I need to use the POP3Client module?
keep getting that error when trying to run the example from the sit
that some of you posted for the "Mail::pOP3Client" module

Tad McClellan

bobano said:
I a, prohibited from using Mail::pOP3 Client module on this particular
project but I did try it and the program won't compile. It says "Can't
locate Mail/POP3Client.pm in @INC (@INC contains C:/Perl/lib
C:/Perl/site/lib.) at POP3Mail.pl line 4."

It sounds like the module is not installed on your system.

Is the module installed on your system?

If not, then see:

perldoc -q module

How do I install a module from CPAN?

If so, then see:

perldoc -q module

How do I keep my own module/library directory?

for help on how to let perl find the module.


I'm new to this thread and just reading the outskirts.
Is the socket input subject to regexp?

TTK Ciar


One of my first perl projects happens to have been a POP3 client.
So the code is kind of messy, but it works. The source is here:


It uses the Socket module rather than IO::Socket, but reading the
context of your situation I'm not sure if that would matter. Even
if it does, it should be readily convertible. Just hoping it helps.

Good luck!
-- TTK


Hi everyone

I am using the Net::pOP3 module and I have included a statement in thi
program "$pop3->top($msgnum)". According to the module documentation
the top($msgnum) function has a return value that is supposed t
display the header of all the e-mail messages in the POP3 account.
tested it and it does work but it displays the ENTIRE heade
information and I do not wish to have that. How can I parse that retur
value out so that it only displays the "From" and "Subject" fields fro
the e-mail headers instead of the entire header which includes lots o
useless information that I don't want to display

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