
Leigh Johnston said:
Maybe the following will help you understand the semantic differences

int main()
int* p1 = new int[42]; // 'p1' is a pointer to the first element of an
int (*p2)[42] = new int[1][42]; // 'p2' is a pointer to an array

This is a clear indication of how screwed up you are. Please read the
following :

"the newexpression yields a pointer to the initial element (if any)
of the
array. [Note: both new int and new int[10] have type int* and the type
of new int[10] is
int (*)[10]. ]"

The standards define both of these types to be pointers to the array,
they are just different *types* of pointer.

No; for the final time: int* is not a pointer to an array; int* is a
pointer to a scalar; the Standard clearly states "the new-expression
yields a pointer to the initial element (if any) of the array"; it
doesn't state that "the new-expression yields a pointer to the array".

Err no your nonsense is becoming beyond belief .
A pointer to the first element *IS* a pointer to the array.

The standards states clearly that both int* and int(*)[10] are pointers
to the first element. There is no difference in what these pointers
point to. You must think int(*)[10] is an array of pointers or something
, *shakes head* no I don't know what nonsense you think.

Yes everything seems like nonsense to you as you are either unable or
unwilling to be get a firm technical grasp on C++ matters.



On 17/03/2011 23:00, Paul wrote:
Maybe the following will help you understand the semantic differences
int main()
int* p1 = new int[42]; // 'p1' is a pointer to the first element of an
int (*p2)[42] = new int[1][42]; // 'p2' is a pointer to an array
This is a clear indication of how screwed up you are. Please read the
following :
"the newexpression yields a pointer to the initial element (if any)
of the
array. [Note: both new int and new int[10] have type int* and the type
of new int[10] is
int (*)[10]. ]"
The standards define both of these types to be pointers to the array,
they are just different *types* of pointer.
No; for the final time: int* is not a pointer to an array; int* is a
pointer to a scalar; the Standard clearly states "the new-expression
yields a pointer to the initial element (if any) of the array"; it
doesn't state that "the new-expression yields a pointer to the array"..
Err no your nonsense is becoming beyond belief .
A pointer to the first element *IS* a pointer to the array.
The standards states clearly that both int* and int(*)[10] are pointers
to the first element. There is no difference in what these pointers
point to. You must think int(*)[10] is an array of pointers or something
, *shakes head* no I don't know what nonsense you think.

Yes everything seems like nonsense to you as you are either unable or
unwilling to be get a firm technical grasp on C++ matters.


The only true difference between "int* p1 = new int[42]" and "int (*p2)
[42] = new int[1][42]" is how offsets are computed. ANSI C (and
Standard C++) implement multidimensional arrays as dope vectors, i.e.
as a long linear array with a polynomial evaluation of offsets, which
causes it to act as a multidimensional array. A call such as "new
int[2][42]" would truly return the address of the first element of a
2*42=84 int elements array. They are the same thing at the machine
level. They differ only in how the compiler computes offsets. If n is
an integer type, an expression such as "p1+n" evaluates as the address
in p1 plus n*sizeof(int), while an expression such as "p2+n" evaluates
as the address in p2 plus n*sizeof(int[42]) == 42*n*sizeof(int). An
expression such as "p2[n][m]" evaluates as the address in p2 plus
42*n*sizeof(int)+m*sizeof(int). The following code illustrates that,
where I changed the definition of p2 to "new int[2][42]" for further

#include <cstddef>
#include <cassert>

int main()
volatile int *p1 = new int[42];
volatile int (*p2)[42] = new int[2][42];

//follow the generated assembly code from here...
asm volatile


asm volatile


asm volatile
// here

assert(&p2[1][-1] == &(*p2)[41]);

asm volatile

volatile int *p3 = (int*)p2;

assert(p3+42 == (int*)(p2+1));

for(size_t i = 0; i < 42; i++)
assert(&p3 == &p2[0]);

for(size_t i = 0; i < 42; i++)
assert(&p3[42+i] == &p2[1]);

asm volatile

return 0;

If you know your assembly, you should follow how access is made for p1
and p2. You will see it's identical. In my pc generated the following
code fragment for the first part (where p1 was stored in rbp-0x8 and
p2 in rbp-0x10):
movq -8(%rbp), %rax
addq $8, %rax
movl (%rax), %eax


movq -16(%rbp), %rax
movl -4(%rax), %eax
It's simply the same. I declared the pointers volatile simply to
prevent the compiler from "weeding out" parts of my code with no
possible side-effects. Only the line "&p2[1][-1] == &(*p2)[41]" may
not work under all compilers. It will work if and only if


On 17/03/2011 23:00, Paul wrote:
Maybe the following will help you understand the semantic
int main()
int* p1 = new int[42]; // 'p1' is a pointer to the first element of
int (*p2)[42] = new int[1][42]; // 'p2' is a pointer to an array
This is a clear indication of how screwed up you are. Please read the
following :
"the newexpression yields a pointer to the initial element (if any)
of the
array. [Note: both new int and new int[10] have type int* and the
of new int[10] is
int (*)[10]. ]"
The standards define both of these types to be pointers to the array,
they are just different *types* of pointer.
No; for the final time: int* is not a pointer to an array; int* is a
pointer to a scalar; the Standard clearly states "the new-expression
yields a pointer to the initial element (if any) of the array"; it
doesn't state that "the new-expression yields a pointer to the array".
Err no your nonsense is becoming beyond belief .
A pointer to the first element *IS* a pointer to the array.
The standards states clearly that both int* and int(*)[10] are pointers
to the first element. There is no difference in what these pointers
point to. You must think int(*)[10] is an array of pointers or
, *shakes head* no I don't know what nonsense you think.

Yes everything seems like nonsense to you as you are either unable or
unwilling to be get a firm technical grasp on C++ matters.


The only true difference between "int* p1 = new int[42]" and "int (*p2)
[42] = new int[1][42]" is how offsets are computed. ANSI C (and
Standard C++) implement multidimensional arrays as dope vectors, i.e.
as a long linear array with a polynomial evaluation of offsets, which
causes it to act as a multidimensional array. A call such as "new
int[2][42]" would truly return the address of the first element of a
2*42=84 int elements array. They are the same thing at the machine
level. They differ only in how the compiler computes offsets. If n is
an integer type, an expression such as "p1+n" evaluates as the address
in p1 plus n*sizeof(int), while an expression such as "p2+n" evaluates
as the address in p2 plus n*sizeof(int[42]) == 42*n*sizeof(int). An
expression such as "p2[n][m]" evaluates as the address in p2 plus
42*n*sizeof(int)+m*sizeof(int). The following code illustrates that,
where I changed the definition of p2 to "new int[2][42]" for further

Exactly, the only difference is how the compiler computes the offsets.
And, BTW, nobody in their right mind is ever going to use a type such as
int(*)[64] anyway.

Sorry my auto indentation is not working for this message.


#include <cstddef>
#include <cassert>

int main()
volatile int *p1 = new int[42];
volatile int (*p2)[42] = new int[2][42];

//follow the generated assembly code from here...
asm volatile


asm volatile


asm volatile
// here

assert(&p2[1][-1] == &(*p2)[41]);

asm volatile

volatile int *p3 = (int*)p2;

assert(p3+42 == (int*)(p2+1));

for(size_t i = 0; i < 42; i++)
assert(&p3 == &p2[0]);

for(size_t i = 0; i < 42; i++)
assert(&p3[42+i] == &p2[1]);

asm volatile

return 0;

If you know your assembly, you should follow how access is made for p1
and p2. You will see it's identical. In my pc generated the following
code fragment for the first part (where p1 was stored in rbp-0x8 and
p2 in rbp-0x10):
movq -8(%rbp), %rax
addq $8, %rax
movl (%rax), %eax


movq -16(%rbp), %rax
movl -4(%rax), %eax
It's simply the same. I declared the pointers volatile simply to
prevent the compiler from "weeding out" parts of my code with no
possible side-effects. Only the line "&p2[1][-1] == &(*p2)[41]" may
not work under all compilers. It will work if and only if


Yes the pointer-type does not affect what it points to in this case. The
only difference is pointer arithmetic in the case of..
int p(*)[size]
1 = sizeof(int) * size.

Not too difficult to understand is it . :)


Leigh Johnston said:
The only true difference between "int* p1 = new int[42]" and "int (*p2)
[42] = new int[1][42]" is how offsets are computed. ANSI C (and

As far as the *language* is concerned 'p1' is a pointer to a scalar and
'p2' is a pointer to an array; what machine code is actually emitted by a
particular implementation when using these pointers is irrelevant.
Your wording is very err wrong.

p1 is pointer to int *type*.

p2 is pointer to array *type*

Both pointers point to arrays, the difference is dereferenced p1 yields the
an int .

dereferenced p2 yields a pointer to the next dimension of the array. That is
p2 is the same as a pointer to a pointer type.
int* dim2 = p2[2];
std::cout<< dim2[2];

is the same as
std::cout<< p2[2][2];

Its identical to int**.

As far as the language is concerned p1 points to the intial element *of an
array*. The "machine code" isn't irrellevant if it provides a better
understanding of things work.

Note: asm is not machine code. :-S


Leigh Johnston said:
Leigh Johnston said:
On 18/03/2011 10:49, puppi wrote:

The only true difference between "int* p1 = new int[42]" and "int (*p2)
[42] = new int[1][42]" is how offsets are computed. ANSI C (and

As far as the *language* is concerned 'p1' is a pointer to a scalar
and 'p2' is a pointer to an array; what machine code is actually
emitted by a particular implementation when using these pointers is
Your wording is very err wrong.

p1 is pointer to int *type*.

"int type" is a scalar so my wording is not wrong.

LOL NO its a scalar *TYPE*. Are you a tiotal fucking idiot altogehter?
FFS sniop plonk


Leigh Johnston said:
Leigh Johnston said:
On 18/03/2011 13:19, Paul wrote:

On 18/03/2011 10:49, puppi wrote:

The only true difference between "int* p1 = new int[42]" and "int
[42] = new int[1][42]" is how offsets are computed. ANSI C (and

As far as the *language* is concerned 'p1' is a pointer to a scalar
and 'p2' is a pointer to an array; what machine code is actually
emitted by a particular implementation when using these pointers is

Your wording is very err wrong.

p1 is pointer to int *type*.

"int type" is a scalar so my wording is not wrong.

LOL NO its a scalar *TYPE*. Are you a tiotal fucking idiot altogehter?

You are the idiot. Saying "an int type is a scalar" is similar to saying
"an int type is an int"; both are correct.
FFS sniop plonk

As you show absolutely no willingness to be educated I would be *very*
happy if you actually meant that plonk.

At least I can be educated, you're just presenting totally nonsensical
idioticness all the time.


I hope you are a troll; I really do; if you aren't a troll and you
genuinely believe the garbage you post then your situation is probably


Leigh you have nothing sensible to say because I have once again PROVEN YOU
Now why don't you shut up and quietly go away and accept that instead of
behaving like a 6 year old child who had their sweeties taken .


Leigh Johnston said:
Leigh you have nothing sensible to say because I have once again PROVEN
Now why don't you shut up and quietly go away and accept that instead of
behaving like a 6 year old child who had their sweeties taken .

The way you repeatedly describe yourself when trying to insult others is
quite uncanny.
Maybe the following will help you understand the semantic differences

int main()
int* p1 = new int[42]; // 'p1' is a pointer to the first element of an
int (*p2)[42] = new int[1][42]; // 'p2' is a pointer to an array

This is a clear indication of how screwed up you are. Please read the
following :

"the newexpression yields a pointer to the initial element (if any)
of the
array. [Note: both new int and new int[10] have type int* and the type
of new int[10] is
int (*)[10]. ]"

The standards define both of these types to be pointers to the array,
they are just different *types* of pointer.

I have nothing more to say , shut up and go away child.

Noah Roberts

On Mar 17, 9:48 pm, "Paul"<[email protected]> wrote:

Holy fucking christ! Just because this asshole makes yet another new
thread to piss about the same stupid thing doesn't mean people need to

Is this newsgroup totally dead now? After clearing out the "OMG I got
to prove Paul wrong" bullshit there was only like 3-4 messages of any
interest left.


Leigh Johnston said:
Leigh Johnston said:
On 18/03/2011 16:44, Paul wrote:

On 18/03/2011 16:16, Paul wrote:

On 18/03/2011 13:53, Paul wrote:

I hope you are a troll; I really do; if you aren't a troll and you
genuinely believe the garbage you post then your situation is probably


Leigh you have nothing sensible to say because I have once again PROVEN
Now why don't you shut up and quietly go away and accept that instead
behaving like a 6 year old child who had their sweeties taken .

The way you repeatedly describe yourself when trying to insult others
is quite uncanny.

Maybe the following will help you understand the semantic

int main()
int* p1 = new int[42]; // 'p1' is a pointer to the first element
of an
int (*p2)[42] = new int[1][42]; // 'p2' is a pointer to an array

This is a clear indication of how screwed up you are. Please read the
following :

"the newexpression yields a pointer to the initial element (if any)
of the
array. [Note: both new int and new int[10] have type int* and the
of new int[10] is
int (*)[10]. ]"

The standards define both of these types to be pointers to the array,
they are just different *types* of pointer.


What have I been proven wrong about exactly? Where is this proof? BTW
"pointer to the initial element of an array" is not the same as "pointer
to an array".
I have nothing more to say , shut up and go away child.

Look in the mirror if you want to see something childish.
Maybe the following will help you understand the semantic differences

int main()
int* p1 = new int[42]; // 'p1' is a pointer to the first element of an
int (*p2)[42] = new int[1][42]; // 'p2' is a pointer to an array

This is a clear indication of how screwed up you are. Please read the
following :

"the newexpression yields a pointer to the initial element (if any)
of the
array. [Note: both new int and new int[10] have type int* and the type
of new int[10] is
int (*)[10]. ]"

The standards define both of these types to be pointers to the array,
they are just different *types* of pointer.

I have nothing more to say .


Leigh Johnston said:
Leigh Johnston said:
On 18/03/2011 17:06, Paul wrote:

On 18/03/2011 16:44, Paul wrote:

On 18/03/2011 16:16, Paul wrote:

On 18/03/2011 13:53, Paul wrote:

I hope you are a troll; I really do; if you aren't a troll and you
genuinely believe the garbage you post then your situation is


Leigh you have nothing sensible to say because I have once again
Now why don't you shut up and quietly go away and accept that
instead of
behaving like a 6 year old child who had their sweeties taken .

The way you repeatedly describe yourself when trying to insult others
is quite uncanny.

Maybe the following will help you understand the semantic

int main()
int* p1 = new int[42]; // 'p1' is a pointer to the first element
of an
int (*p2)[42] = new int[1][42]; // 'p2' is a pointer to an array

This is a clear indication of how screwed up you are. Please read
following :

"the newexpression yields a pointer to the initial element (if any)
of the
array. [Note: both new int and new int[10] have type int* and the
of new int[10] is
int (*)[10]. ]"

The standards define both of these types to be pointers to the
they are just different *types* of pointer.


What have I been proven wrong about exactly? Where is this proof? BTW
"pointer to the initial element of an array" is not the same as
"pointer to an array".

I have nothing more to say , shut up and go away child.

Look in the mirror if you want to see something childish.

Maybe the following will help you understand the semantic

int main()
int* p1 = new int[42]; // 'p1' is a pointer to the first element
of an
int (*p2)[42] = new int[1][42]; // 'p2' is a pointer to an array

This is a clear indication of how screwed up you are. Please read the
following :

"the newexpression yields a pointer to the initial element (if any)
of the
array. [Note: both new int and new int[10] have type int* and the
of new int[10] is
int (*)[10]. ]"

The standards define both of these types to be pointers to the array,
they are just different *types* of pointer.

The Standard defines the type of the first new-expression in that example
to be a pointer to a scalar type (int) and the second to be a pointer to
an array.

The standard defines that both types to point to the initial elelment of the
array, the only difference is that one is a multi-dimesional array and one
is a single dimension.
The new expression returns a pointer to the first element of the array ,
that is a pointer to the array, regardless of what type it is.

You still do not understand the implications of E1[E2] being identical to
*((E1)+(E2)). This means the E1 will always be a pointer of type int* for a
1dimensional array of int. Whether its implicitly converted in case of
static arrays, or doesn't need to be converted for dynamic arrays.

int (*E1)[16] = new int[3][16];
int* E1 = new int[16];

E1 in the first example is no more a pointer to the array than in the second
example, both of these pointer types point to an array, and both of them are
dereferenced to an object of type exactly:
ArrayDim-1, for example:
If E1 was a 3Dim array dereferncing E1 would produce a 2Dim array
If E1 was a 2Dim array dereferencing it would produce a 1Dim array
If E1 was a 1Dim array , dereferencing it would produce the base object

ALthough I can't help feeling ima wasting my time speaking to you because
you repeatedly reply with idiotic nonsense and utter bullshit. No doubt the
same sort of reply will be seen to this post.


Leigh Johnston said:
I hope you are a troll; I really do; if you aren't a troll and you
genuinely believe the garbage you post then your situation is


Leigh you have nothing sensible to say because I have once again
Now why don't you shut up and quietly go away and accept that
instead of
behaving like a 6 year old child who had their sweeties taken .

The way you repeatedly describe yourself when trying to insult
is quite uncanny.

Maybe the following will help you understand the semantic

int main()
int* p1 = new int[42]; // 'p1' is a pointer to the first element
of an
int (*p2)[42] = new int[1][42]; // 'p2' is a pointer to an array

This is a clear indication of how screwed up you are. Please read
following :

"the newexpression yields a pointer to the initial element (if
of the
array. [Note: both new int and new int[10] have type int* and the
of new int[10] is
int (*)[10]. ]"

The standards define both of these types to be pointers to the
they are just different *types* of pointer.


What have I been proven wrong about exactly? Where is this proof? BTW
"pointer to the initial element of an array" is not the same as
"pointer to an array".

I have nothing more to say , shut up and go away child.

Look in the mirror if you want to see something childish.

Maybe the following will help you understand the semantic

int main()
int* p1 = new int[42]; // 'p1' is a pointer to the first element
of an
int (*p2)[42] = new int[1][42]; // 'p2' is a pointer to an array

This is a clear indication of how screwed up you are. Please read
following :

"the newexpression yields a pointer to the initial element (if any)
of the
array. [Note: both new int and new int[10] have type int* and the
of new int[10] is
int (*)[10]. ]"

The standards define both of these types to be pointers to the
they are just different *types* of pointer.

The Standard defines the type of the first new-expression in that
example to be a pointer to a scalar type (int) and the second to be a
pointer to an array.

The standard defines that both types to point to the initial elelment of
the array, the only difference is that one is a multi-dimesional array
and one is a single dimension.
The new expression returns a pointer to the first element of the array ,
that is a pointer to the array, regardless of what type it is.

The first element of an array is not the same thing as the array which
contains the element. int* is not a pointer to an array, int* is a
pointer to a scalar type (int).

It *IS* a pointer the the array. How can it point to any part of the array
yet not point to the array?
As I predicited a completely idiotic nonsensical response.

You still do not understand the implications of E1[E2] being identical
to *((E1)+(E2)). This means the E1 will always be a pointer of type int*
for a 1dimensional array of int. Whether its implicitly converted in
case of static arrays, or doesn't need to be converted for dynamic

No it doesn't. An array is not a pointer and a pointer is not an array;
an array can be converted to a pointer however.
The standard agrees with me not you ref:
"If the * operator, either explicitly or implicitly as a result of
subscripting, is applied to
this pointer, the result is the pointedto (n - 1 )dimensional array, which
itself is immediately converted
into a pointer."

Once agian you are proven wrong.

int (*E1)[16] = new int[3][16];
int* E1 = new int[16];

E1 in the first example is no more a pointer to the array than in the
second example, both of these pointer types point to an array, and both
of them are dereferenced to an object of type exactly

E1 is a pointer to an array in the first example; in the second example it
is not a pointer to an array as it is a pointer to a scalar type (int).
Look another idiotic response ^^

Correct; well almost; each dereference produces a reference of the
corresponding array element type. The problem here is not your
understanding of how arrays work at the most basic level; the problem here
is the language you have been using to express your understanding; the
language you have been using has been plain incorrect.
I know it's correct I'm telling you how it works.
You are failing to acknowledge that the language you use to express
technical C++ matters is irking all those who reply to your posts. Your
insults will not help you improve your understanding of technical matters
nor help you express yourself properly.
As I predicited mostly idiotic responses , no wonder I simply get pissed off
with this idiot half the time and simply tell him to f off for lack of a
better expression.

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