Python-Matlab extensions: Comparisons?


Johannes Eble

Hello Python community,

I have looked for a Python extension to bring Python nearer to Matlab.
I am interested to do as much as possible in Python and to replace
Matlab as much as possible. Now I have found several extensions, i.e.

Matplotlib, SciPy, PyMatrix, and MatPy.

How do they compare to each other?

seems to obsolete MatPy (, but both
seem to concentrate on Matrix features only.

Matplotlib specialises in 2d plotting capabilities, I am not sure if
it builds upon

SciPy seems to be the most general Matlab-like solution so it's
probably the way to go for me.

Any advice?

Best regards


Robert Kern

Johannes said:
Hello Python community,

I have looked for a Python extension to bring Python nearer to Matlab.
I am interested to do as much as possible in Python and to replace
Matlab as much as possible. Now I have found several extensions, i.e.

Matplotlib, SciPy, PyMatrix, and MatPy.

How do they compare to each other?

seems to obsolete MatPy (, but both
seem to concentrate on Matrix features only.

Matplotlib specialises in 2d plotting capabilities, I am not sure if
it builds upon

It does not.
SciPy seems to be the most general Matlab-like solution so it's
probably the way to go for me.
> Any advice?

I'm not terribly familiar with PyMatrix or MatPy, but I will
enthusiastically recommend the use of SciPy and Matplotlib together.
SciPy provides a wide range of computational capabilities, and
Matplotlib provides a good interface for interactive plotting.

Be sure to look at IPython, an excellent interactive shell for Python.
It has special support for Matplotlib.

Robert Kern
(e-mail address removed)

"In the fields of hell where the grass grows high
Are the graves of dreams allowed to die."
-- Richard Harter

Johannes Eble

Hi Robert,

thanks very much for your advice. I will start with SciPy and IPython.

Best regards


Alexander Schmolck

Johannes Eble said:
Hello Python community,

I have looked for a Python extension to bring Python nearer to Matlab.

Scipy/ipython has already been suggested and I agree with that (I'd add emacs
to the mix); if you want to migrate you might also be interested in some stuff
I've written (will try to publish it later today; I'll be offline for a month
from end of this week, so I'd like to "flush" this stuff before):

- a high-level python-matlab interface (fairly stable, I think); you can use
matlab functions more or less as if they were normal python functions
(including viewing their doc with `help` and catching exceptions that occur
in them)

- anyplot -- a uniform matlab-like plotting iterface to different backends (at
the moment matlab via above bridge, scipy's xplt and matplotlib); this
should make it easy to switch gradually (chances are it will still be some
time before all of matlab's plotting functionality is available in
matplotlib et al; also different backends are good at different things so
the ability to switch without code change is useful)

- a matrix class that is largely sugar around Numeric arrays (and in principle
also numarray), but unlike other such code around preserves compatiblity to
Numeric arrays, whilst still offering some hack to write transposes and
matrix multiplications etc. conviniently. It also does, inter alia, matlab
style formatting.

All of them are fairly well documented and the first one seems fairly stable
(I've been using it for well over a year with little changes, after trying my
best to eliminate memory bugs); I also use the other two all the time, but
they are patchier, I think.

If you don't see any announcement on the newsgroup by saturday but are
interested feel free to bug me (if I don't get it out by the end of the
weekend, it's unlikely to happen)


P.S. There are a couple of other conveniences someone with a matlab background
might be missing, e.g. it's convienient to save variables. Here is a simple
hack that I often find useful to save and load results from experiments,
especially in interactive sessions:

Here's an (untested) mock-example:
>>> array1 = array([1, 2, 3]); array2=array([]), array3 = array([1])
>>> saveVars('filename', 'array1 array2 array3')
>>> del array1; del array2; del array3
>>> loadVars('filename', 'array1 array2 array3')
>>> array1
array([1, 2, 3])

def loadVars(filename, ask=True, into=None, only=None):
r"""Load variables pickled with `saveVars`.

- `ask`: If `True` then don't overwrite existing variables without
- `only`: A list to limit the variables to or `None`.
- `into`: The dictionary the variables should be loaded into (defaults
to global dictionary).

filename = os.path.expandvars(os.path.expanduser(filename))
if into is None: into = awmstools.magicGlobals()
varH = loadDict(filename)
toUnpickle = only or varH.keys()
alreadyDefined = filter(into.has_key, toUnpickle)
if alreadyDefined and ask:
print "The following vars already exist; overwrite (yes/NO)?\n",\
if raw_input() != "yes":
toUnpickle = without(toUnpickle, alreadyDefined)
if not toUnpickle:
print "nothing to unpickle"
return None
print "unpickling:\n",\
for k in varH.keys():
if k not in toUnpickle:
del varH[k]

def saveVars(filename, varNamesStr, outOf=None, **opts):
r"""Pickle name and value of all those variables in `outOf` (default: all
global variables (as seen from the caller)) that are named in
`varNamesStr` into a file called `filename` (if no extension is given,
'.bpickle' is appended). Overwrites file without asking, unless you
specify `overwrite=0`. Load again with `loadVars`.

Thus, to save the global variables ``bar``, ``foo`` and ``baz`` in the
file 'savedVars' do::

saveVars('savedVars', 'bar foo baz')

filename, varnames, outOf = __saveVarsHelper(
filename, varNamesStr, outOf, **opts)
print "pickling:\n", "\n".join(ipsort(varnames))
f = None
f = open(filename, "wb")

pickle.dump(dict(zip(varnames, atIndices(outOf, varnames))),
f, 1) # UGH: pickle, unlike pickle doesn't accept bin=1
if f: f.close()

def loadDict(filename):
"""Return the variables pickled pickled into `filename` with `saveVars`
as a dict."""
filename = os.path.expandvars(os.path.expanduser(filename))
if not splitext(filename)[1]: filename += ".bpickle"
f = None
f = open(filename, "rb")
varH = pickle.load(f)
if f: f.close()
return varH

def __saveVarsHelper(filename, varNamesStr, outOf,extension='.bpickle',**opts):
filename = os.path.expandvars(os.path.expanduser(filename))
if outOf is None: outOf = awmstools.magicGlobals(2)
if not varNamesStr or not isString(varNamesStr):
raise ValueError, "varNamesStr must be a string!"
varnames = varNamesStr.split()
if not splitext(filename)[1]: filename += extension
if opts.get("overwrite") == 0 and os.path.exists(filename):
raise RuntimeError("File already exists")
return filename, varnames, outOf

def atIndices(indexable, indices, default=__unique):
r"""Return a list of items in `indexable` at positions `indices`.

>>> atIndices([1,2,3], [1,1,0]) [2, 2, 1]
>>> atIndices([1,2,3], [1,1,0,4], 'default') [2, 2, 1, 'default']
>>> atIndices({'a':3, 'b':0}, ['a'])
if default is __unique:
return [indexable for i in indices]
res = []
for i in indices:
except (IndexError, KeyError):
return res

Fernando Perez

Alexander said:
Scipy/ipython has already been suggested and I agree with that (I'd add emacs
to the mix); if you want to migrate you might also be interested in some
stuff I've written (will try to publish it later today; I'll be offline for a
month from end of this week, so I'd like to "flush" this stuff before):


Alex, I'm not terribly qualified to judge most of this, as my matlab experience
is exactly zero. But I'd suggest you pass some of this stuff over for review
at the scipy-dev list, at least the parts you consider of more general
interest. It would be great if scipy could really become the canonical
repository for this kind of commonly useful functionality.



Alexander Schmolck

Fernando Perez said:

Alex, I'm not terribly qualified to judge most of this, as my matlab experience
is exactly zero. But I'd suggest you pass some of this stuff over for review
at the scipy-dev list, at least the parts you consider of more general
interest. It would be great if scipy could really become the canonical
repository for this kind of commonly useful functionality.

Well, once I get the stuff ready, I'll also announce it on the scipy and
numeric lists, as they seem most relevant. I'd be happy to have anyone
incorporate any of the code into whatever project they like, partly or whole,
but I guess e.g. a matlab wrapper is too specific (only useful for people who
have matlab; although one could presumably easily create an octave version).
I'm not sure how much general interest there'd be in the other two, I guess
the matrix class could be made redundant if some of it's features were made
available in numarray or scipy.array.


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