Quick way to initialize array with all zeros



I want to initialize a large array with 0's... do I have to use a for-loop
or is there some trick to accomplish this?

Patricia Shanahan

001 said:
I want to initialize a large array with 0's... do I have to use a for-loop
or is there some trick to accomplish this?

new int[n] is an all zero int array of size n. If you have an existing
array and need to reinitialize it to zero, use Arrays.fill.


Andrew Thompson

001 said:
I want to initialize a large array with 0's... do I have to use a for-loop
or is there some trick to accomplish this?

new int[n] is an all zero int array of size n. If you have an existing
array and need to reinitialize it to zero, use Arrays.fill.

I 'object' to such simplistic answers to what is
effectively a complex question. My first question
for the OP would be, what do you mean by 'quick'?

There are two potential meanings, AFAIU.
1) quick to code.
2) quick to run.

The first is inconsequential, the only point
to writing a shorter method is for the purposes
of code clarity (which has little to do with

And for the second, I am not convinced that
Arrays.fill() takes less CPU cycles.

Here is the test code/results I am seeing..
import java.util.Arrays;

class InitialiseToZero {

public static void main(String[] args) {
int length = 10000001;
int[] intArray = new int[length];
long startTimeOfLoop = System.currentTimeMillis();
for (int ii=0; ii<length; ii++) {
intArray[ii] = 1;
long endTimeOfLoop = System.currentTimeMillis();

long startTimeOfFill = System.currentTimeMillis();
Arrays.fill( intArray, 0 );
long endTimeOfFill = System.currentTimeMillis();

System.out.println( "Time to loop " +
(endTimeOfLoop - startTimeOfLoop) );
System.out.println( "Time to fill " +
(endTimeOfFill - startTimeOfFill) );

Time to loop 94
Time to fill 140
Press any key to continue . . .

Time to loop 140
Time to fill 110
Press any key to continue . . .

Time to loop 125
Time to fill 140
Press any key to continue . . .

Time to loop 125
Time to fill 109
Press any key to continue . . .

Time to loop 141
Time to fill 141
Press any key to continue . . .

Out of five runs (Java 1.6 on WinXP on an AMP
XP 1800 CPU), the loop was faster on two
occasions, slower on two, and equal on the

'Six of one - half a dozen of the other.'
as I see it.

Andrew T.

Andrew Thompson

new int[n] is an all zero int array of size n. If you have an existing
array and need to reinitialize it to zero, use Arrays.fill.

I 'object' to such simplistic answers to what is
effectively a complex question. My first question
for the OP would be, what do you mean by 'quick'?

There are two potential meanings, AFAIU.
1) quick to code.
2) quick to run.

D'oh! In my (mild) irritation I forgot to
mention two important things.

1) Premature optimization

These types of questions smack of premature
optimization. Code for clarity and let the
JIT do its job until such times as a *profiler*
indicates a bottleneck based on the array

2) (Stressing) code clarity

The Array.fill() method would be preferable
for code clarity. Why code three lines, for
something that can be expressed in one?

Andrew T.

Andrew Thompson

On Apr 1, 4:05 am, "George Cherry" <
Why did you fill the int array with 1's in the for loop test
and 0's in the Arrays.fill test?

"Because I'm evil".

LOL, sometimes I crack me up. ;-)

Why not? I was (ever so slightly) worried that
the JIT compiler would notice the inefficiency of
doing something that had already been done, and
ignore the second call. (muses) maybe I should
have put all 'random' values..

Andrew T.

Andrew Thompson

Oh. (Are JIT compilers that smart?)

Dunno' And further, I am not prepared to
waste time philosiphising about it.
Or--at least--initialize a different array in
each test.

Well.. altered code, different test results,
would be more than welcome on this thread..

How about it?

"Let the (altered) code (and test results) do
the talkin'"

(Anything short of that, is just theoretical
bullsh*t, as far as I am concerned.)

Andrew T.

George Cherry

Andrew Thompson said:
001 said:
I want to initialize a large array with 0's... do I have to use a
or is there some trick to accomplish this?

new int[n] is an all zero int array of size n. If you have an existing
array and need to reinitialize it to zero, use Arrays.fill.

I 'object' to such simplistic answers to what is
effectively a complex question. My first question
for the OP would be, what do you mean by 'quick'?

There are two potential meanings, AFAIU.
1) quick to code.
2) quick to run.

The first is inconsequential, the only point
to writing a shorter method is for the purposes
of code clarity (which has little to do with

And for the second, I am not convinced that
Arrays.fill() takes less CPU cycles.

Here is the test code/results I am seeing..
import java.util.Arrays;

class InitialiseToZero {

public static void main(String[] args) {
int length = 10000001;
int[] intArray = new int[length];
long startTimeOfLoop = System.currentTimeMillis();
for (int ii=0; ii<length; ii++) {
intArray[ii] = 1;
long endTimeOfLoop = System.currentTimeMillis();

long startTimeOfFill = System.currentTimeMillis();
Arrays.fill( intArray, 0 );
long endTimeOfFill = System.currentTimeMillis();

System.out.println( "Time to loop " +
(endTimeOfLoop - startTimeOfLoop) );
System.out.println( "Time to fill " +
(endTimeOfFill - startTimeOfFill) );

Why did you fill the int array with 1's in the for loop test
and 0's in the Arrays.fill test?


George Cherry

Andrew Thompson said:
On Apr 1, 4:05 am, "George Cherry" <

"Because I'm evil".

LOL, sometimes I crack me up. ;-)

Why not? I was (ever so slightly) worried that
the JIT compiler would notice the inefficiency of
doing something that had already been done, and
ignore the second call.

Oh. (Are JIT compilers that smart?)
(muses) maybe I should
have put all 'random' values..

Or--at least--initialize a different array in
each test.


Patricia Shanahan

Andrew Thompson wrote:
Well.. altered code, different test results,
would be more than welcome on this thread..

How about it?

"Let the (altered) code (and test results) do
the talkin'"

OK, here's a new version. It does a new call, with a new array
instance, for each test. I tested three approaches:

trustTheJVM - Assumes that the result of "new int[size]" is already an
array of zeros, as required by the JLS.

fill - Use Arrays.fill.

loop - Explicit loop initialization.

Here are my results, times in nanoseconds:

10 trustTheJVM Mean time 2299.21 Min time 1955 Max time 5028
10 fill Mean time 4299.44 Min time 2793 Max time 149739
10 loop Mean time 2539.42 Min time 2235 Max time 4191
100 trustTheJVM Mean time 4570.47 Min time 2514 Max time 90514
100 fill Mean time 13918.03 Min time 2793 Max time 785016
100 loop Mean time 6483.99 Min time 2234 Max time 248635
1000 trustTheJVM Mean time 3363.56 Min time 2514 Max time 7543
1000 fill Mean time 39021.77 Min time 6425 Max time 2438019
1000 loop Mean time 6727.09 Min time 5588 Max time 9498
10000 trustTheJVM Mean time 25777.05 Min time 8101 Max time 769372
10000 fill Mean time 56093.72 Min time 43022 Max time 219582
10000 loop Mean time 65363.09 Min time 37993 Max time 1270553
100000 trustTheJVM Mean time 250601.74 Min time 60622 Max time 5836775
100000 fill Mean time 560487.44 Min time 529676 Max time 1038121
100000 loop Mean time 499658.44 Min time 480508 Max time 696178
1000000 trustTheJVM Mean time 1.653218217E7 Min time 14147608 Max time
1000000 fill Mean time 2.132354819E7 Min time 18011507 Max time 28056639
1000000 loop Mean time 2.159381985E7 Min time 19357209 Max time 45192057
10000000 trustTheJVM Mean time 8.072149119E7 Min time 78537636 Max time
10000000 fill Mean time 1.3643357179E8 Min time 132609870 Max time 145655943
10000000 loop Mean time 1.3610318625E8 Min time 132324919 Max time 143016501

"trustTheJVM" is the clear winner, and should be used unless there is a
need to reinitialize the array after it has been modified.

For small arrays, if reinitialization is needed, "loop" wins over "fill"
by a reasonable margin.

For large arrays, "loop" and "fill" have similar performance.

I still stand by my original advice - for long arrays, if possible,
depend on the original initialization implicit in "new int[size]". If
that is not possible, use Arrays.fill. It is one line and has the intent
specified by the method name.

The only case in which I would prefer to loop is for very frequent calls
to a method with a small array with performance dominated by the array

The rest of this article is the source code for my tests:

import java.util.Arrays;

public class InitialiseToZero {

public static void main(String[] args) {
int[] sizes = {10,100,1000,10000,100000,1000000,10000000};
timeArrayInit[] methods = {trustTheJVM,fill,loop};
int repeatCount = 100;
for(int size: sizes){
for(timeArrayInit method: methods){
for(int i=0; i<repeatCount; i++){
for(timeArrayInit method: methods){
for(timeArrayInit method: methods){

private static timeArrayInit trustTheJVM = new timeArrayInit(){
String getName(){
return "trustTheJVM";
int timee(int size){
int[] data = new int[size];
return data[size/2];

private static timeArrayInit fill = new timeArrayInit(){
String getName(){
return "fill";
int timee(int size){
int[] data = new int[size];
return data[size/2];

private static timeArrayInit loop = new timeArrayInit(){
String getName(){
return "loop";
int timee(int size){
int[] data = new int[size];
for(int i=0; i<size; i++){
data = 0;
return data[size/2];

private static abstract class timeArrayInit {
abstract int timee(int size);

abstract String getName();

long totalTime = 0;

long minTime = Long.MAX_VALUE;

long maxTime = 0;

long calls = 0;

void time(int size) {
long start = System.nanoTime();
int result = timee(size);
long end = System.nanoTime();
if (result != 0) {
System.err.printf("Error in method %s result %d%n",
getName(), result);
} else {
long time = end - start;
totalTime += time;
if (time < minTime) {
minTime = time;
if (time > maxTime) {
maxTime = time;

void reset(){
totalTime = 0;
minTime = Long.MAX_VALUE;
maxTime = 0;
calls = 0;

public String getReport(int size) {
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
builder.append(" "+getName());
builder.append(" Mean time "+totalTime/(double)calls);
builder.append(" Min time "+minTime);
builder.append(" Max time "+maxTime);
return builder.toString();

Andrew Thompson

Andrew Thompson wrote: .... ...
OK, here's a new version. It does a new call, with a new array
instance, for each test. I tested three approaches:

Way cool. That should give the OP much to
chew over (me as well). Thanks.

Andrew T.


Yes, you're right... I really mean quick to run as that's the most important
thing in life isn't it? Thanks for all your responses guys! The thing is I
didn't have to reinitialize it... I only wanted to initialize it once...
(but I thought relying on the zero's when an array is declared would result
in a compile-time error and I am therefore really sorry to find out only now
that that wasn't the case! (as it is with normal variables)).

Andrew Thompson said:
001 said:
I want to initialize a large array with 0's... do I have to use a
or is there some trick to accomplish this?

new int[n] is an all zero int array of size n. If you have an existing
array and need to reinitialize it to zero, use Arrays.fill.

I 'object' to such simplistic answers to what is
effectively a complex question. My first question
for the OP would be, what do you mean by 'quick'?

There are two potential meanings, AFAIU.
1) quick to code.
2) quick to run.

The first is inconsequential, the only point
to writing a shorter method is for the purposes
of code clarity (which has little to do with

And for the second, I am not convinced that
Arrays.fill() takes less CPU cycles.

Here is the test code/results I am seeing..
import java.util.Arrays;

class InitialiseToZero {

public static void main(String[] args) {
int length = 10000001;
int[] intArray = new int[length];
long startTimeOfLoop = System.currentTimeMillis();
for (int ii=0; ii<length; ii++) {
intArray[ii] = 1;
long endTimeOfLoop = System.currentTimeMillis();

long startTimeOfFill = System.currentTimeMillis();
Arrays.fill( intArray, 0 );
long endTimeOfFill = System.currentTimeMillis();

System.out.println( "Time to loop " +
(endTimeOfLoop - startTimeOfLoop) );
System.out.println( "Time to fill " +
(endTimeOfFill - startTimeOfFill) );

Time to loop 94
Time to fill 140
Press any key to continue . . .

Time to loop 140
Time to fill 110
Press any key to continue . . .

Time to loop 125
Time to fill 140
Press any key to continue . . .

Time to loop 125
Time to fill 109
Press any key to continue . . .

Time to loop 141
Time to fill 141
Press any key to continue . . .

Out of five runs (Java 1.6 on WinXP on an AMP
XP 1800 CPU), the loop was faster on two
occasions, slower on two, and equal on the

'Six of one - half a dozen of the other.'
as I see it.

Andrew T.

Patricia Shanahan

George said:
Oh. (Are JIT compilers that smart?)

I don't know about the current state of JIT compilers.

Dead code elimination is the optimization that I've most often seen
cause benchmark collapse. It's happened often enough that I make a habit
of always doing SOMETHING externally visible with the result of the
timed calculation.



Patricia said:
"trustTheJVM" is the clear winner, and should be used unless there is a
need to reinitialize the array after it has been modified.

For small arrays, if reinitialization is needed, "loop" wins over "fill"
by a reasonable margin.

For large arrays, "loop" and "fill" have similar performance.

No surprise since Arrays.fill use the same loop but
has a couple of extra calls.


Mark Thornton

Arne said:
No surprise since Arrays.fill use the same loop but
has a couple of extra calls.

Just because the code looks the same does not mean it will have the same
performance when one implementation is part of the standard library. The
JVM might replace library implementations with an accelerated form
(intrinsic). Thus Patricia is correct to test the actual performance of
these methods, and that performance might change in a future JVM.

Mark Thornton

Andrew Thompson

001 said:
Yes, you're right...

Who is? Please refrain from top-posting in future,
I find it most confusing.
..I really mean quick to run as that's the most important
thing in life isn't it?

No, it is not. Code that is very fast to run, but
has bugs, might be useless compared to code
that is 10% slower, but works flawlessy.

( Would you prefer a baniking app. that is 10%
slower, but never makes mistakes, or one that is
10% faster, but sometimes clears your accounts? ;)

As such, the 'code clarity' point I mentioned earlier,
might help prevent those bugs, and therefore would
be the strategy I would pursue.


Mark said:
Just because the code looks the same does not mean it will have the same
performance when one implementation is part of the standard library. The
JVM might replace library implementations with an accelerated form

And ?

I would still be more surprised if it did that than if it did not.
Thus Patricia is correct to test the actual performance of
these methods, and that performance might change in a future JVM.

And ?

Java and all other languages I am aware of does not make any promises
about future performance characteristics.


Oliver Wong

001 said:
I really mean quick to run as that's the most important thing in life
isn't it?

If that were the case, you probably wouldn't be programming in Java.
Instead, you'd be designing dedicated hardware to perform the task.
Thanks for all your responses guys! The thing is I didn't have to
reinitialize it... I only wanted to initialize it once... (but I thought
relying on the zero's when an array is declared would result in a
compile-time error and I am therefore really sorry to find out only now
that that wasn't the case! (as it is with normal variables)).

Fields are automatically initialized to default values (0 for
integers, false for booleans, etc.) Local variables are not automatically
initialized at all (not even with random values).

Perhaps you're thinking of C?

- Oliver

Mike Schilling

Oliver said:
If that were the case, you probably wouldn't be programming in
Java. Instead, you'd be designing dedicated hardware to perform the

Fields are automatically initialized to default values (0 for
integers, false for booleans, etc.) Local variables are not
automatically initialized at all (not even with random values).

Perhaps you're thinking of C?

The point, which might be considered subtle, is that in

void method()
int[] array = new int[20];

the only local variable is the reference to the array. The members of the
array are all fields of the array object.

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