Read 20 lines when pressing n for next


Uri Guttman

GE> With all due respect, all I am guilty of is having opinions (which
GE> happens to be contrary to your own view in both cases.) If anyone did
GE> any "flaming", it was people like you that turned a simple point into a
GE> kill-the-heretic.

GE> You don't agree with someone, fine. But don't make it your personal
GE> vendetta.

it isn't personal. you attacked first on my homework comment (why mine
and not all the others? i call that personal). it is all in the google
archive to see. nyah nyah nyah!

go away before i taunt you a further time. your mother was a hampster. i
fart in your general direction.


Gordon Etly

Uri said:
it isn't personal.

You keep making it so. Every thread I make a comment or some point on
something, instead of addressing it's merits or cons, you turn it into
your own personal holy war. You did exactly that in the thread
concerning the usage of "PERL" and you've been doing it again here.

Instead of discussing the point being made, you go the defensive, way
out into left field. You also are doing it to Ben Bullock in a thread
about Perl 6. You keep jumping into threads, and instead of making civil
conversation you keep trolling for a fight. Then you tell the other side
to shut up, and/or claim they are a troll, and all in all, ignore any
validity in the original point.
you attacked first on my homework comment

It wasn't an attack, it was a comment. By posting, you are inviting
comments. If you cannot accept this, you should not be posting on UseNet
(or any other public message forum.)
and not all the others?

If you bothered to actually check, my first reply was to A. Sinan Unur,
not you. Yeah, you really don't have a personal agenda here, right?...
go away before i taunt you a further time. your mother was a
hampster. i fart in your general direction.

"...than to open your mouth and remove all doubt."

Uri Guttman

GE> You keep making it so. Every thread I make a comment or some point on
GE> something, instead of addressing it's merits or cons, you turn it into
GE> your own personal holy war. You did exactly that in the thread
GE> concerning the usage of "PERL" and you've been doing it again here.

you haven't made one TECHNICAL comment about perl code that i have
seen. that is the gist of this group. you have always commented on how
someone else posts or barely topical stuff like PERL vs perl. your
latest was how others (and i) judged a post as homework. and you
followed up to my post (one of several) which tags you as more obsessed
with me than even just the thread. try actually commenting on perl code
problems for a change.

GE> It wasn't an attack, it was a comment. By posting, you are inviting
GE> comments. If you cannot accept this, you should not be posting on UseNet
GE> (or any other public message forum.)

GE> If you bothered to actually check, my first reply was to A. Sinan Unur,
GE> not you. Yeah, you really don't have a personal agenda here, right?...

GE> "...than to open your mouth and remove all doubt."

you said and proved it. i have been helping with real perl issues here
(and elsewhere) for decades (about 1.5 of them). i have nothing to prove
to you. you have tons to prove here.


Gordon Etly

Uri said:
you haven't made one TECHNICAL comment about perl code that i have

So what? Point me ot a rule that says every question has to be a
"technical" one or sod off. Anyone can comment on someone else post,
which you invite by posting in the first place. If you can't handle it,
don't post.
that is the gist of this group. you have always commented on how
someone else posts or barely topical stuff like PERL vs perl.

By posting you invite comments, if you can't handle it, then don't post.
And would you care to tell me how making a point about something found
in the documentation of Perl to be off topic in a Perl news group?
your latest was how others (and i) judged a post as homework.

And I simply commented that that is a judgement, which is based on an
assumption that could be entirely wrong. Anyone has the right to post a
comment, and you invite comments by posting, so if you cannot handle it,
don't post.
and you followed up to my post (one of several) which tags you as more
obsessed with me than even just the thread.

My initial comment in this thread was not you, so get over it. It was a
general comment made when I first saw it. In the words of late Chris
Farly (RIP), "whooptie freakin' doo"

i have been helping with real perl issues here

That doesn't give you a free ticket to act any way you want to people
and assume it's perfectly ok. You are no more special than anyone else
here, so get over your self and fix your max line width with replying
while you're at it (it's only yours that ends up having wrapping issues
when ever I hit reply. It is generally accepted be using 72-76 max per
line, as it is to use a shift key, ffs.)

i have nothing to prove to you. you have tons to prove here.

As I have nothing to prove to you, yet you insist on coming after me as
if I and others do.

Jürgen Exner

Gordon Etly said:
Why do you all just assume it's a homework assignment?

Name one other probably explanation for such an odd requirement within
such an odd task.
Could it not just
as well be a simplified work project? I would not be at all surprised if
this was something handed down by one's boss or project manager, and
written in a simplified form (which is what one *should* do, no?)

A boss or project manager asking to reinvent the wheel, oooops, sorry,
to rewrite the "more" utility "using subroutines" (whatever that is
supposed to mean)? Yes, of course it can be. Just like it is possible
that all the molecules of the chair I am sitting on will move 1m to the
left and I'll drop to the ground. Since Heisenbert we know that that is
Get real! Any boss or PM asking for something like that will survive
only until his superior finds out.


Uri Guttman

GE> So what? Point me ot a rule that says every question has to be a
GE> "technical" one or sod off. Anyone can comment on someone else post,
GE> which you invite by posting in the first place. If you can't handle it,
GE> don't post.

hmm. see the guidelines. this group is about discussing perl, not the

GE> By posting you invite comments, if you can't handle it, then don't post.
GE> And would you care to tell me how making a point about something found
GE> in the documentation of Perl to be off topic in a Perl news group?

because the answer is already there (and shown many times) and flaming
about it ad nauseum does no one but you any good.

GE> And I simply commented that that is a judgement, which is based on an
GE> assumption that could be entirely wrong. Anyone has the right to post a
GE> comment, and you invite comments by posting, so if you cannot handle it,
GE> don't post.

pot meet kettle. try to actually make a perl code comment already.

GE> That doesn't give you a free ticket to act any way you want to
GE> people and assume it's perfectly ok. You are no more special than
GE> anyone else here, so get over your self and fix your max line
GE> width with replying while you're at it (it's only yours that ends
GE> up having wrapping issues when ever I hit reply. It is generally
GE> accepted be using 72-76 max per line, as it is to use a shift key,
GE> ffs.)

huh?? wrapping issues? you must use some strange usenet reader. emacs
has no problems here. nor do i. try another useless offtopic.

GE> As I have nothing to prove to you, yet you insist on coming after me as
GE> if I and others do.

you do have something to prove, such as actual skill in helping others
with perl problems. that is the heart of this group. all the regulars do
that. you haven't. it is called earning stripes. otherwise you might as
well be moronzilla (google for it since you won't get the reference).


Gordon Etly

Uri said:

hmm. see the guidelines. this group is about discussing perl, not the

Seems you need to swallow your own advice, as you are the one who keeps
trying ot makes things personal.

because the answer is already there (and shown many times) and flaming
about it ad nauseum does no one but you any good.

I haven't flamed anyone. I made comments. You came after me, like you
are here, rather than address the points.

huh?? wrapping issues? you must use some strange usenet reader. emacs
has no problems here. nor do i. try another useless offtopic.

Like I said, the only time, whine I smack "reply", that I see the
wrapping (after 3 levels of quoting) to be quite off. Most anyone else I
reply to doesn't yield such a result. What are your max character cut
offs set to for quoting? Mine is set to 72. It seem, after going over
your lines you are set to 74. Over the years I've most commonly seen 72
(and sometimes 76) as the recommended cut off. Especially in technical

Albeit the fact that 72 and 76 cause no problems for about a dozen quote
levels and 74 becomes a mess after 3 levels may be a deficiency in the
quoting mechanism in my reader. I suspect this is because of the leading
white space in the lines you quote. This would appear to be an uncommon
practice and apparently some readers don't deal with that too well. If
you could, please don't include leading white space in quoted lines.

you do have something to prove

Sorry, but no I do not. No one does. Not in order to post a comment.
I've been programming, administrating (UNIX, Linux, Solaris, Windows,
etc), and such for a long time, I've dealt with your type countless
times - the supposed veteran of a forum or news group who thinks they
can push people around for what ever reason because they believe they
have earned the right to do so. Sorry, but I don't care if you've been
around for just 20 minutes or 20 years, unacceptable behavior and same
rules should apply to everyone, not just what you might consider to be a
lower cast denizen.
such as actual skill in helping others

I'll tell you what, learn to use your shift key properly, and I'll shift
around some time to help people out in this group. I don't really have a
problem taking time off from one forum, that I regularly help in, to
contribute help to another, but as I already told you before, it's
ludicrous to expect one to be a regular helper in every single group
they go to all the time, as there are only so many hours in the day and
for many who also work there are only so many out of the remaining hours
one can spend on forums, news groups, and mailing lists, so that does
necessitate being selective.

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