"read/write synchronization is not available for the selected family"



While synthesizing the code on Spartan 2 for free filter IP I've found
on internet, I am getting the following message.
The filter stores coefficients in rom entity, and intermediate results
in sram. The first one has only read option, while the last one

Xilinx Webhelp does not have an article on that error message. It looks
like I have to use another device, but why wouldn't it support such a
simple structure? I doubd that though. Maybe I can modify the code

Thank you very much

Synthesizing Unit <sram>.
Related source file is
INFO:Xst:1435 - HDL ADVISOR - Unable to extract a block RAM for signal
<RAMDATA>. The read/write synchronization appears to be READ_FIRST and
is not available for the selected family. A distributed RAM will
usually be created instead. To take advantage of block RAM resources,
you may want to revisit your RAM synchronization or check available
device families.
Found 512x10-bit single-port distributed RAM for signal <RAMDATA>.


Synthesizing Unit <rom>.
Related source file is
WARNING:Xst:653 - Signal <ROMDATA<0>> is used but never assigned. Tied
to value 0000000000000000.
WARNING:Xst:1781 - Signal <ROMDATA<401:511>> is used but never
assigned. Tied to default value.
INFO:Xst:1435 - HDL ADVISOR - Unable to extract a block RAM for signal
<ROMDATA>. The read/write synchronization appears to be READ_FIRST and
is not available for the selected family. A distributed RAM will
usually be created instead. To take advantage of block RAM resources,
you may want to revisit your RAM synchronization or check available
device families.
Found 16-bit register for signal <DOUT>.
Found 16-bit 512-to-1 multiplexer for signal <$n0002> created at
line 468.
inferred 16 D-type flip-flop(s).
inferred 16 Multiplexer(s).
Unit <rom> synthesized.


Are you truely trying to use the READ_FIRST mode? If so, you need to
add custom circuitry to do so since the selected device does not
support this option. If not, you should be able to modify your code to
remove the read before write behavior.

The ROM warnings suggest that you are not instantiating the ROM
properly. First, the READ_FIRST mode should be irrelavent for ROMs.
Second, you have not provided initial values for the ROM entries.
Without access to your code, its hard to be of much more help.


Here is ROM entity
Please note that sram entity has not only read, but also write process

entity rom is
Port (
CK : In std_logic;
RDN : In std_logic;
CSN : In std_logic;
ADDR : In std_logic_vector(8 downto 0);
DOUT : Out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) );
end rom;

architecture STRUCTURE of rom is

subtype ROMWORD is std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
type ROMARRAY is array (0 to 2**9 - 1) of ROMWORD;

signal ADDR_IN : integer range 0 to 2**9 - 1;
-- signal DIN_CHANGE, WRN_RISE : time := 0 ps;
signal addr_tmp : unsigned(8 downto 0);

begin -- architecture rom

gen_addr_tmp : process( ADDR )
begin -- process gen_addr_tmp

for i in 8 downto 0 loop
addr_tmp(i) <= ADDR(i);
end loop;

end process gen_addr_tmp;

ADDR_IN <= conv_integer(addr_tmp);

ROMDATA( 1) <= "0000000010010011";
ROMDATA( 2) <= "1111111001110100";
ROMDATA( 3) <= "1111110010110011";
ROMDATA( 4) <= "1111110100100010";
ROMDATA( 5) <= "0000001011000000";
ROMDATA( 6) <= "0000110111110100";
ROMDATA( 7) <= "0001101100010110";
ROMDATA( 8) <= "0010010000000011";
ROMDATA( 9) <= "0010010000000011";
ROMDATA( 10) <= "0001101100010110";
ROMDATA( 11) <= "0000110111110100";
ROMDATA( 12) <= "0000001011000000";
ROMDATA( 13) <= "1111110100100010";
ROMDATA( 14) <= "1111110010110011";
ROMDATA( 15) <= "1111111001110100";
ROMDATA( 16) <= "0000000010010011";
ROMDATA( 17) <= "0000000000000000";
-- ... all zeros assignments
ROMDATA(400) <= "0000000000000000";

rd_data : process(CK) -- modified Jan/25/2003
begin -- process rd_data

if(CK'event and CK = '1') then
if(RDN = '0' and CSN = '0') then
DOUT <= (others => '0');
end if;
end if;
end process rd_data;

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