redirecting stdout in an extension


Mark Probert

Hi ..

Any ideas on how to redirect stdout in an extension and then revert it
back to its default behaviour? freopen() redirects, though I am not
sure of returning to normal programming.


VALUE rb_dump(VALUE self, VALUE o_name)
VALUE rval; /* our result */
VALUE fname; /* holds the filename */

fname = StringValue(o_name);

/* redirect stdout */
freopen("a.xml", "w+", stdout);
if (foo_dump(STR2CSTR(fname)) == -1) {
rval = Qnil;
} else {
rval = Qtrue;
fclose(stdout); /* bad!!! want to go back to fd 1 */
return rval;

BTW, I have no way of modifying the call to foo_dump() to take a file
handle. It just splurts out to stdout.

Many thanks,

Mark Probert

Hi ..

Just a guess. I don't know how well it will play with the Ruby
Not so well, unfortunately:

$ ruby foo.rb
test.rb:29:in `write': Bad file descriptor (Errno::EBADF)
from test.rb:29:in `puts'
from test.rb:29

Thanks for the suggestion. I would think that there might be some
facility hidden with the API that might allow this redirection to
happen, but I have no idea of what it might be ..



Mark said:
Hi ..

Not so well, unfortunately:

$ ruby foo.rb
test.rb:29:in `write': Bad file descriptor (Errno::EBADF)
from test.rb:29:in `puts'
from test.rb:29

Thanks for the suggestion. I would think that there might be some
facility hidden with the API that might allow this redirection to
happen, but I have no idea of what it might be ..

Hi Mark,

I was thinking that a reply would pop up suggesting rb_io_reopen()
but just discovered what you already know ... it's not exposed :(

Here's my adaptation of a fairly well established method
blagged (including most comments) from the ether.

In short, the chant goes:
open, dup, dup2, close <"redirecting"> dup2, close

Will it work in a Ruby ext ?

require 'redir1'

#-> Fri Jul 29 04:14:10 2005
#-> Fri Jul 29 04:14:10 2005 - foo/blah.txt

Result as expected. (C below)


<redir1.c> (almost useless extension)
#include "ruby.h"
#include <fcntl.h>

int foo_dump(char *fname)
VALUE t = rb_class_new_instance(0, NULL, rb_cTime);

// time and filename to STDOUT (possibly redirected)
printf("%s - %s\n", RSTRING(rb_inspect(t))->ptr, fname);

return 0;

VALUE redir1(VALUE self, VALUE o_name)
VALUE rval; /* our result */
char *fname; /* holds the filename */
int new_fh, sv_so, so_fh = _fileno(stdout);
/* OR so_fh = STDOUT_FILENO */

fname = StringValuePtr(o_name);

new_fh = open("dummy.tmp", O_CREAT | O_WRONLY, S_IREAD | S_IWRITE);
if (new_fh < 0)
rb_sys_fail("can't open file for STDOUT redirection");

/* create a duplicate handle for standard output */
sv_so = dup(so_fh);
redirect standard output to output file
by duplicating the file handle onto
the file handle for standard output.
dup2(new_fh, so_fh);
/* close the handle for output file */

/* will be redirected into output file */
rval = (foo_dump(fname) == -1) ? Qnil : Qtrue;

/* restore original standard output handle */
dup2(sv_so, so_fh);
/* close duplicate handle for STDOUT */

return rval;

void Init_redir1() {

rb_define_singleton_method(rb_cTime, "redir1", redir1, 1);

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