Replace _T() macros


John Doe


I would like to know if it would be possible to replace _T() macros used
on windows to delcare an ANSI string or a unicode one :

#ifdef UNICODE
#define __TEXT(quote) L##quote // r_winnt
#define __TEXT(quote) ##quote

#define _T(x) __TEXT(x)

I was thinking of something like

_Text<char>("some text") that would return "some text"
_Text<wchar_t>("some text") that would return L"some text"

What is possible to do ?

James Kanze

I would like to know if it would be possible to replace _T()
macros used on windows to delcare an ANSI string or a unicode
one :
#ifdef UNICODE
#define __TEXT(quote) L##quote // r_winnt
#define __TEXT(quote) ##quote
#define _T(x) __TEXT(x)
I was thinking of something like
_Text<char>("some text") that would return "some text"
_Text<wchar_t>("some text") that would return L"some text"

The obvious first answer is that the above is impossible, since
the arguments to a macro have to be in the parentheses.

The obvious second answer is that it is trivial to write a small
preprocessor which does this; probably around a hundred lines of
code, in all (using flex and a simple state machine).

A less obvious third answer is that it doesn't buy you anything.
The way you process wide characters is different than what you
do with narrow characters; just changing char to wchar_t and
"..." to L"..." won't produce anything usable.

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