replace only full words




I have a list of sentences and a list of words. Every full word that appears within sentence shall be extended by <WORD> i.e. "I drink in the house." Would become "I <drink> in the <house>." (and not "I <d<rink> in the <house>.")I have attempted it like this:
for sentence in sentences:
for noun in nouns:
if " "+noun+" " in sentence or " "+noun+"?" in sentence or " "+noun+"!" in sentence or " "+noun+"." in sentence:
sentence = sentence.replace(noun, '<' + noun + '>')


but what if The word is in the beginning of a sentence and I also don't like the approach using defined word terminations. Also, is there a way to make it faster?


Tim Chase

I have a list of sentences and a list of words. Every full word
that appears within sentence shall be extended by <WORD> i.e. "I
drink in the house." Would become "I <drink> in the <house>." (and
not "I <d<rink> in the <house>.")

This is a good place to reach for regular expressions. It comes with
a "ensure there is a word-boundary here" token, so you can do
something like the code at the (way) bottom of this email. I've
pushed it off the bottom in the event you want to try and use regexps
on your own first. Or if this is homework, at least make you work a
*little* :)
Also, is there a way to make it faster?

The code below should do the processing in roughly O(n) time as it
only makes one pass through the data and does O(1) lookups into your
set of nouns. I included code in the regexp to roughly find
contractions and hyphenated words. Your original code grows slower
as your list of nouns grows bigger and also suffers from
multiple-replacement issues (if you have the noun-list of ["drink",
"rink"], you'll get results that you don't likely want.

My code hasn't considered case differences, but you should be able to
normalize both the list of nouns and the word you're testing in the
"modify()" function so that it would find "Drink" as well as "drink"

Also, note that some words serve both as nouns and other parts of
speech, e.g. "It's kind of you to house me for the weekend and drink
tea with me."


import re

r = re.compile(r"""
\b # assert a word boundary
\w+ # 1+ word characters
(?: # a group
[-'] # a dash or apostrophe
\w+ # followed by 1+ word characters
)? # make the group optional (0 or 1 instances)
\b # assert a word boundary here
""", re.VERBOSE)

nouns = set([

def modify(matchobj):
word =
if word in nouns:
return "<%s>" % word
return word

print r.sub(modify, "I drink in the house")



I have a list of sentences and a list of words. Every full word that appears within sentence shall be extended by <WORD> i.e. "I drink in the house." Would become "I <drink> in the <house>." (and not "I <d<rink> in the <house>.")I have attempted it like this:
for sentence in sentences:
for noun in nouns:
if " "+noun+" " in sentence or " "+noun+"?" in sentence or " "+noun+"!" in sentence or " "+noun+"." in sentence:
sentence = sentence.replace(noun, '<' + noun + '>')


but what if The word is in the beginning of a sentence and I also don't like the approach using defined word terminations. Also, is there a way to make it faster?
It sounds like a regex problem to me:

import re

nouns = ["drink", "house"]

pattern = re.compile(r"\b(" + "|".join(nouns) + r")\b")

for sentence in sentences:
sentence = pattern.sub(r"<\g<0>>", sentence)

Jussi Piitulainen

MRAB said:

I have a list of sentences and a list of words. Every full word
that appears within sentence shall be extended by <WORD> i.e. "I
drink in the house." Would become "I <drink> in the <house>." (and
not "I <d<rink> in the <house>.")I have attempted it like this:
for sentence in sentences:
for noun in nouns:
if " "+noun+" " in sentence or " "+noun+"?" in sentence or " "+noun+"!" in sentence or " "+noun+"." in sentence:
sentence = sentence.replace(noun, '<' + noun + '>')


but what if The word is in the beginning of a sentence and I also
don't like the approach using defined word terminations. Also, is
there a way to make it faster?
It sounds like a regex problem to me:

import re

nouns = ["drink", "house"]

pattern = re.compile(r"\b(" + "|".join(nouns) + r")\b")

for sentence in sentences:
sentence = pattern.sub(r"<\g<0>>", sentence)

Maybe tokenize by a regex and then join the replacements of all

import re

def substitute(token):
if isfullword(token.lower()):
return '<{}>'.format(token)
return token

def tokenize(sentence):
return re.split(r'(\W)', sentence)

sentence = 'This is, like, a test.'

tokens = map(substitute, tokenize(sentence))
sentence = ''.join(tokens)

For better results, both tokenization and substitution need to depend
on context. Doing some of that should be an interesting exercise.


I have a list of sentences and a list of words. Every full word
that appears within sentence shall be extended by <WORD> i.e. "I
drink in the house." Would become "I <drink> in the <house>." (and
not "I <d<rink> in the <house>.")

This is a good place to reach for regular expressions. It comes with

a "ensure there is a word-boundary here" token, so you can do

something like the code at the (way) bottom of this email. I've

pushed it off the bottom in the event you want to try and use regexps

on your own first. Or if this is homework, at least make you work a

*little* :)

Also, is there a way to make it faster?

The code below should do the processing in roughly O(n) time as it

only makes one pass through the data and does O(1) lookups into your

set of nouns. I included code in the regexp to roughly find

contractions and hyphenated words. Your original code grows slower

as your list of nouns grows bigger and also suffers from

multiple-replacement issues (if you have the noun-list of ["drink",

"rink"], you'll get results that you don't likely want.

My code hasn't considered case differences, but you should be able to

normalize both the list of nouns and the word you're testing in the

"modify()" function so that it would find "Drink" as well as "drink"

Also, note that some words serve both as nouns and other parts of

speech, e.g. "It's kind of you to house me for the weekend and drink

tea with me."


import re

r = re.compile(r"""

\b # assert a word boundary

\w+ # 1+ word characters

(?: # a group

[-'] # a dash or apostrophe

\w+ # followed by 1+ word characters

)? # make the group optional (0 or 1 instances)

\b # assert a word boundary here

""", re.VERBOSE)

nouns = set([




def modify(matchobj):

word =

if word in nouns:

return "<%s>" % word


return word

print r.sub(modify, "I drink in the house")

Great, only I don't have the re module on my system.... :(

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