Resizable pop up windows in IE


Al Henderson

Morning All,

I have a web application where we pop up a little calendar control in a
new window to allow users to choose dates. For cross-browser purposes,
this is done via (with some code to make it behave like a
modal dialog) and I set the width and height of the window such that
the controls fit nicely and it all looks good.

I have some users who are unable to see the OK and Cancel buttons at
the bottom of the window due to some display settings on their
machines. OK, I though, I'll just make the window resizable and they
can then take control. How naive of me! Why on earth does IE decide
that the minute I put 'resizable=yes' into my attributes for the new
window that it should ignore the size?

I know I can do window.resizeTo in the onload of the calendar window,
but I'm not keen on the resizing of the window.

I don't suppose anyone knows of a way to have IE open a resizable
window of a given size without the resizeTo?



Al Henderson a écrit :
I don't suppose anyone knows of a way to have IE open a resizable
window of a given size without the resizeTo?

var truc = false;

function pop(page) {
if(!truc || truc.closed)
truc ='','','width=250,height=125,resizable=1');
truc.location = page;

Variations :

var w = 225;
var h = 131;
attributes = 'width='+w+',height='+h;
attrResiz = attributes+',resizable=1';
attrScroll = attributes+',scrollbars=1';
attrScrollResiz = attrResiz+',scrollbars=1';

truc ='','',attrResiz);

Possible attributes to mix :

top=125 (margin hight in pixels)
left=... (margin left)
width= (width in px)
scrollbars=0/1 (0 or 1 = no or yes)
menubar=0/1 (on Mac menu can't be disabled)
satus=0/1 (FF always displays status bar)
history=0/1 (IE only)
resizable=0/1 (if 0 in FireFox the resizeTo is disabled)

if no attribute : normal window
if some attributes, those ignored would be to 'no'


Al said:
Morning All,

I have a web application where we pop up a little calendar control in a
new window to allow users to choose dates. For cross-browser purposes,
this is done via (with some code to make it behave like a
modal dialog) and I set the width and height of the window such that
the controls fit nicely and it all looks good.

I have some users who are unable to see the OK and Cancel buttons at
the bottom of the window due to some display settings on their
machines. OK, I though, I'll just make the window resizable and they
can then take control. How naive of me! Why on earth does IE decide
that the minute I put 'resizable=yes' into my attributes for the new
window that it should ignore the size?

I know I can do window.resizeTo in the onload of the calendar window,
but I'm not keen on the resizing of the window.

I don't suppose anyone knows of a way to have IE open a resizable
window of a given size without the resizeTo?

YUK! Don't use new windows - you'll run into these browser compatibility issues! Use a proper Calendar widget:

If you need to pop up windows with extra info in, us a Dialog:

Basically, use the YAHOO UI!


Al Henderson

This doesn't work (and is pretty close to the code I had already!). If
I have:

var newWindow = false;

function NewWindow()
if(!newWindow || newWindow.closed)
newWindow ="", "", "width=250,height=125,resizable=1");
newWindow.location = "http://..../test.html";

and I call NewWindow from a button onclick, then I get a new browser
window the same size as my parent - it ignores the size specifications.
Am I missing something?


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