Return top-N of Hashes - hash splice?


Edward Wijaya


With this hashes:

$hash = {
'1-1' => 3,
'2-3' => 2,
'2-2' => 1,
'1-2' => 6,
'1-3' => 3

What's the best to retrieve the top-N hashes
from it. So, with N = 3 it will become:

$hash_top3 = {
'1-1' => 3,
'2-3' => 2,
'2-2' => 1,

Thanks beforehand.


Tad McClellan

Edward Wijaya said:
With this hashes:

$hash = {
'1-1' => 3,
'2-3' => 2,
'2-2' => 1,
'1-2' => 6,
'1-3' => 3

What's the best to retrieve the top-N hashes

Hashes do not have a "top". They are UNordered.

If you need to preserve the order, then you have chosen
the wrong data structure.

What is it that you are actually trying to accomplish?

Jürgen Exner

Edward said:
With this hashes:

$hash = {
'1-1' => 3,
'2-3' => 2,
'2-2' => 1,
'1-2' => 6,
'1-3' => 3

What's the best to retrieve the top-N hashes
from it. So, with N = 3 it will become:

Hashes by definition don't have a (usable) sequence or order. Therefore your
request for the top n elements of a hash doesn't make any sense.

If you want/need to preserve the sequence of elements then you picked the
wrong data structure.
Use an array instead. And to get the first $n elements use an array slice
@foo = @bar[0..$n-1];


Edward Wijaya

Thanks so much for the reply:
Hashes by definition don't have a (usable) sequence or order. Therefore
your request for the top n elements of a hash doesn't make any sense.

Sorry for not being clear before.
I should have sorted the hash according to it's value
and then pick top-N from it.
Use an array instead.
It's difficult for me to change the current
data-structure of my code, as it's inherently designed
for hash.

Moreover, I found about Tie::IxHash module.
Which is suppose to "impose" order in the hash.
However since I am new in using Method through external
module, there are 2 issues I fail to deal with.
Your valuable suggestion is important to me.

Here is my code:

use strict;
use warnings;
use Tie::IxHash;

my $N = 2;
my %hash = {
#1) Must sort by value,then 2) Select Top N after sorting it.
'1-1' => 3,
'2-3' => 2,
'2-2' => 1,
'1-2' => 6,
'1-3' => 3

my $t = Tie::IxHash->new(%hash);
$t->SortByValue; #sorting it, is this correct?
my @topN = $t->Splice(0, $N); #splicing it


My problem is:
1. Is the way I invoke the Sorted new hash is correct?,
How can I view it? I tried: print "%$hash\n"; # doesn't seem to work
2. The "spliced" array is in the form of array,
Is there any efficient way/method to recover it into Hash?

Thanks and hope to hear from you again,


Edward Wijaya

Slight correction, the hash should come with bracket:

my %hash =(
#1) Must sort by value,then 2) Select Top N after sorting it.
'1-1' => 3,
'2-3' => 2,
'2-2' => 1,
'1-2' => 6,
'1-3' => 3


Jürgen Exner

Edward said:
Sorry for not being clear before.
I should have sorted the hash according to it's value
and then pick top-N from it.

Again, a hash does not have a (usable) sequence, therefore the very notion
of sorting a hash doesn't make sense.

You may sort a list of the keys of the hash (sort keys %myhash) or a list of
the values of the hash (sort values %myhash), but you cannot sort a hash.
It's difficult for me to change the current
data-structure of my code, as it's inherently designed
for hash.

Moreover, I found about Tie::IxHash module.

Sorry, never used that one.


John W. Krahn

Jürgen Exner said:
Again, a hash does not have a (usable) sequence, therefore the very notion
of sorting a hash doesn't make sense.

You may sort a list of the keys of the hash (sort keys %myhash) or a list of
the values of the hash (sort values %myhash), but you cannot sort a hash.

Sure you can. A hash returns a list like any other list.

$ perl -le' %x = qw/ a b c d x y /; print for %x; print; print for sort %x'



Joe Smith

Edward said:
Sorry for not being clear before.
I should have sorted the hash according to it's value
and then pick top-N from it.

You cannot sort a hash. Period.

You can sort the hash keys into a list and then use that list to
access the corresponding values in order by key, but the hash
itself remains unsorted.

@sorted_keys = sort keys %hash;
print "$_ -> $hash{$_}\n" for @sorted_keys;
print "keys: @sorted_keys\n";
print "values: @hash{@sorted_keys}\n";

Or you can create an array of keys sorted such that the corresponding
values are in order.

$N = $number_of_items_to_extract;
@keys_sorted_by_value = sort { $hash{$a} cmp $hash{$b} } keys %hash;
@top_N_keys = splice @keys_sorted_by_value,-$N;
print "The keys @top_N_keys have values @hash{@top_N_keys}\n";
print "The remaining values are @hash{@keys_sorted_by_value}\n";
It's difficult for me to change the current
data-structure of my code, as it's inherently designed
for hash.

In that case, use a hash and an array, as shown above.

Shawn Corey

John said:
Sure you can. A hash returns a list like any other list.

$ perl -le' %x = qw/ a b c d x y /; print for %x; print; print for sort %x'

No, these convert the hash to an array, then sorts it.

--- Shawn

Jürgen Exner

John said:
Sure you can. A hash returns a list like any other list.

$ perl -le' %x = qw/ a b c d x y /; print for %x; print; print for
sort %x' c

Ok, I never thought of it that way!
Good that I set my coffee down before reading your post, otherwise I would
have to clean my keyboard now....

This is really a good one, should keep it in mind for the next person asking
how to sort a hash.


Tad McClellan

Shawn Corey said:
No, these convert the hash to an array,

No it doesn't.

There is no array being used anywhere in that code.

See this Perl FAQ:

What is the difference between a list and an array?

Chris Mattern

Edward said:

With this hashes:

$hash = {
'1-1' => 3,
'2-3' => 2,
'2-2' => 1,
'1-2' => 6,
'1-3' => 3

What's the best to retrieve the top-N hashes
from it. So, with N = 3 it will become:

"Non sequitur. Your facts are uncoordinated."
There is no such thing as "the top-N hashes".
Hashes are unordered. Any attempt to think about
getting the "first" or "top" N elements of hash
will only bring you pain and grief. What are
you actually trying to do?
$hash_top3 = {
'1-1' => 3,
'2-3' => 2,
'2-2' => 1,

Thanks beforehand.


Christopher Mattern

"Which one you figure tracked us?"
"The ugly one, sir."
"...Could you be more specific?"

Charles DeRykus

Edward said:
With this hashes:

$hash = {
'1-1' => 3,
'2-3' => 2,
'2-2' => 1,
'1-2' => 6,
'1-3' => 3

What's the best to retrieve the top-N hashes
from it. So, with N = 3 it will become:

Hashes by definition don't have a (usable) sequence or order. Therefore your
request for the top n elements of a hash doesn't make any sense.

If you want/need to preserve the sequence of elements then you picked the
wrong data structure.
Use an array instead. And to get the first $n elements use an array slice
@foo = @bar[0..$n-1];

Or, possibly, use Tie::IxHash to preserve order:

my $tie = Tie::IxHash->new( '1-1'=>3, '2-3'=>2, '2-2'=>1,
'1-2'=>6, '1-3'=>3 );

print $tie->Keys($_),"=>",$tie->Values($_),"\n" for 0..2;

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