Returned Page Won't Update When Using Custom Template & Textbox


Greg Pyatt

Hi ASP.NET programmers,

I'm doing battle with a very tricky bug and it's mostly winning. I
hope someone out there can help with a few ideas...

I have a custom template column in a datagrid. In the template column
I've included an HtmlInputText object. The custom object uses

The page loads just fine, however when I postback to the server with
an update to one of the textboxes, the database is updated correctly
but the returned page looks as though it was populated with the
Request.Form collection. It looks as though nothing happened between
the update postback and the page being returned.

Here is the code for the custom template colum object below:


Option Strict On
Option Explicit On

Public Class HTMLInputTextColumn

Implements ITemplate
Dim m_ID As String
Dim m_ColumnName As String

Public Sub New(ByVal ID As String)
m_ID = ID
Select Case m_ID
Case "txtNewBase"
m_ColumnName = "salary_increase"
Case "txtDollarIncrease"
m_ColumnName = "dollar_increase"
Case "txtPercentageIncrease"
m_ColumnName = "percentage_increase"
Case "txtLumpSum"
m_ColumnName = "lump_sum_increase"
End Select
End Sub

Overridable Overloads Sub InstantiateIn(ByVal container As
Control) Implements ITemplate.InstantiateIn
Dim txtTextbox As New HtmlInputText()

With txtTextbox
.Size = 6
.ID = m_ID
.Name = m_ID
.EnableViewState = True
End With

AddHandler txtTextbox.DataBinding, AddressOf Me.OnDataBinding
End Sub

Private Sub OnDataBinding(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e
As System.EventArgs)
Dim txtTextbox As HtmlInputText = CType(sender, HtmlInputText)
Dim container As DataGridItem =
CType(txtTextbox.NamingContainer, DataGridItem)
txtTextbox.Value = CType(container.DataItem,
End Sub

End Class


That's it! I know this one's a real trick, because I've looked all
over the internet for an answer and I'm still stuck. Thanks for any
help, it's greatly appreciated!

-Greg Pyatt
(e-mail address removed)

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