(RFD) ANNOUNCE: Time::Format v0.13


Eric J. Roode

Hash: SHA1

[This is somewhat of a repost of an article I posted three months
I have received almost no feedback on this module, which means a)
It's perfect the way it is; b) Nobody uses it because it stinks; or
c) Nobody uses it because nobody knows about it. I am posting this
in case the latter is true. Feel free to comment. Or heck, feel
free to continue to ignore it. :) ]

Time::Format v0.13 has been released. If no features are added or
bugs are fixed by Feb 1, 2004, it will be re-released as v1.0.

Time::Format is designed to be an easy-to-use time and date
formatting utility module. The format codes follow a simple pattern
and are meant to be easy to use and easy to remember. If I've done
my job well, you probably won't ever need to refer to the
documentation to look up a code, once you've learned the system. It
provides most of the functionality of POSIX::strftime (plus some
things POSIX::strftime does not provide), without annoying and
hard-to-remember % codes. (For example, I can never remember whether
%A is the weekday name and %B is the month name, or vice-versa).

In addition to a function-call interface, Time::Format also provides
a tied-hash interface, which makes formatting dates within strings
vastly easier. Some examples:

print "Today is $time{'yyyy/mm/dd'}\n";
print "Yesterday was $time{'yyyy/mm/dd', time-24*60*60}\n";
print "The time is $time{'hh:mm:ss'}\n";
print "Another time is $time{'H:mm am tz', $another_time}\n";
print "Timestamp: $time{'yyyymmdd.hhmmss.mmm'}\n";

- --
$_ = reverse sort $ /. r , qw p ekca lre uJ reh
ts p , map $ _. $ " , qw e p h tona e and print
Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (MingW32) - WinPT 0.5.13



Hi Eric,

Eric J. Roode said:
Hash: SHA1

I have received almost no feedback on this module, which means
a) It's perfect the way it is;
b) Nobody uses it because it stinks;
c) Nobody uses it because nobody knows about it.
I am posting this in case the latter is true.
Feel free to comment. Or heck, feel
free to continue to ignore it. :) ]
I have provided some feedback on this module. As I recall,
there were some issues regarding Compiling on Win32
systems. (yep you did fix it). I have used it to some extent.
However, you have to realize that there are
a lot of Date/Time modules on CPAN that you are competing with.
I for one have chosen to use DateTime as my standard. These
modules provide all if not more functionality that Time::Format.
That is not to say that Time::Format stinks, on the contrary,
I have used this module and found it very useful.
I just don't want to mess with learning another Date module.
( I have my hands full with DateTime)

I hope this helps.


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