Set dropdownlist from static data



I have a dropdownbox object:

<asp:DropDownList ID="ddlQuestionType" runat="server">
<asp:ListItem Value="MS" Text="Multiple Single" />
<asp:ListItem Value="MM" Text="Multiple Multiple" />
<asp:ListItem Value="TF" Text="True/False" />

The values and text are static. I am reading from a table:

Select QuestionType from myTable where id = 10

and QuestionType will either be "MS", "MM" or "TF".

How do I bind the data to this object?

With a Label it would be something like:

<asp:label id="Question" Text='<%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem,
"QuestionUnique") %>' runat="server" />



Chad Devine

Databinding from a SQL table is easy, you should be able to find many
examples out there.

You need to know more about this database you are querying though.

1.) Is it a MS SQL server or is it another type?
2.) Do you have to login to the server, or does it accept inherited
3.) Do you have the database name you are connecting to?


Chad Devine said:
Databinding from a SQL table is easy, you should be able to find many
examples out there.

You need to know more about this database you are querying though.

1.) Is it a MS SQL server or is it another type?
2.) Do you have to login to the server, or does it accept inherited
3.) Do you have the database name you are connecting to?

Actuall, no.

How I get the data is not the issue here.

I can get the data fine. It will always be either MM, MS or TF. I also
have no problem binding to a textbox, label, datagrid etc.

<%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "QuestionUnique") %>

I want to do the same type of thing here where my selected item will display
based on the data returned.

Somehow, I need to do something like:

questionType.SelectedItem.value = <%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem,
"QuestionType") %>

So that the value will show correctly in the dropdownbox.



Chad Devine

Oh so you want the dropdownlist to change the currently selected item
to the one that's in the table? I have tried doing that in the past but
haven't had any luck, I'm only intermediate in skill with so
hopefully someone else can provide a solution for you.

It may require you to go as far as using a custom control for what you
are trying to do.


Chad Devine said:
Oh so you want the dropdownlist to change the currently selected item
to the one that's in the table? I have tried doing that in the past but
haven't had any luck, I'm only intermediate in skill with so
hopefully someone else can provide a solution for you.

It may require you to go as far as using a custom control for what you
are trying to do.

I hope not.

I assume that other people must do this. The problem with other examples,
is that they assume you want to populate the list with the results from your
table. But if you are looking at data that was already input and want to
allow the user to make a change to that data later, you would set the
dropdown to the data they had already chosen and allow them to choose
something else from the dropdown.



Chad Devine

Yeah, I completely agree with you and what you say makes sense.

Many suggest that doing a
If not ispostback then
End If

So that the databind doesn't happen unless the person refreshes the
page, that way it keeps whatever the user selected, however in the case
of a table, when the user hits submit it refreshes the whole page so
that method doesn't work in this case. I really wish I could help you
in this, but I can't seem to find a property of the dropdownlist that
allows you to change the current selected item. You only seem to get
that chance right in the beginning when you define what options and
values to go into the list.

Chad Devine

I just figured out your answer... I did it for myself, but with
autopostback it presents a little problem, when calling it in the
Page_Load sub because it won't let you change the current selected
item, as it keeps trying to select the previous one posted for some

Anyway, I put it in the sub Page_PreRender and it worked just fine.

Here's the code:
Sub Page_PreRender
dropListOptions.SelectedValue = intPageNumber
End Sub

Runat="Server" >
<asp:ListItem id="Default" Text="Default" Value="25" />
<asp:ListItem Text="50" Value="50" />
<asp:ListItem Text="75" Value="75" />
<asp:ListItem Text="100" Value="100" />
<asp:ListItem Text="150" Value="150" />
<asp:ListItem Text="200" Value="200" />

Hope this helps!

Chad Devine

Another update, I found that only works for Value properties, so if
your databinding this, this would be a problem... and then we're back
to square one.

Chad Devine

Ignore the above post, I made an error in my code because I was writing
it too fast.

Anyway, this solution works fine, and it's all in sub code which I
think is better... that way you don't have to scroll between variables
in your html and your subs, it's all in one place. Again, I hope this


Chad Devine said:
Ignore the above post, I made an error in my code because I was writing
it too fast.

Anyway, this solution works fine, and it's all in sub code which I
think is better... that way you don't have to scroll between variables
in your html and your subs, it's all in one place. Again, I hope this

I'll look at it and see how it works and let you know.

Thanks for the help,


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