storing a hash of a hash in a DBM database



I'm trying to store a hash of a hash in a DBM database, but I keep
running into problems with my references. The enclosed script runs
without errors; the errors don't appear until I uncomment the commented
lines (the DBM functionality). How do I fix my references to make them
compatible with a DBM database?

Thank you,
Alec Colvin

----- error message ----------

13457 Can't use string ("HASH(0xba0c34)") as a HASH ref while "strict
refs" in use at c:\perl_test\ line 20.

----- code -------------------

use strict;

my %data;
# dbmopen(%data, "c:\\perl_test\\database", 0666) or
# die "Can't open the database";

my $person1 = { "fname" => "Stevie",
"lname" => "Wonder"

%data = ( "13457" => $person1,

my @ID_number = keys(%data);
@ID_number = sort(@ID_number);

my $i;
for ($i = 0; $i < @ID_number; $i++) {
print STDOUT "$ID_number[$i] ";
print STDOUT qq|$data{$ID_number[$i]}->{"fname"} |;
print STDOUT qq|$data{$ID_number[$i]}->{"lname"}\n|;

# dbmclose(%data);

Ragnar Hafstað

Colvin said:
I'm trying to store a hash of a hash in a DBM database, but I keep
running into problems with my references. The enclosed script runs
without errors; the errors don't appear until I uncomment the commented
lines (the DBM functionality). How do I fix my references to make them
compatible with a DBM database?

I assume you mean that you want the values of your tied hash to be

in that case you might want to look at the module MLDBM (Multi-Level DBM)



Colvin <[email protected]> said:
I'm trying to store a hash of a hash in a DBM database, but I keep
running into problems with my references.

The easiest thing to do is use MLDBM (in my opinion):

It say:
" arbitrary perl data, including nested references. Thus, this
module can be used for storing references and other arbitrary data
within DBM databases."

But note the WARNINGS section, particularly whether there's a record
length limit in whichever DBM implementation you're using.



Your advice was very useful. I've included a modified version of the
original script that now runs properly.

Thank you,
Alec Colvin

---------- code --------------

use strict;
use MLDBM 'DB_File';
use DB_File;

my %personnel;
tie(%personnel, 'MLDBM', 'testmldbm', O_CREAT|O_RDWR,
0640) or die "Couldn't tie the database";

my $person1 = { "fname" => "Stevie",
"lname" => "Wonder"

my $person2 = { "fname" => "Walter",
"lname" => "Cronkite"

%personnel = ( "13457" => $person1,
"23567" => $person2

my @ID_number = keys(%personnel);
my $i;
for ($i = 0; $i < @ID_number; $i++) {
print STDOUT "$ID_number[$i] ";
print STDOUT qq|$personnel{$ID_number[$i]}->{"fname"} |;
print STDOUT qq|$personnel{$ID_number[$i]}->{"lname"}\n|;


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