String question




Silly question, but if - internally speaking- the java compiler
replace the "String" class with "StringBuffer",
what is the real purpose of "String" ? (except shorter keyword and,
may be, when who do static stuff like String s ="hello "+"world")


Roedy Green

Silly question, but if - internally speaking- the java compiler
replace the "String" class with "StringBuffer",
what is the real purpose of "String" ? (except shorter keyword and,
may be, when who do static stuff like String s ="hello "+"world")


for the advantages of immutable Strings.

Strings are immutable, StringBuilders are mutable.

String s = "hello" + "world";

is covertly converted by the compiler to:

String s = "helloworld";

at compile time, so there is no run time concatenation.


String s = hello + world;

is effectively the same as:

StringBuilder temp = new StringBuilder();
temp.append( hello );
temp.append( world );
s = temp.toString();

Roedy Green

StringBuilder temp = new StringBuilder();
temp.append( hello );
temp.append( world );
s = temp.toString();

I wonder if it would be worth it for a compiler to try to guess a good
initial value for StringBuilder by computing the pieces first,
gathering their lengths and summing them for these hidden String

Thomas Fritsch

Roedy Green wrote:
String s = hello + world;

is effectively the same as:

StringBuilder temp = new StringBuilder();
temp.append( hello );
temp.append( world );
s = temp.toString();
To be a bit more exact, it is the same as:

String s = (new StringBuilder(hello)).append(world).toString();

Lasse Reichstein Nielsen

stef said:
Silly question, but if - internally speaking- the java compiler
replace the "String" class with "StringBuffer",

It doesn't, so the rest of the question is moot.
what is the real purpose of "String" ? (except shorter keyword and,
may be, when who do static stuff like String s ="hello "+"world")

The place where the compiler might use StringBuffer (or StringBuilder
in Java 5+) is in concatenations. I.e., in the above, it might create
code equivalent to:
String s = new StringBuilder("hello ").append("world").toString();
(In this particular case it'll probably just concatenate the two
literal strings at compile time, though).


Thomas Fritsch

Eric said:
Thomas said:
Roedy Green wrote:
String s = hello + world;

is effectively the same as:

StringBuilder temp = new StringBuilder();
temp.append( hello );
temp.append( world );
s = temp.toString();

To be a bit more exact, it is the same as:

String s = (new StringBuilder(hello)).append(world).toString();

Is that a recent change? I seem to recall seeing
something more like

String s = (new StringBuilder())

... which is closer to Roedy's description. (Of course, in
Days Of Yore it was StringBuffer instead of StringBuilder.)
Doing "javap -c ..." with Java 1.5 and 1.6 I get:
String s =
(new StringBuilder(String.valueOf(hello))).append(world).toString();

With Java 1.4 I get:
String s =
(new StringBuffer(String.valueOf(hello))).append(world).toString();

Roedy Green

Is that a recent change? I seem to recall seeing
something more like

String s = (new StringBuilder())

... which is closer to Roedy's description. (Of course, in
Days Of Yore it was StringBuffer instead of StringBuilder.)

Here are three decompilations with Javap from JDK 1.6.0_07 which
should settle the matter. The important point is concatenation makes
no attempt to optimise the size of the StringBuilder, even for the
simplest cases.

Showing building a String with StringBuilder.

final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder( 1024 );
sb.append( "<table class=\"borderless\" summary=\"" );
sb.append( title );
sb.append( " art print\"><tbody>\n" );

11: new #13; //class java/lang/StringBuilder
14: dup
15: sipush 1024
18: invokespecial #14; //Method
21: astore 6
23: aload 6
25: ldc #15; //String <table class=\"borderless\" summary=\"
27: invokevirtual #16; //Method
30: pop
31: aload 6
33: aload_1
34: invokevirtual #16; //Method
37: pop
38: aload 6
40: ldc #17; //String art print\"><tbody>\n
42: invokevirtual #16; //Method


two literals with concatenation, and no estimate for StringBuilder

return "PostScript " + "(&iexcl;) exclamdown";

// combined at compile time
1326: ldc #89; //String PostScript (&iexcl;) exclamdown
1328: areturn


concatenation involving literals, variables and constants:

return "needs Java " + version + " or later, version " +
JRE_FULL_VERSION + " recommended";

creates a StringBuilder with default size.
Note that even though JRE_FULL_VERSION is a public static final
String, the concatenations of literas before and after are NOT done at
compile time.

9: new #17; //class java/lang/StringBuilder
12: dup
13: invokespecial #18; //Method
16: ldc #19; //String needs Java
18: invokevirtual #20; //Method
21: aload_0 [ version is a parm passed to this method ]
22: invokevirtual #20; //Method
25: ldc #21; //String or later, version
27: invokevirtual #20; //Method
30: getstatic #22; //Field
33: invokevirtual #20; //Method
36: ldc #23; //String recommended
38: invokevirtual #20; //Method
41: invokevirtual #24; //Method
44: areturn

The append method chosen returns a pointer to the StringBuilder, so
you don't have to manually dup it at each stage. invokeVirtual
consumes it..

so I would say that:

return "needs Java " + version + " or later, version " +
JRE_FULL_VERSION + " recommended";

compiles effectively to:

StringBuilder temp = new StringBuilder( /* default size */ );
// temp in on stack, not stack frame.
return temp.append( "needs Java " )
..append ( version )
..append ( " or later, version " )
..append( JRE_FULL_VERSION )
..append( " recommended")

Mark Space

Roedy said:
I wonder if it would be worth it for a compiler to try to guess a good
initial value for StringBuilder by computing the pieces first,
gathering their lengths and summing them for these hidden String

Why guess when you can profile? What if the compiler added some extra

class Something {
private static int temp$$totals = 16;
private static int temp$$runs = 1;

void myMethod() {
StringBuilder temp = new StringBuilder( temp$$totals/temp$$runs );
temp.append( "Hello " );
temp.append( "world!\n" );
String s = temp.toString();
if( s.length() + temp$$totals > 0 ) {
temp$$totals += s.length();

That would be a neat addition to JIT compiled code. Alternately you
could use the maximum value for s.length() instead of the average if you
really wanted an aggressive StringBuilder. Or something in between the
average value and the maximum.

average + (maximum - average) * 0.8f; // or so.

Mike Schilling

Lasse said:
It doesn't, so the rest of the question is moot.

The place where the compiler might use StringBuffer (or
in Java 5+) is in concatenations. I.e., in the above, it might
code equivalent to:
String s = new StringBuilder("hello ").append("world").toString();
(In this particular case it'll probably just concatenate the two
literal strings at compile time, though).

Yes. So a better example might be:

return "The answer is: " + value;

which would generate bytecode equivalent to:

return new StringBuilder("The answer is:

Arne Vajhøj

Lasse said:
It doesn't, so the rest of the question is moot.

The place where the compiler might use StringBuffer (or StringBuilder
in Java 5+) is in concatenations. I.e., in the above, it might create
code equivalent to:
String s = new StringBuilder("hello ").append("world").toString();
(In this particular case it'll probably just concatenate the two
literal strings at compile time, though).

So true.

I fear we have another myth being born.



Winifred said:
It could generate

String s = "Hello" + :"World";


String s = ("Hello".concat("World")).intern();

That would be really silly, but not so far as I can see illegal.

These are labeled *loathe-time* constants in the JLS, so, yes, it would be


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
[Zionism, fascism, genocide, racism, ethnic cleansing, terrorism,
war crimes, Khasars, Illuminati, NWO]

As famed violinist Lord Yehudi Menuhin told the French newspaper
Le Figaro in January 1988:

"It is extraordinary how nothing ever dies completely.
Even the evil which prevailed yesterday in Nazi Germany is
gaining ground in that country [Israel] today."

For it to have any moral authority, the UN must equate Zionism
with racism. If it doesn't, it tacitly condones Israel's war
of extermination against the Palestinians.

--- Greg Felton,
Israel: A monument to anti-Semitism

Mike Schilling

Lew said:
These are labeled *compile-time* constants in the JLS, so, yes, it
would be illegal.

But "compile-time constant" is a description of behavior, not


Mike Schilling said:
But "compile-time constant" is a description of behavior, not

The behavior that it describes is that the concatenation occurs at
compile time. That's why it's called a "compile-time" constant. Thus
it precludes a run-time implementation.

From the JLS:
"This is a " + // actually a string-valued constant expression,
"two-line string" // formed from two string literals
We call a variable, of primitive type or type String, that is final and
initialized with a compile-time constant expression (§15.28) a constant
variable. Whether a variable is a constant variable or not may have
implications with respect to class initialization (§12.4.1), binary
compatibility (§13.1, §13.4.9) and definite assignment (§16).

In order to fulfill the semantic requirements of a compile-time
constant, the evaluation pretty much has to happen, well, at compile

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