strings, arrays, pointers and dynamic memory allocation



Hi All,

I realize this is not a Palm OS development forum, however, even though
my question is about a Palm C program I'm writing, I believe the topics
are relevant here. This is because I believe the problem centers
around my handling of strings, arrays, pointers and dynamic memory
allocation. Here is the problem I'm trying to solve:

I want to fill a list box with a list of Project Names from a database
(in Palm this is more similar to a file). The Palm OS function I must
call in order to get the Project Names to show up in the list box is
described below:

LstSetListChoices Function
Set the items of a list to the array of text string pointers passed to
this function. This functions erases the old list items.

Declared In

void LstSetListChoices (
ListType *listP,
char **itemsText,
Int16 numItems

- listP
Pointer to a list object.
- itemsText
Pointer to an array of text strings.
- numItems
Number of choices in the list.
Returns nothing.

So, what I want to do is create the array of strings from the database.
Obviously, I don't know how many Project Names I will get from the
database or what size they'll be - so everything needs to be handled

So I define a global variable in the file like this:

static char **itemList;

I also have a structure defined that represents the record of a project
from the database as shown here:

typedef struct {
const char *projectName;
const char *projectDesc;
} ProjectDBRecord;

I also have a "packed" version of that structure defined that is how
the actual record of a project is stored in the database as shown here:

typedef struct {
char rec[1];
} PackedProjectDBRecord;

And I have a function that gets called when the project list needs to
be filled as shown here:

static void FillProjectList(ListType *lst)
UInt16 index;
MemHandle h=0;
UInt16 numRecs = DmNumRecordsInCategory(db, dmAllCategories);
char defaultVal[] = "New...";
itemList = (char **) MemPtrNew((sizeof(char *) * numRecs) + 1);
itemList[0] = (char *) MemPtrNew(sizeof(defaultVal));
StrCopy(itemList[0], defaultVal);

for(index = 0; index < numRecs; index++)
// get the handle to the record and set busy bit
h = DmQueryRecord(db, index);
if (h) { // could fail due to insufficient memory!
PackedProjectDBRecord *project = MemHandleLock(h);
ProjectDBRecord rec;
UnpackProject(&rec, project);
printf("Here is the project name: %s", rec.projectName);
itemList[index + 1] = (char *)
StrCopy(itemList[index + 1], rec.projectName);

LstSetListChoices(lst, itemList, numRecs + 1);

As you can see, the 'itemList' is initialized in this method.

When this function runs in POSE (Palm OS Emulator), it is telling me
that my program is writing to "a memory location (0x0003D062), which is
in the MemoryManager data structures.....Such an access usually means
that an application allocated a buffer (possibly with MemPtrNew) that
wasn't large enough for its purpose. When the application then tries to
write data to the buffer, it writes off the end of the buffer,
accessing the start of the buffer following it in memory." I see this
error displayed once for each of the following lines of code execute
when they execute:

itemList[0] = (char *) MemPtrNew(sizeof(defaultVal));
StrCopy(itemList[0], defaultVal);

Then finally the program dies with the following error message:

"During a regular checkup, Palm OS Emulator determined that the dynamic
heap chunk with the header address 0x0003D062 got corrupted. The size
of the chunk (%chunk_size) was larger than the currently accepted
maximum (%chunk_max)."

I'm sure I must be doing something obviously wrong here. Can anyone
give me a clue or point me in the right direction? If needed, I can
post the whole program. I just didn't want to "muddy up" the issue
with all the other event handing code. However, it might be helpful to
see the methods that pack and unpack a project, so I have posted them

static void PackProject(ProjectDBRecord *project, MemHandle
UInt16 length = 0;
char *s;
UInt16 offset = 0;

length = StrLen(project->projectName) +
StrLen(project->projectDesc) + 2;// 2 for string terminators
// resize the MemHandle and check for errors (0 means no error)
if(MemHandleResize(projectDBHandle, length) == 0)
// copy the fields
s = MemHandleLock(projectDBHandle);
DmWrite(s, offset, (char *) project->projectName,
StrLen(project->projectName) + 1);
offset += StrLen(project->projectName) + 1;
DmWrite(s, offset, (char *) project->projectDesc,
StrLen(project->projectDesc) + 1);

static void UnpackProject(ProjectDBRecord *project, const
PackedProjectDBRecord *packedProject)
const char *s = packedProject->rec;
project->projectName = s;
s += StrLen(s) + 1;
project->projectDesc = s;
s += StrLen(s) + 1;

Steve Warsa


I realize this is not a Palm OS development forum, however, even though
my question is about a Palm C program I'm writing, I believe the topics
are relevant here. This is because I believe the problem centers
around my handling of strings, arrays, pointers and dynamic memory

There is at least one likely problem - but if this is really a problem
I can't tell because all the functions you use are non-standard functions,
so all people here can do is making guesses what they do and what kind of
arguments they expect, going by what some standard functions do that look
similar. But to get a reasonable answer you have to ask in a group that
deals with the specifics of the Palm OS - it's really off-topic here.
static void FillProjectList(ListType *lst)
UInt16 index;
MemHandle h=0;
UInt16 numRecs = DmNumRecordsInCategory(db, dmAllCategories);
char defaultVal[] = "New...";
itemList = (char **) MemPtrNew((sizeof(char *) * numRecs) + 1);
itemList[0] = (char *) MemPtrNew(sizeof(defaultVal));
StrCopy(itemList[0], defaultVal);
for(index = 0; index < numRecs; index++)
// get the handle to the record and set busy bit
h = DmQueryRecord(db, index);
if (h) { // could fail due to insufficient memory!
PackedProjectDBRecord *project = MemHandleLock(h);
ProjectDBRecord rec;
UnpackProject(&rec, project);
printf("Here is the project name: %s", rec.projectName);
itemList[index + 1] = (char *)

If this MemPtrNew function works similar to malloc() and StrLen() is
like strlen() then you need to allocate one more char - strings in C
have a '\0' character at the end and that's not counted by strlen()
(please note that this is different from sizeof() when applied to a
string literal, as you did above with the string "New...").
StrCopy(itemList[index + 1], rec.projectName);

If it is the case that MemPtrNew() behaves like malloc(), StrLen()
like strlen() and StrCpy() like strcpy() then it would explain why you
get problems with memory corruption since you are always writing one
char past the end of the memory you allocated. Another thing that could
go wrong under these conditions is that MemPtrNew() returns a value that
tells you that you run out of memory, you must check for the possibility.

On the other hand, all this is pure guesswork and it would be much better
to ask in a group concerned with the idiosyncracies of Palm OS.

Regards, Jens


Hi Jens,

Thanks for the reply. I have posted the documentation for the 3
functions you mention below. The reason I asked in this forum is that
it is much more active and the question seems to center more on "core"
c rather than the specific use of the Palm OS API. The functions used
are (from what I understand) roughly equivalent to the standard C
functions of the same name. Anyway, I think you are probably correct
regarding not adding enough space for the null terminator on the

Thanks again,
Steve Warsa

StrLen Function ^TOP^
Compute the length of a string.

Declared In
UInt16 StrLen (
const Char *src

→ src
Pointer to a string.
Returns the length of the string in bytes.

Use this function instead of the standard strlen routine.

This function returns the length of the string in bytes. On systems
that support multi-byte characters, the number returned does not always
equal the number of characters.

StrCopy Function ^TOP^
Copy one string to another.

Declared In
Char *StrCopy (
Char *dst,
const Char *src

→ dst
Pointer to the destination string.
→ src
Pointer to the source string.
Returns a pointer to the destination string.

Use this function instead of the standard strcpy routine.

This function does not work properly with overlapping strings.
MemPtrNew Function ^TOP^
Allocate a new memory chunk from the dynamic heap.

Declared In
MemPtr MemPtrNew (
uint32_t size

→ size
The desired size of the chunk.
Returns a pointer to a newly allocated chunk if successful, or NULL if
the Memory Manager was unable to allocate a memory chunk of the
requested size.

This function allocates a non-movable chunk in the dynamic heap and
returns a pointer to that chunk. Applications can use this call to
allocate dynamic memory. User processes should use this call as a
primary dynamic memory allocator.


Sorry, but I have made changes to the FillProjectList function and I
still receive the error. Here is the modified source for it below:

static void FillProjectList(ListType *lst)
UInt16 index;
MemHandle h=0;
UInt16 numRecs = DmNumRecordsInCategory(db, dmAllCategories);
char defaultVal[] = "New...";
itemList = (char **) MemPtrNew((sizeof(char *) * numRecs) + 1);
itemList[0] = (char *) MemPtrNew(StrLen(defaultVal) + 1);
StrCopy(itemList[0], defaultVal);

for(index = 0; index < numRecs; index++)
// get the handle to the record and set busy bit
h = DmQueryRecord(db, index);
if (h) { // could fail due to insufficient memory!
PackedProjectDBRecord *project = MemHandleLock(h);
ProjectDBRecord rec;
UnpackProject(&rec, project);

// do something with the record's contents here
itemList[index + 1] = (char *)
MemPtrNew(StrLen(rec.projectName) + 1);
StrCopy(itemList[index + 1], rec.projectName);

LstSetListChoices(lst, itemList, numRecs + 1);

Steve Warsa

John L

Sorry, but I have made changes to the FillProjectList function and I
still receive the error. Here is the modified source for it below:

static void FillProjectList(ListType *lst)
UInt16 index;
MemHandle h=0;
UInt16 numRecs = DmNumRecordsInCategory(db, dmAllCategories);
char defaultVal[] = "New...";
itemList = (char **) MemPtrNew((sizeof(char *) * numRecs) + 1);

Are you adding one in the wrong place?
Should that be: ... * (numRecs + 1)); ?


Sorry, but I have made changes to the FillProjectList function and I
still receive the error. Here is the modified source for it below:

Well, there's another rather suspicious looking thing. Let's start with
your typedef (all your code indented to make it more readable)
typedef struct {
char rec[ 1 ];
} PackedProjectDBRecord;

Arrrays with a single element tend to point to trouble... And what do
we find:
static void UnpackProject( ProjectDBRecord *project,
const PackedProjectDBRecord *packedProject )
const char *s = packedProject->rec;
project->projectName = s;
s += StrLen( s ) + 1;
project->projectDesc = s;
s += StrLen( s ) + 1;

You're using memory that can't be fitting into that type of structure -
the only string you can legally store in a structure of your type
PackedProjectDBRecord is a single, empty string. I don't know if that
has anything to do with your troubles, but it would make sense to think
again what you're doing here - it's not legal C.

On the other hand the lines you specifically pointed out
char defaultVal[ ] = "New...";
itemList = ( char ** ) MemPtrNew( ( sizeof( char * ) * numRecs ) + 1 );
itemList[ 0 ] = (char *) MemPtrNew( StrLen( defaultVal ) + 1 );
StrCopy( itemList[ 0 ], defaultVal );

look reasonable to me, at least under the assumption that memPtrNew()
is equivalent to malloc() and StrCpy() is like strcpy() (but you still
have to check if MemPtrNew() does not return a value that tells you
that you didn't got memory!). In the special case that the first
element of 'itemList' is a string literal you could even use:
char defaultVal[ ] = "New...";
itemList = ( char ** ) MemPtrNew( ( sizeof( char * ) * numRecs ) + 1 );
itemList[ 0 ] = defaultVal;

or just
itemList = ( char ** ) MemPtrNew( ( sizeof( char * ) * numRecs ) + 1 );
itemList[ 0 ] = "New...";

thus avoiding one allocation.
Regards, Jens

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