sun jre under windows


Tobias Dichtl

Strange behaviour: My java applet (compiled on a unix system)
runs quite fast under sun/linux/freebsd and even mac-os.
Only when using "Sun JRE" on Windows PCs it slows down
to hardly doing anything. The applet is using a remote method
invocation scheme to start a c-executable on a solaris machine.
Most of you will say - isn't it great that way? But I'm reliant
on people using the applet on windows computers. I don't have
clue - any help appreciated. Thanks in advance!

Applet can be found here:

(can't paste everything - hope this helps...)
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.applet.*;
import java.rmi.*;
import java.awt.print.*;

public class kvs extends Applet implements ItemListener, Kvs_Interface,

public static final String HOST =
public static final long lFileExtension =
public static final String FILE =
private final String COVER = "/home/kvs_test/cover";
private Choice choice1 = new Choice();
private Choice choice2zoom = new Choice();
private Checkbox cb1;
private Checkbox cb2;
private Checkbox cb3;
public int iErrorIdentifier=0;
private int iOldItemState;
private int iOldZoomfactor;
private int iAlreadyExecuted=0;
private int iResultRows;
private int iResultColumns;
public int kmf_number;
public int dmf_number;
private int erase_all=0;
private int iMintermsAreExisting=0;
private int beginn=0;
private int iClearTheField=1;
public int iZoomfactor=1;
public int iZahlAktiv;
public int iZoomed=0; //will be 1 of
zoomfactor is changed
public int[] iTermIsExisting= new int[32];
public int zeilen=1;
public int spalten=1;
public int verbose=1;
public int LabelAktiviert=0;
public int iGrantPrinting=1;
public int wArt=0;
private Font font=new Font("Monospaced",Font.BOLD,12);
private Font font3=new Font("Serif",Font.PLAIN,14);
private Label label41=new Label(" Alle Terme");
private Label label42=new Label(" Kernterme");
private Label label43=new Label(" Minimalloesung");
public String [][]auswertArray = new String[4][8];
public String [][]array3=new String[4][8];
public String [][]array1=new String[4][8];
public String [][]array2=new String[4][8];
public String []split_terms= new String[32];
public String outputFileContent="";
public String inputFileContent="";
public String []terme=new String[32]; //e.g. -10, 11,
-00--, ... (as read from file)
public String sStringActive;
public byte[] byteBuffer_In;
public byte[] byteBuffer;
private ServerInterface inf;
private Single_fields[][] s;
private termsToSelect[] termSelect;
private Single_Canvas xCanvas;
private Kmfdmf kmfdmf = new Kmfdmf("LBL",
public Kmfdmf kmf;
public Kmfdmf dmf;
private Result_function rfResultFunctionWindow;
public Result_graph rgResultGraphWindow;
public Error_Window error1;
private Frame frame;
private ScrollPane sp;
private Panel pMiddlePanel=new Panel();
private Panel panel1=new Panel();
private Panel panel2zoom=new Panel(); //panel for
private Panel panel3clearundo=new Panel();
private Panel panel4legende=new Panel(); //panel for
colors of solving steps
private Panel panelX=new Panel(); //panel for the
9 buttons downwards
private Panel bl_north=new Panel();
private Panel bl_center=new Panel();
private Panel bl_north_01=new Panel();
private Panel bl_n_left=new Panel();
private Panel bl_n_right=new Panel();
private Panel panel_in_bl_n_left=new Panel();
private Panel panel_for_terms=new Panel();
private Panel TermMasterPanel=new Panel();
private Panel left_right=new Panel();
private Panel printpanel=new Panel();
private Panel panel5check1=new Panel();
private Panel panel5check2=new Panel();
private Panel panel5check3=new Panel();
private Button printButton=new Button(" Ausdruck von... ");
// private Button button_left=new Button(" Left ");
// private Button button_right=new Button(" Right ");
private Button button_clear=new Button(" Loeschen ");
// private Button button_undo=new Button(" Undo ");
public String[][]labels={{" Primimplikate "," Kernimplikate ","
KMF "," "},
{" Primimplikanten "," Kernimplikanten ","
DMF "," "}};




/************************ INITAPPLET ****************************/
* Connecting to server on port 51099
private void initApplet(){
inf = (ServerInterface)Naming.lookup(HOST);
if (verbose==1){
System.out.println("Naming.lookup("+HOST+") erfolgreich!");
catch (Exception e){
if (verbose==1){
System.out.println("+++ Keine Verbindung zu "+HOST+" +++");
error1=new Error_Window(iErrorIdentifier,(Kvs_Interface)this);

public void start(){

public void stop(){

/*************************** INIT *******************************/
* Initializes the applet, gets the size of the browsers frame, initializes
* a new SecurityManager and sets the starting layout.
public void init(){
if (getSize().width<1500){
if (System.getSecurityManager() == null) {
System.setSecurityManager(new RMISecurityManager() );
Object anchorpoint = getParent();
while (! (anchorpoint instanceof Frame) ){
anchorpoint = ( (Component)anchorpoint).getParent();
frame = (Frame)anchorpoint;

// this.setFont(font);

bl_north.setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT,30,0));
bl_north_01.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
bl_center.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
TermMasterPanel.setLayout(new BorderLayout());

setLayout(new BorderLayout());
panel_in_bl_n_left.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
bl_n_left.setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.CENTER,0,0));
bl_n_right.setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.CENTER,0,0));

Andrew Thompson

Tobias said:
Strange behaviour: My java applet (compiled on a unix system)
runs quite fast under sun/linux/freebsd and even mac-os.
Only when using "Sun JRE" on Windows PCs it slows down
to hardly doing anything. The applet is using a remote method
invocation scheme to start a c-executable on a solaris machine.
Most of you will say - isn't it great that way? But I'm reliant
on people using the applet on windows computers. I don't have
clue - any help appreciated. Thanks in advance!

Applet can be found here:

(can't paste everything - hope this helps...)

Not really. There were broken lines because
comments were too long, after those were
fixed, the compiler threw messages out
complaining of all the missing classes.

For help om creating short examples, try
the following two resources. will allow you
to check an example code is sefl-contained, and
has tips on how to trim code down.

(Oh, and yeah, I checked the URL in both
IE6 and Mozilla 1.3, the performance of the
applet was 'sluggish' at best)

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