Testing threading


George Sakkis

How one goes on testing a threaded program, apart from doing a few
successful runs and crossing his fingers that it at least follows the
'correct 99.9999% of the time' rule ? I've written a stripped-down
python version of Doug Lea's PooledExecutor thread pool class
I ran a few simple examples that seem to work as expected, but I still
wouldn't bet any serious amount on its correctness. Any general, or
specific to this problem, tesing guidelines ?

As for the 'stripped-down version', it refers to the lack of shutting
down facilities. These are based on interrupting a thread and AFAIK
this is not possible in python, is it ?

On the other hand, in addition to the main execute(command) method of
the original PooledExecutor, I added a new dispatch(callables)
generator method. This takes an iterable over zero-argument callables,
it dispatches them to separate threads according to the thread pool's
configuration (minPoolSize,maxPoolSize,etc.), collects the results in a
queue as they are computed and yields them back to the caller. Since
the order of the computed results is not in general the same with the
order of the input, the yielded items are tuples (i,result), where i is
the index of the respective callable that returned this result. As a
toy example:

from math import sqrt
from itertools import count
tasks = (lambda x=n: sqrt(x) for n in count())
pool = PooledExecutor(minPoolSize=4)
for n,s in pool.dispatch(tasks):
print "The square root of %d is %s" % (n,s)


Warren Postma

George said:
How one goes on testing a threaded program, apart from doing a few
successful runs and crossing his fingers that it at least follows the
'correct 99.9999% of the time' rule ?

If you haven't been in there and stepped through all the code, looked
for a reasonable set of test cases, and tried those test cases, then you
haven't tested! :)

You test a threaded program the same way you test a non-threaded
program. Thoroughly. Test cases. YOu don't *have* to write unit tests,
but it sure helps. Code running a few times isn't tested. If you
prefer to test manually, really want to be thorough you have to find
ways to make sure you've done coverage of a reasonable set of test
cases. How do I get myself a set of test cases? Personally I like to
walk through my code in a debugger and ask myself "how could this go
wrong?". "What if I pass a huge amount of data in here? How
unresponsive can I find ways to make this thread get?" "If this is a
network communications thread, let's try all the various error
conditions that can happen on a real network.". ...

When I think of an idea on how things could go wrong ("What happens if
the data isn't here or is invalid?"/"Where should I be catching
exceptions and how should I be handling them?")



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