The_Sage & void main()


David B. Held

The_Sage said:
Attila is feminine when used as a *first* name, you idiot.
Attila the Hun was the name of King whose *last* name
was Attila. The key giveaway here is the -a suffix, which
is the feminine form of english given names, such as
Fredirica (Fred) or Andrea (Andrew).

So "Hosea" is the feminine form of "Hose"? You hoser!
Can't you get anything right?

Look who's talking.



The_Sage said:
Attila is feminine when used as a *first* name, you idiot. Attila the
Hun was the name of King whose *last* name was Attila. The key
giveaway here is the -a suffix, which is the feminine form of english
given names, such as Fredirica (Fred) or Andrea (Andrew).

One addition. The Hungarian language (Attila *is* a Hungarian name) has
*no* grammatical gender. BTW Andrea (which is *only* a female name in
Hungarian) is actually a male name in other countries.



The_Sage said:
Thank you for the pleasure of being able to demonstrate beyond a
shadow of a doubt to these NGs, what an illiterate idiot you are.
Case closed. Don't come back until you can finally get a clue.

Actually, he was right, and you are mistaken.


Greg Schmidt

Actually, he was right, and you are mistaken.

He knows full well that he's mistaken, and is just enjoying how much
valuable time he can get others to waste trying to show him the light.
For those joining in late, here's a summary of the discussion so far:

Sage: The main function can return anything it wants to.
Everyone: No it can't, and here's the proof from the standard.
Sage: You're wrong.
Everyone: No, see it says quite clearly that it must return an int.
Sage: You're wrong. You're an idiot.
Everyone: No, really, the standard is explicit on this point.
Sage: You're wrong. You can't even understand simple English.
Everyone: Look, the people who wrote the standard are agreeing with us.
Sage: You're all wrong.

and so on ad infinitum. There is no point at all in continuing, and
hasn't been for a couple of weeks now. Nobody could possibly be as
dense as he is pretending to be. It's been a masterful job of trolling,
but please can't we all LET IT GO! He will never admit we're right,
even if the entire ANSI standards group, the signers of the US
Constitution, Jesus, Buddha, Gandhi, and all five members of the Beatles
showed up at his door and told him he was wrong.

There should be no more proof required than the quote he proudly
displays in his signature, and presumably lives his life by:


Reply to article by: SomeDumbGuy said:
Date written: Tue, 07 Oct 2003 05:14:37 GMT
MsgID:<[email protected]>
I have seen some sites that list that name as a female dog name.
I have seen that name listed as male.

So it can be any of the above, right?
Attila the Hun was from the area now known as Hungry and was king in
about 433 - 453 AD. The name had nothing to do with english. English
was not really even a language until that time (Middle of the 5 century
or about 450 AD) As far as I know Attila was the only name (No first or
last just ATTILA)

I never said it was an "english name", just that in english, which is the
language we are *all* using here, Attila is a feminine name because it ends in
This is not really helping your argument about HLA or C or C++.

But that is how complete morons like WW avoid losing debates they can never win.

The Sage

My Home Page :

"The biggest problem in the world, could have been solved
when it was small..." -- Lao Tzu


Reply to article by: "Attila Feher said:
Date written: Tue, 7 Oct 2003 10:17:04 +0300
MsgID:<[email protected]>
Attila is a male name you moron.

Whatever you say missy.

The Sage

My Home Page :

"The biggest problem in the world, could have been solved
when it was small..." -- Lao Tzu


Reply to article by: "WW said:
Date written: Tue, 7 Oct 2003 22:33:45 +0300
MsgID:<[email protected]>
One addition. The Hungarian language (Attila *is* a Hungarian name) has
*no* grammatical gender. BTW Andrea (which is *only* a female name in
Hungarian) is actually a male name in other countries.


Attila actually is not even a name, it is a title meaning "little father". It
also technially isn't Hungarian, since it actually originated from
Gothic-German. And it isn't a Hungarian name, as anyone who isn't Hungary can
use it as a name, but when used as a name in English, it no longer has any
meaning because Attila is not an English word. In the English world, given names
generally have absolutely no meanings to those who give or receive them (except
for a few words/names like Hope or some New Agers who name their kids things
like "ray of sunshine")

And by the "rules" of the English language, Andrea is a female name, just like
Attila would be in English. In English there are no rules for names except for
two: Anything ending in -a is feminine, and names do not have to go by any
phonetic or etymology standards (as if English really had some consistent rules
-- Ha!).

The Sage

My Home Page :

"The biggest problem in the world, could have been solved
when it was small..." -- Lao Tzu


Reply to article by: "Dunny said:
Date written: Tue, 7 Oct 2003 22:53:52 +0100
MsgID:<[email protected]>
Actually, he was right, and you are mistaken.

Actually, you are resorting to the logical fallacy of blind faith assertion.

The Sage

My Home Page :

"The biggest problem in the world, could have been solved
when it was small..." -- Lao Tzu


Reply to article by: Greg Schmidt said:
Date written: Tue, 07 Oct 2003 23:33:17 GMT
MsgID:<[email protected]>
He knows full well that he's mistaken,

You know full well you are full of shit.
For those joining in late, here's a summary of the discussion so far:
Sage: The main function can return anything it wants to.
Everyone: No it can't, and here's the proof from the standard.

For those joining in late, that is the typical sort of lying and stupidity that
comes from this newsgroup. The discussion so far has only been...

Sage : I use void main()
Greg : You aren't allowed to do that
ISO : "The main function shall have a return type of type int but otherwise
in all other respects the main functions type is
IBM : We agree with Sage and that's why we provide it for him to use
MS : We agree with Sage and that's why we provide it for him to use
Borland : We agree with Sage and that's why we provide it for him to use
Greg : That isn't what the Standard meant
Dict. : "but otherwise means in addition to the aforementiond, there are
Greg : Wah! I want my mommy!

And if you get a dictionary and define the words "but" and "otherwise", you will
see these idiots have no leg to stand on.

The Sage

My Home Page :

"The biggest problem in the world, could have been solved
when it was small..." -- Lao Tzu


The_Sage said:
So it can be any of the above, right?

I would say yes. But it does *seem* to be more of a man's name.

I never said it was an "english name", just that in english, which is the
language we are *all* using here, Attila is a feminine name because it ends in

True, you didn't say it was an english name, but you are applying
english rules to it. Many languages do not have a gender aspect to it
(or do not use -a for it.) As the name is not english it does not seem
to fit putting english rules to it.

I would guess your are just taking "pokes" at poor attila to tick him
off. I should just stay out of it :)

Attila Feher

SomeDumbGuy said:
I would guess your are just taking "pokes" at poor attila to tick him
off. I should just stay out of it :)

He is too obvious for a troll. I know who I am and he can post as much b/s
as he wants. BTW I have met this very same guy in a forum many years back.
And he was playing the same idiotic game with my name the same way, even
using the same words. That guy was a well known troll, and was not called
The Sage. Apparently he had to change his name so that people will still
pay some attention to him. And apparently he moved to the asm newsgroup.

David B. Held

Jonathan Mcdougall said:
This thread is dead. Stop trying.

Hey, he not only didn't have a rebuttal, he posted a followup
in another part of the thread which further amplifies my counter-
example. So he's implicitly conceding a point with his silence,
but then contradicting himself (but that's his M.O., so it's to be



Actually, you are resorting to the logical fallacy of blind faith

Nah, I live with an English Teacher. You're very funny, Mr Sage, I find you very


Alan Morgan

And by the "rules" of the English language, Andrea is a female name, just like
Attila would be in English. In English there are no rules for names except for
two: Anything ending in -a is feminine, and names do not have to go by any
phonetic or etymology standards (as if English really had some consistent rules
-- Ha!).

I just checked with my friend Joshua. He was surprised to discover he is female
and wants to know if he should tell his wife. Please advise.


David B. Held

Alan Morgan said:
I just checked with my friend Joshua. He was surprised to
discover he is female and wants to know if he should tell
his wife. Please advise.

Obviously, he needs to change his name to "Joshu" so he
will be properly recognized by the gov't as a male.



Reply to article by: SomeDumbGuy said:
Date written: Wed, 08 Oct 2003 01:53:25 GMT
MsgID:<[email protected]>
I would say yes. But it does *seem* to be more of a man's name.

Yes, that is true but I believe that is because we have all become accustomer to
associating it with Attila the Hun -- who was a male.
True, you didn't say it was an english name,

Yes I did.
but you are applying
english rules to it. Many languages do not have a gender aspect to it
(or do not use -a for it.) As the name is not english it does not seem
to fit putting english rules to it.

English has no restrictions on what names you can give your children.
I would guess your are just taking "pokes" at poor attila to tick him
off. I should just stay out of it :)

No, actually this was WW's off topic dodge and evade of issues he can't figure
out like the difference between a return type and a parameter or the difference
between killing a process and ending a program or what the dictioanry states
what "but otherwise" literally means.

Actually, 90% of the people in these newsgroups can't figure that out either,
including Mr/Mrs/It Attila.

The Sage

My Home Page :

"The biggest problem in the world, could have been solved
when it was small..." -- Lao Tzu


Reply to article by: (e-mail address removed) (Alan Morgan)
Date written: Wed, 8 Oct 2003 17:25:09 +0000 (UTC)
MsgID:<[email protected]>
I just checked with my friend Joshua. He was surprised to discover he is female
and wants to know if he should tell his wife. Please advise.

What country is he and his parents from originally?

The Sage

My Home Page :

"The biggest problem in the world, could have been solved
when it was small..." -- Lao Tzu


Reply to article by: "Dunny said:
Date written: Wed, 8 Oct 2003 15:26:49 +0100
MsgID:<[email protected]>
Nah, I live with an English Teacher.
You're very funny, Mr Sage, I find you very entertaining.

You aren't very literate for living with an English Teacher. Can you ask your
Teacher to get a dictionary and look up the words "but" and "otherwise" and tell
us what they mean when applied to the sentence from the ISO Standard that
states, ""The main function shall have a return type of type int but otherwise
in all other respects the main functions type is implementation-defined". Of
course, this presumes you really do live with an English Teacher.

The Sage

My Home Page :

"The biggest problem in the world, could have been solved
when it was small..." -- Lao Tzu

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