threads - was:Is there a way to protect a piece of criticalcode?


Ray Schumacher

Hendrik van Rooyen said:
> Similarly discrete background thread jobs can be used
> in a functional style this way:
> ( an alternative for the laborious OO-centric threading.

With the various options available, many of which I haven't used
(CallQueue for example), I am wondering what the "best" methodology
to use is for a 2-task example on a dual core processor for my next project:

-One task is an ADC data collection/device driver whose sole job in
life is to fill a numpy "circular buffer" with data from an external
ADC device at high speed and expose a pointer - programmatically
complex but functionally distinct from the analysis task. It is I/O
bound and spends time waiting on the ADC.
-The main task is analysis of that data in near-real time with FFT,
correlations etc, and computationally bound. It needs to have read
access to the array and a pointer, and kill the ADC task when desired.

Thoughts/opinions are humbly requested,

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