Under High IE Security buttons don't work


Gary D. Rezek

Hi All,
I've got a set of asp pages used to register students into the ResNet database. Testing things out under
different browser security settings I ran into a problem. The following buttons....

<INPUT type=button id="EditInfo" name="EditInfo" value="Edit Information" class="ButtonBlue" style="WIDTH:
150px" onclick="location.href='EditResNetInformation.asp'">
<INPUT type=button id="GoToGetMAC" name="GoToGetMAC" value="Continue" class="ButtonBlue" style="WIDTH: 150px"

.....on page ReadySetGetMAC.asp (in text following) do not do anything in the onclick when Internet Explorer has
High Internet zone Security. No error is given.....it looks as if the page has only been refreshed.

GetMACNow.asp (also in text following) is 1 of the 2 pages which can be called from the ReadySetGetMAC.asp page.
Right now it is nothing fancy at all.

If I place http://<MyIPAddress>/WebRegTest/GetMACNow.asp directly into the address I can go to GetMACNow.asp as
I can go directly to the 2nd page when directly addressed.
I seem to be able to go between other asp pages in this project with nothing similar happening.
Also the pages seem to work correctly when using Firefox or Netscape, but I'm not certain I've got them set to
their highest security setting.

So......why don't those buttons work, in particular (I guess), under IE's High Security settings and how do I
get them to work under these settings?



*******asp pages******
******************begin code ReadySetGetMAC.asp************************
<%@ Language=VBScript %>
<!-- #include file="ValidatorClient.asp" -->
<!-- #include file="ValidatorServer.asp" -->
'On Error Resume Next
Response.ExpiresAbsolute = #January 1, 1990 00:00:01#
Response.ExpiresAbsolute = Now() - 1
Response.AddHeader "pragma", "no-cache"
Response.AddHeader "cache-control", "private, no-cache, must-revalidate"
Dim NewValID
Dim cnMain
Dim rstGetConnectionInfo
Dim strStudentIDNumber
Dim strLastName
Dim strFirstName
Dim strEMailAddress
Dim strCellPhoneNumber
Dim strRoomCode
Dim strResidenceHall
Dim strRoomNumber
Dim strPortNumber
Dim strConnectionDate
Dim strConnectionSemester
Dim strConnectionYear
Dim strMACAddress
Dim strOSVersion

NewValID = Session("StuID")

Set cnMain = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Application("ResNet_ConnectionString") = "Provider=SQLOLEDB;" & _
"Data Source=MySQL;" & _
"Initial Catalog=MyDB;" & _
"User ID=IUSR_FAKE;" & _
"Password=*******;" & _
"ConnectionTimeout=15;" & _
"CommandTimeout=30;" & _
"CursorLocation=3;" & _
"Packet Size=4096;" & _
"Use Encryption for Data=False;"
cnMain.Open Application("ResNet_ConnectionString")

Set rstGetConnectionInfo = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
cnMain.spGetOnlineStudentConnectionInformation NewValID, rstGetConnectionInfo

If rstGetConnectionInfo.EOF <> True Then
strStudentIDNumber = rstGetConnectionInfo(0)
strLastName = rstGetConnectionInfo(1)
strFirstName = rstGetConnectionInfo(2)
strRoomCode = rstGetConnectionInfo(3)
strResidenceHall = rstGetConnectionInfo(4)
strRoomNumber = rstGetConnectionInfo(5)
strPortNumber = rstGetConnectionInfo(6)
strConnectionDate = rstGetConnectionInfo(7)
strConnectionSemester = rstGetConnectionInfo(8)
strConnectionYear = rstGetConnectionInfo(9)
strMACAddress = rstGetConnectionInfo(10)
strOSVersion = rstGetConnectionInfo(11)
strCellPhoneNumber = rstGetConnectionInfo(12)
strEMailAddress = rstGetConnectionInfo(13)

Else 'there is no record of this student.....send 'em to apology page
Session("StuID") = ""
Response.Redirect ("ResLifeValidationFailure.htm")
End If
<META NAME="GENERATOR" Content="Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0">
<title>Last Edit Get MAC Address Next</title>
<link href="resnet.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
<p align="center"><img src="ResNet_InetActivation.jpg" width="598" height="151"></p>
<h3>Here is your information we have entered.</h3>
<%=strConnectionSemester%>&nbsp;<%=strConnectionYear%>&nbsp;ResNet Registration<br>
Date of Activation Request: <%=strConnectionDate%><br>
Port Number: <%=strPortNumber%><br>
Cell Phone Number: <%=strCellPhoneNumber%><br>
E-mail Address: <%=strEMailAddress%><br>
OS Version: <%=strOSVersion%><br>
MAC Address: <%=strMACAddress%>

<p><h3>If this NOT correct, you may edit your information<br>
by clicking the Edit button below,<br>
or you may call the Support Desk @ 6776.

Please click the Continue button below to finish ResNet Internet Activation.

<P align="center"><INPUT type=button id="EditInfo" name="EditInfo" value="Edit Information" class="ButtonBlue"
style="WIDTH: 150px" onclick="location.href='EditResNetInformation.asp'">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
<INPUT type=button id="GoToGetMAC" name="GoToGetMAC" value="Continue" class="ButtonBlue" style="WIDTH:
150px" onclick="location.href='GetMACNow.asp'">
<h5>If you do not have Internet access within 24 hours,<br>
please contact your RCC or the Support Desk at 6776.</h5>
******************end code ReadySetGetMAC.asp************************

******************begin code GetMACNow.asp************************
<%@ Language=VBScript %>
<!-- #include file="ValidatorClient.asp" -->
<!-- #include file="ValidatorServer.asp" -->
'On Error Resume Next
Response.ExpiresAbsolute = #January 1, 1990 00:00:01#
Response.ExpiresAbsolute = Now() - 1
Response.AddHeader "pragma", "no-cache"
Response.AddHeader "cache-control", "private, no-cache, must-revalidate"
Dim NewValID
Dim cnMain

NewValID = Session("StuID")

'connection not used yet
'Set cnMain = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
'Application("ResNet_ConnectionString") = "Provider=SQLOLEDB;" & _
' "Data Source=MySQL;" & _
' "Initial Catalog=MyDB;" & _
' "User ID=IUSR_FAKE;" & _
' "Password=*******;" & _
' "ConnectionTimeout=15;" & _
' "CommandTimeout=30;" & _
' "CursorLocation=3;" & _
' "Packet Size=4096;" & _
' "Use Encryption for Data=False;"
'cnMain.Open Application("ResNet_ConnectionString")
'connection not used yet

<meta NAME="GENERATOR" Content="Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0">
<title>MAC Address and OS Version</title>
<link href="resnet.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
<p align="center"><img src="ResNet_InetActivation.jpg" width="598" height="151"></p>

<p align="center"><a href="GetMACHandler_test.asp">CLICK HERE</a></p>

<h5>If you do not have Internet access within 24 hours,<br>
please contact your RCC or the Support Desk at 6776.

******************end code GetMACNow.asp************************

Bob Barrows [MVP]

You'll need to try an IE or client-side scripting newsgroup. This has
nothing to do with asp.

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