Update button in datagrid causing validation elsewhere on page



Hi all,

I am having a slight problem that hopefully, someone can help me fix.

I have a form on a page. Many items on the form have validation controls
Also on this form are linkbuttons which must not cause validation. I have
found a setting "causeValidation" to disable the validation.

Also on the page, I have a datagrid that I will edit lines on. I can click
edit and cancel without enforced validation, however, if I click Update, the
validation comes up.

I have tried to put a causesValidation="false" in the linkbutton column on
the datagrid but to no avail.

When I hover over the Update link, I have...
javascript:{if {typeod(Page_ClientValidate) != 'function' ||
Page_ClientValidate()) __doPostback...

in the status bar.

How can I override the Update link to prevent the validation from happening?

Also, if I was to limit just the Update to the datagrid text boxes, how
would I validate those?

A third Q... when in edit mode of the datagrid, how can I use a DropDownList
instead of a text box?


Best regards,
Dave Colliver.
http://www.FOCUSPortals.com - Portal franchises available

Peter Blum

Hi David,

ASP.NET 2.0 will solve it with the introduction of "validation groups". It
allows you to assign a group name to the submit control and the validators
it fires. My Professional Validation And More product
(http://www.peterblum.com/vam/home.aspx) supports validation groups (its
actually more powerful than the ASP.NET 2.0 version although they look very

In ASP.NET 1.x, the normal way to get the same behavior is to turn off
client-side validation on the submit button. This would work for your
- Set CausesValidation=false
- In the Click post back event method, call each validator's Validate()
method that applies to this button. Then test IsValid is true on all of the
same validators. Proceed if all are true.

This is harder with a DataGrid because the Update button's CausesValidation
property is hidden from you and is always true.

I encourage you to download the trial version of Professional Validation And
More to explore how it can help you. Its a much bigger system than just a
fix to this problem. It has 45 controls and many new ideas for validation
including client-side support of validation on many more browsers like
FireFox and Safari.

--- Peter Blum
Email: (e-mail address removed)
Creator of "Professional Validation And More" at


Hi David,

As you mention, causeValidation can disable the validation. You can set
Update Button's causeValidation in datagrid_EditCommand event:

datagrid.EditItemIndex = e.Item.ItemIndex;

LinkButton updateBtn =
updateBtn.CausesValidation = false;


Elton Wang
(e-mail address removed)


Hi Elton,

Thank you.

However, I am having a problem...

I have exactly the code you have suggested (with object names changed as
neccessary) but I am getting...

System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Index was out of range. Must be
non-negative and less than the size of the collection. Parameter name: index

My code...

private void SecondaryEdEducationDataGrid_EditCommand(object source,
System.Web.UI.WebControls.DataGridCommandEventArgs e)
SecondaryEdEducationDataGrid.EditItemIndex = e.Item.ItemIndex;
Trace.Warn("ItemIndex", e.Item.ItemIndex.ToString());
LinkButton updateBtn =
updateBtn.CausesValidation = false;

The line that is being pointed to is the "LinkButton updateBtn" line.

I understand what you are pointing me at, and it was an area that I had not

Dave Colliver.
http://www.FOCUSPortals.com - Portal franchises available

Elton W said:
Hi David,

As you mention, causeValidation can disable the validation. You can set
Update Button's causeValidation in datagrid_EditCommand event:

datagrid.EditItemIndex = e.Item.ItemIndex;

LinkButton updateBtn =
updateBtn.CausesValidation = false;


Elton Wang
(e-mail address removed)

David Colliver said:
Hi all,

I am having a slight problem that hopefully, someone can help me fix.

I have a form on a page. Many items on the form have validation controls
Also on this form are linkbuttons which must not cause validation. I have
found a setting "causeValidation" to disable the validation.

Also on the page, I have a datagrid that I will edit lines on. I can click
edit and cancel without enforced validation, however, if I click Update, the
validation comes up.

I have tried to put a causesValidation="false" in the linkbutton column on
the datagrid but to no avail.

When I hover over the Update link, I have...
javascript:{if {typeod(Page_ClientValidate) != 'function' ||
Page_ClientValidate()) __doPostback...

in the status bar.

How can I override the Update link to prevent the validation from happening?

Also, if I was to limit just the Update to the datagrid text boxes, how
would I validate those?

A third Q... when in edit mode of the datagrid, how can I use a DropDownList
instead of a text box?


Best regards,
Dave Colliver.
http://www.FOCUSPortals.com - Portal franchises available


Sorted now...

It should be...

LinkButton updateBtn =

Notice the second .Controls[0] ?

Dave Colliver.
http://www.FOCUSPortals.com - Portal franchises available

David Colliver said:
Hi Elton,

Thank you.

However, I am having a problem...

I have exactly the code you have suggested (with object names changed as
neccessary) but I am getting...

System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Index was out of range. Must be
non-negative and less than the size of the collection. Parameter name: index

My code...

private void SecondaryEdEducationDataGrid_EditCommand(object source,
System.Web.UI.WebControls.DataGridCommandEventArgs e)
SecondaryEdEducationDataGrid.EditItemIndex = e.Item.ItemIndex;
Trace.Warn("ItemIndex", e.Item.ItemIndex.ToString());
LinkButton updateBtn =
updateBtn.CausesValidation = false;

The line that is being pointed to is the "LinkButton updateBtn" line.

I understand what you are pointing me at, and it was an area that I had not

Dave Colliver.
http://www.FOCUSPortals.com - Portal franchises available

Elton W said:
Hi David,

As you mention, causeValidation can disable the validation. You can set
Update Button's causeValidation in datagrid_EditCommand event:

datagrid.EditItemIndex = e.Item.ItemIndex;

LinkButton updateBtn =
updateBtn.CausesValidation = false;


Elton Wang
(e-mail address removed)

David Colliver said:
Hi all,

I am having a slight problem that hopefully, someone can help me fix.

I have a form on a page. Many items on the form have validation controls
Also on this form are linkbuttons which must not cause validation. I have
found a setting "causeValidation" to disable the validation.

Also on the page, I have a datagrid that I will edit lines on. I can click
edit and cancel without enforced validation, however, if I click Update, the
validation comes up.

I have tried to put a causesValidation="false" in the linkbutton column on
the datagrid but to no avail.

When I hover over the Update link, I have...
javascript:{if {typeod(Page_ClientValidate) != 'function' ||
Page_ClientValidate()) __doPostback...

in the status bar.

How can I override the Update link to prevent the validation from happening?

Also, if I was to limit just the Update to the datagrid text boxes, how
would I validate those?

A third Q... when in edit mode of the datagrid, how can I use a DropDownList
instead of a text box?


Best regards,
Dave Colliver.
http://www.FOCUSPortals.com - Portal franchises available

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