User Defined function returning table give inconsistent results


Marc Walgren


I have an ASP application to enter reservations. There are multiple user
security settings that require some users to have a restricted list of
client in a drop list on a form.

I constructed the following function:

CREATE FUNCTION [estudf_UserClientsList] (@pUserId int)
RETURNS @UserClientQ table
-- user information
UserId int,
FirstName varchar(50),
LastName varchar(50),
UserName varchar(25),
-- client information
ClientId int,
ClientName varchar(40),
UsageTypeId int,
-- event update rights
noSaveReq int, -- =1 disallow save of Request status events
for the client
noSaveConflict int, -- =1 disallow save of Conflict status
events for the client
noSaveApprov int, -- =1 disallow save of Approved status
events for the client
noSaveDenied int, -- =1 disallow save of Denied status events
for the client
-- debug trace
Stage int
-- Marc Walgren - 07/14/2004
-- This routine will determine proper client list for user based on user
-- settings and user/contact/client relationships
-- local variables
declare @UserAdmin int
declare @UserFirstName varchar(50)
declare @UserLastName varchar(50)
declare @UserName varchar(25)
declare @UserActive int
declare @UserReadOnly int
declare @FacilityAdminCount int
declare @UserClientCount int

-- Users with Admin rights get all clients
select @UserAdmin = Admin,
@UserFirstName = FirstName,
@UserLastName = LastName,
@UserName = UserName,
@UserActive = Active,
@UserReadOnly = ReadOnly
from Users where UserId = @pUserId

-- clear return q to be sure
delete @UserClientQ

if @UserAdmin = 1

-- give all clients
insert @UserClientQ ( UserId, FirstName, LastName, UserName,
ClientId, ClientName, UsageTypeId, Stage, noSaveReq, noSaveConflict,
noSaveApprov, noSaveDenied )
Select @pUserId, @UserFirstName, @UserLastName, @UserName,
c.ClientId, c.ClientName, c.UsageTypeId, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0
from Client c

-- check for Building Administrator
select @FacilityAdminCount = count(UFLID) from UserFacilityLink
where UserId = @pUserId

if @FacilityAdminCount > 0
-- give all clients
insert @UserClientQ ( UserId, FirstName, LastName, UserName,
ClientId, ClientName, UsageTypeId, Stage, noSaveReq, noSaveConflict,
noSaveApprov, noSaveDenied )
Select @pUserId, @UserFirstName, @UserLastName,
@UserName, c.ClientId, c.ClientName, c.UsageTypeId, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0
from Client c
-- count the user's client
SELECT @UserClientCount = count(dbo.Users.UserId)
FROM dbo.Users
INNER JOIN dbo.Contacts ON dbo.Contacts.UserId =
INNER JOIN dbo.ClientContactLink ON dbo.Contacts.ContactID =
INNER JOIN dbo.Client ON dbo.Client.ClientID =
WHERE dbo.Users.UserId = @pUserId

-- users with associated client get just their clients
if @UserClientCount > 0
-- give user's clients
insert @UserClientQ ( UserId, FirstName, LastName,
UserName, ClientId, ClientName, UsageTypeId, Stage, noSaveReq,
noSaveConflict, noSaveApprov, noSaveDenied )
SELECT dbo.Users.UserId,
dbo.Users.FirstName, dbo.Users.LastName, dbo.Users.UserName,
dbo.Client.ClientName, dbo.Client.UsageTypeId , 3, 0, 0, 1,1
FROM dbo.Users
INNER JOIN dbo.Contacts ON
dbo.Contacts.UserId = dbo.Users.UserId
INNER JOIN dbo.ClientContactLink ON
dbo.Contacts.ContactID = dbo.ClientContactLink.ContactID
INNER JOIN dbo.Client ON dbo.Client.ClientID
= dbo.ClientContactLink.ClientID
WHERE dbo.Users.UserId = @pUserId
-- Active and non-readonly users get full client
if @UserActive = 1 and @UserReadOnly = 0
-- give all clients
insert @UserClientQ ( UserId, FirstName,
LastName, UserName, ClientId, ClientName, UsageTypeId, Stage, noSaveReq,
noSaveConflict, noSaveApprov, noSaveDenied )
Select @pUserId, @UserFirstName,
@UserLastName, @UserName, c.ClientId, c.ClientName, c.UsageTypeId, 4, 0, 0,
1, 1
from Client c



My administrative user is ID=1. I perform the following code to build the
drop list

strSQL = "SELECT ClientID, ClientName, UsageTypeId, Stage FROM
estudf_UserClientsList(" strSQL = strSQL & cstr(iUserId)
strSQL = strSQL & ") ORDER BY ClientName"

response.write "<select size=1 name=txtClient>"
response.write "<option value='' >--Choose--</option>"

pbIsClientListExists = false
set rs=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet") strSQL,CONNECTIONSTRING

while rs.EOF=false
pbIsClientListExists = true
stage = rs.fields("Stage")
If Trim(rs.fields("ClientID"))=Trim(checkvalue)Then
selected=" selected"
pClientsUsageTypeID = rs.fields("UsageTypeId")
End If

response.write "<option value='"
response.write Trim(rs.fields("ClientID"))
response.write "' " & selected & ">"
response.write rs.fields("ClientName")
response.write "</option>"


I have used Profiler to be sure the parameter to the function is proper and
have never found it to be incorrect.

When the client list is not build properly, only one client name appears and
it is clientid=1. If I change the select sql in the function to exclude
clientid=1 then the name of the next lowest client id is displayed when the
list is improperly built.

Any ideas to resolve the inconsistency would be gratefully received.


Bob Barrows [MVP]

There's too much for me to digest, but maybe one of the people over at
m.p.sqlserver.programming will take a crack at it ...

They'll want you to post table-creation DDL and insert statements with
sample data before they'll look at it.

Bob Barrows
Marc said:

I have an ASP application to enter reservations. There are multiple
user security settings that require some users to have a restricted
list of client in a drop list on a form.

I constructed the following function:

Chris Hohmann

"Marc Walgren" <> wrote in message
My administrative user is ID=1. I perform the following code to build the
drop list

strSQL = "SELECT ClientID, ClientName, UsageTypeId, Stage FROM
estudf_UserClientsList(" strSQL = strSQL & cstr(iUserId)
strSQL = strSQL & ") ORDER BY ClientName"

response.write "<select size=1 name=txtClient>"
response.write "<option value='' >--Choose--</option>"

pbIsClientListExists = false
set rs=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet") strSQL,CONNECTIONSTRING

while rs.EOF=false
pbIsClientListExists = true
stage = rs.fields("Stage")
If Trim(rs.fields("ClientID"))=Trim(checkvalue)Then
selected=" selected"
pClientsUsageTypeID = rs.fields("UsageTypeId")
End If

response.write "<option value='"
response.write Trim(rs.fields("ClientID"))
response.write "' " & selected & ">"
response.write rs.fields("ClientName")
response.write "</option>"


I have used Profiler to be sure the parameter to the function is proper and
have never found it to be incorrect.

When the client list is not build properly, only one client name appears and
it is clientid=1. If I change the select sql in the function to exclude
clientid=1 then the name of the next lowest client id is displayed when the
list is improperly built.

Any ideas to resolve the inconsistency would be gratefully received.

I don't see an "rs.MoveNext" call in your code. Also, you should really
consider rewriting that UDF. It could be done in a stored procedure with one
SELECT statement and a well placed CASE expression. Finally, you may also
want to consider using GetRows/GetString instead of recordset iteration.
Here's an article:

Marc Walgren


Thanks for you thoughts.

I omitted the movnext from my code snip for the post. I switch from the
getrow() approach as a wild attempt to resolve the instability.

The article you reference is good and I had already read it.

Best regards,


Chris Hohmann said:
"Marc Walgren" <> wrote in message
My administrative user is ID=1. I perform the following code to build the
drop list

strSQL = "SELECT ClientID, ClientName, UsageTypeId, Stage FROM
estudf_UserClientsList(" strSQL = strSQL & cstr(iUserId)
strSQL = strSQL & ") ORDER BY ClientName"

response.write "<select size=1 name=txtClient>"
response.write "<option value='' >--Choose--</option>"

pbIsClientListExists = false
set rs=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet") strSQL,CONNECTIONSTRING

while rs.EOF=false
pbIsClientListExists = true
stage = rs.fields("Stage")
If Trim(rs.fields("ClientID"))=Trim(checkvalue)Then
selected=" selected"
pClientsUsageTypeID = rs.fields("UsageTypeId")
End If

response.write "<option value='"
response.write Trim(rs.fields("ClientID"))
response.write "' " & selected & ">"
response.write rs.fields("ClientName")
response.write "</option>"


I have used Profiler to be sure the parameter to the function is proper and
have never found it to be incorrect.

When the client list is not build properly, only one client name appears and
it is clientid=1. If I change the select sql in the function to exclude
clientid=1 then the name of the next lowest client id is displayed when the
list is improperly built.

Any ideas to resolve the inconsistency would be gratefully received.

I don't see an "rs.MoveNext" call in your code. Also, you should really
consider rewriting that UDF. It could be done in a stored procedure with one
SELECT statement and a well placed CASE expression. Finally, you may also
want to consider using GetRows/GetString instead of recordset iteration.
Here's an article:

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