using multiple select



Hey gang. I have a form to select multiple names.
The problem I am having, is when it gets to the asp page. If I click 1 name,
it will process. But multiple names gives me an error:
Either BOF or EOF is True, or the current record has been deleted. Requested
operation requires a current record.
/GIG/ladder/reportasp2_new.asp, line 53

that line's code is

set rsID2 = conn.execute ("select total_score from rounds where username =
'" & var1 & "'")
var11 = rsID2.fields.item("total_score").value

what appears to be happening, is it isn't picking up all the names.

on the asp page, i begin the code with this.

For Each Item In Request.QueryString("username") and have a NEXT at the end
of the code.

this is using access db

i don't know what i am missing

If i do a response.write it gives the names twice for some reason.
i made a dummy page, just to see how the names are getting sent, but they
are getting repeated. this is the code

Set Conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Conn.Open (MM_connection_STRING)

For Each Item In Request.QueryString("username")
var1 = Request.querystring("username") 'first player
var2 = Request.querystring("username1") 'person reporting

response.write var1
if UCASE(var1) = UCASE(var2) then
response.redirect "report_self.asp"
end if


Set Conn = Nothing
'response.redirect "current.asp"

test it here to see what i mean

can anyone help??


I even made it real simple. i put this as the code

For Each item In Request.QueryString("username")
Response.Write Request.QueryString("username")& "<BR>"

and it is still doubling the results.


Jeff wrote on 17 mrt 2006 in microsoft.public.inetserver.asp.general:
I even made it real simple. i put this as the code

For Each item In Request.QueryString("username")
Response.Write Request.QueryString("username")& "<BR>"

This looks strange, you want to write the collection object several

Shouldn't it be:

For Each X In Request.QueryString("username")
Response.Write X & "<BR>"


But then:

Request.QueryString() is not a collection but a string ALWAYS.

So I suppose it contains a comma + space seperated string.

Try this:

================ test.asp ====================
<% ' vbscript

Response.Write request.querystring("q") & "<br>=======<br>"

q=split(request.querystring("q"),", ")

for i=0 to ubound(q)
Response.Write q(i) & "<br>"

<input type=checkbox name=q value=a checked>
<input type=checkbox name=q value=b checked>
<input type=checkbox name=q value=c checked>
<input type=checkbox name=q value=d checked>
<input type=checkbox name=q value=e checked>
<input type=submit>


I got it to work. this is what I ended up doing
For I = 1 To Request.QueryString("username").Count
that way it was counting, and only displaying each name once.

thanks for the help

Dave Anderson

Jeff said:
I got it to work. this is what I ended up doing
For I = 1 To Request.QueryString("username").Count
that way it was counting, and only displaying each name once.

Evertjan was right, though. In your original example, you were writing the
entire collection once per row.

Dave Anderson

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