Using the Same Function to Rotate Different Text



I know that we should not have two Id's that are the same but don't
know how to apply an array.

I want the first button to rotate the first text. I want the second
button to rotate the second text. But I want to use the same function
to do it.

<title>A Multiple Text Rotater</title>
function changeText()
oldHTML = document.getElementById('para').innerHTML ;
newHTML = "<b style='-moz-transform:rotate(90deg)'>" + oldHTML +
"</b>" ;
document.getElementById('para').innerHTML = newHTML ;
<body bgcolor= grey>

<input onClick = changeText() type = button><b id = para>Rotate this


<input onClick = changeText() type = button><b id = para>Rotate this
other text.</b>


David Mark

Ren said:
I know that we should not have two Id's that are the same but don't
know how to apply an array.

That has no real meaning.
I want the first button to rotate the first text. I want the second
button to rotate the second text. But I want to use the same function
to do it.

<title>A Multiple Text Rotater</title>

That's out of place.

That's missing a required attribute.
function changeText()
oldHTML = document.getElementById('para').innerHTML ;
newHTML = "<b style='-moz-transform:rotate(90deg)'>" + oldHTML +
"</b>" ;

That's quite a collision of old and new. Why a bold element? BTW, that
style is gibberish to anything but Mozilla-based browsers (and why
wouldn't you just apply the style to the element?)
document.getElementById('para').innerHTML = newHTML ;

ISTM that nothing good is going to come of this.
<body bgcolor= grey>

That's a deprecated (and malformed) attribute.
<input onClick = changeText() type = button><b id = para>Rotate this

What do you suppose that will look like after multiple clicks?

<input onClick = changeText() type = button><b id = para>Rotate this
other text.</b>

So the problem seems to be that you have no idea what you are doing in
the listener (in more than one way), which has led you to use the same
ID for multiple elements.

Personally, I would give the buttons ID's (not to mention values!) I
would then give the elements containing the text similar ID's. Then on
click I would convert the button ID to the container ID. I doubt you
can take it from there at this stage, but it is all I have time to give you.

Gregor Kofler

Am 2010-05-05 06:33, Ren meinte:
I know that we should not have two Id's that are the same but don't
know how to apply an array.
I want the first button to rotate the first text. I want the second
button to rotate the second text. But I want to use the same function
to do it.

<title>A Multiple Text Rotater</title>
function changeText()
oldHTML = document.getElementById('para').innerHTML ;
newHTML = "<b style='-moz-transform:rotate(90deg)'>" + oldHTML +
"</b>" ;
document.getElementById('para').innerHTML = newHTML ;
<body bgcolor= grey>

<input onClick = changeText() type = button><b id = para>Rotate this


<input onClick = changeText() type = button><b id = para>Rotate this
other text.</b>


Get a clue about proper markup first. Then come back for your
proprietary JS stuff.



Any suggestions for how to improve this JavaScript would be greatly

Here is the role-playing combat tracker in JavaScript for the latest
Firefox browser.

Here is where most of the source code is.

1. Fix the horrendous markup:
2. Ditch the awful mish-mash of libraries:
<script src="scripts/wz_dragdrop.js"></script>
<script src="scripts/AGE.js"></script>
<script src="images/boxes/boxes.js"></script>
<script src="scripts/dice.js"></script>
<script src="scripts/misc.js"></script>
<script src="scripts/characters.js"></script>
<script src="defaults.js"></script>
<script src = jquery-1.4.2.min.js></script>

3. Write code that works in more than one browser - I gave up loading
the page when Safari showed its "Slow Script" dialog.

I'd like to be able to click and rotate 90 degrees any piece.

Use sprites with images that are already rotated, it will work in many
more browsers than those that support the proprietary -moz CSS

I'd also like to replace all the prompts with just innerHTML.

I have no idea what prompts you have, but innerHTML is likely not the
way to go. You can probably just replace the text of the element used
for prompts rather than modifying its innerHTML property.


1. Fix the horrendous markup:

2. Ditch the awful mish-mash of libraries:
     <script src="scripts/wz_dragdrop.js"></script>
     <script src="scripts/AGE.js"></script>
     <script src="images/boxes/boxes.js"></script>
     <script src="scripts/dice.js"></script>
     <script src="scripts/misc.js"></script>
     <script src="scripts/characters.js"></script>
     <script src="defaults.js"></script>
     <script src = jquery-1.4.2.min.js></script>

3. Write code that works in more than one browser - I gave up loading
the page when Safari showed its "Slow Script" dialog.

Use sprites with images that are already rotated, it will work in many
more browsers than those that support the proprietary -moz CSS

I have no idea what prompts you have, but innerHTML is likely not the
way to go. You can probably just replace the text of the element used
for prompts rather than modifying its innerHTML property.

Thanks Rob. I'm starting with the Validation site.


Some background..

I'm only testing this code with the latest Firefox.

I'm using the Error Console to screen for bugs.

The code below, though it is not strictly compliant with standards,

Is there a way to do this code more efficiently? Using only one

<title>Rotate Multiple Elements with the Same Function</title>

function changeText()
oldHTML = document.getElementById('para').innerHTML ;
newHTML = "<b style='-moz-transform:rotate(90deg)'>" + oldHTML +
"</b>" ;
document.getElementById('para').innerHTML = newHTML ;

function changeText1()
oldHTML = document.getElementById('para1').innerHTML ;
newHTML = "<b style='-moz-transform:rotate(90deg)'>" + oldHTML +
"</b>" ;
document.getElementById('para1').innerHTML = newHTML ;

<body bgcolor= grey>

<input onClick = changeText() type = button><b id = para>Rotate this


<input onClick = changeText1() type = button><b id = para1>Rotate this
other text.</b>


Scott Sauyet

Is there a way to do this code more efficiently? Using only one


function changeText(elt)
oldHTML = document.getElementById(elt).innerHTML ;
newHTML = "<b style='-moz-transform:rotate(90deg)'>" + oldHTML +
"</b>" ;
document.getElementById(elt).innerHTML = newHTML ;

<input onClick = "changeText('para')" type = "button">
<b id = "para">Rotate this text.</b>

<input onClick = "changeText('para1')" type = "button">
<b id = "para1">Rotate this other text.</b>

Which does not negate all the comments above. David Mark is
definitely right that you're best bet would probably be to use related
ids. But even the rotation function is screwy. This, though is one
way you can reuse the function.

-- Scott



    function changeText(elt)
      oldHTML = document.getElementById(elt).innerHTML ;
      newHTML = "<b style='-moz-transform:rotate(90deg)'>" + oldHTML +
"</b>" ;
      document.getElementById(elt).innerHTML = newHTML ;

    <input onClick = "changeText('para')" type = "button">
    <b id = "para">Rotate this text.</b>

    <input onClick = "changeText('para1')" type = "button">
    <b id = "para1">Rotate this other text.</b>

Which does not negate all the comments above.  David Mark is
definitely right that you're best bet would probably be to use related
ids.  But even the rotation function is screwy.  This, though is one
way you can reuse the function.

  -- Scott

Works like a charm, Scott. Thanks. I had forgotten how to reuse
functions and you helped me to remember.

Yes. I'll want to generate an array of para[0], para[1], etc...

This is for a game. Each new piece that is generated will have the
ability to be rotated 90 degrees upon clicking the piece.

How do I go about that?

Scott Sauyet

Ren said:
Works like a charm, Scott. Thanks. I had forgotten how to reuse
functions and you helped me to remember.

Yes. I'll want to generate an array of para[0], para[1], etc...

This is for a game. Each new piece that is generated will have the
ability to be rotated 90 degrees upon clicking the piece.

How do I go about that?

Attach event handlers to the DOM elements representing your pieces
that listen for click events on the piece and pass the DOM element to
a rotate function.

However, it sounds as though you might be in over your head. You
probably should spend some time with Javascript basics before trying
to use it for any complicated user interfaces. David Flanagan's book
is pretty good for this.

Good luck,

-- Scott


Ren said:
Works like a charm, Scott. Thanks. I had forgotten how to reuse
functions and you helped me to remember.
Yes. I'll want to generate an array of para[0], para[1], etc...
This is for a game. Each new piece that is generated will have the
ability to be rotated 90 degrees upon clicking the piece.
How do I go about that?

Attach event handlers to the DOM elements representing your pieces
that listen for click events on the piece and pass the DOM element to
a rotate function.

However, it sounds as though you might be in over your head.  You
probably should spend some time with Javascript basics before trying
to use it for any complicated user interfaces.  David Flanagan's book
is pretty good for this.

Good luck,

  -- Scott

Thanks. I'm looking into addEventListener to attach the event handlers
to each element. I now know what key words to search for in order to
find other examples.

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