WebForm Controls Problem



Ok, I have the following problem:

I'm creating a web page and i'm using licensed components with it.

I have a User component which is used to register users to the system.
It uses a method named ProcessForm which searches for all the controls
in the form that belongs to the user component. It determines which
controls to use by it's name. I.E:

If a textbox name is "RegisterUser_Email_" then it means that the
client inputs it's email in that textbox control. It happens the same
way with the rest of the users properties like: name, last name, sex,
age, and so on...

My problem is that when I call the ProcessForm method, .NET
automatically changes that contols name to:

ctl00$Main$RegisterUser_Email_ and the ProcessForm method does not
recognize that control. It also happens with the rest of the user
controls that I use.

Result: I can't register the user.

Any suggestions would be very appreciated.


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