Website template.



I would like to build a website using a template. I got one from internet
but after I open it my new Internet Explorer gives me a warning : 'To help
protect your security, Internet Explorer has restricted this file from
showing active content that could access your computer. Click here for
And there are options : Allow Blocked Content. What's the risk ?
Information Bar Help.
Unfortunately I do not know any thing about those scripts, so maybe any kind
person would help me and delete that malicious script and left just those
part of script necessary to run that web page. Your help will be very
And this is a web page source :
<meta http-equiv="Content-Language" content="en-us">


<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=gb2312">
<meta name="description" content="FW MX FP HTML">

<script language="JavaScript">
<!-- hide this script from non-javascript-enabled browsers

function MM_findObj(n, d) { //v4.01
var p,i,x; if(!d) d=document;
if((p=n.indexOf("?"))>0&&parent.frames.length) {
d=parent.frames[n.substring(p+1)].document; n=n.substring(0,p);}
if(!(x=d[n])&&d.all) x=d.all[n]; for (i=0;!x&&i<d.forms.length;i++)
if(!x && d.getElementById) x=d.getElementById(n); return x;
function MM_nbGroup(event, grpName) { //v6.0
var i,img,nbArr,args=MM_nbGroup.arguments;
if (event == "init" && args.length > 2) {
if ((img = MM_findObj(args[2])) != null && !img.MM_init) {
img.MM_init = true; img.MM_up = args[3]; img.MM_dn = img.src;
if ((nbArr = document[grpName]) == null) nbArr = document[grpName] =
new Array();
nbArr[nbArr.length] = img;
for (i=4; i < args.length-1; i+=2) if ((img = MM_findObj(args)) !=
null) {
if (!img.MM_up) img.MM_up = img.src;
img.src = img.MM_dn = args[i+1];
nbArr[nbArr.length] = img;
} }
} else if (event == "over") {
document.MM_nbOver = nbArr = new Array();
for (i=1; i < args.length-1; i+=3) if ((img = MM_findObj(args)) !=
null) {
if (!img.MM_up) img.MM_up = img.src;
img.src = (img.MM_dn && args[i+2]) ? args[i+2] :
((args[i+1])?args[i+1] : img.MM_up);
nbArr[nbArr.length] = img;
} else if (event == "out" ) {
for (i=0; i < document.MM_nbOver.length; i++) { img =
document.MM_nbOver; img.src = (img.MM_dn) ? img.MM_dn : img.MM_up; }
} else if (event == "down") {
nbArr = document[grpName];
if (nbArr) for (i=0; i < nbArr.length; i++) { img=nbArr; img.src =
img.MM_up; img.MM_dn = 0; }
document[grpName] = nbArr = new Array();
for (i=2; i < args.length-1; i+=2) if ((img = MM_findObj(args)) !=
null) {
if (!img.MM_up) img.MM_up = img.src;
img.src = img.MM_dn = (args[i+1])? args[i+1] : img.MM_up;
nbArr[nbArr.length] = img;
} }

// stop hiding -->
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css">

<body bgcolor="#ffffff" onload="" topmargin="0" leftmargin="0">

<table border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="border-collapse:
collapse; border-left-width:0" bordercolor="#C0C0C0" id="AutoNumber1">
<td width="100%" style="border-left-style: none; border-left-width:
<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="760">
<!-- fwtable fwsrc="C:\Nelson\Lung templates\Paid\002\edittable\layout.png"
fwbase="layout.jpg" fwstyle="FrontPage" fwdocid = "742308039"
fwnested=""1" -->
<script language="JavaScript">
<!-- hide
if (document.images) {
layout_r2_c3_f2 = new Image(126 ,20); layout_r2_c3_f2.src =
layout_r2_c3_f2 = new Image(126 ,20); layout_r2_c3_f2.src =
layout_r2_c3_f1 = new Image(126 ,20); layout_r2_c3_f1.src =
layout_r4_c3_f2 = new Image(126 ,20); layout_r4_c3_f2.src =
layout_r4_c3_f2 = new Image(126 ,20); layout_r4_c3_f2.src =
layout_r4_c3_f1 = new Image(126 ,20); layout_r4_c3_f1.src =
layout_r6_c3_f2 = new Image(126 ,20); layout_r6_c3_f2.src =
layout_r6_c3_f2 = new Image(126 ,20); layout_r6_c3_f2.src =
layout_r6_c3_f1 = new Image(126 ,20); layout_r6_c3_f1.src =
layout_r8_c3_f2 = new Image(126 ,20); layout_r8_c3_f2.src =
layout_r8_c3_f2 = new Image(126 ,20); layout_r8_c3_f2.src =
layout_r8_c3_f1 = new Image(126 ,20); layout_r8_c3_f1.src =
layout_r11_c3_f2 = new Image(126 ,20); layout_r11_c3_f2.src =
layout_r11_c3_f2 = new Image(126 ,20); layout_r11_c3_f2.src =
layout_r11_c3_f1 = new Image(126 ,20); layout_r11_c3_f1.src =
// stop hiding -->
<td><table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="760">
<td><table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="335">
<img name="layout_r1_c1" src="images/layout_r1_c1.jpg" border="0"
alt="" width="335" height="44"></td>
<td><table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="335">
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border="0" alt="" width="209" height="104"></td>
<td><table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="126">
<td><a href="#" onMouseOut="MM_nbGroup('out');"
<img name="layout_r2_c3" src="images/layout_r2_c3.jpg"
border="0" alt="" width="126" height="20"></a></td>
<img name="layout_r3_c3" src="images/layout_r3_c3.jpg"
border="0" alt="" width="126" height="1"></td>
<td><a href="#" onMouseOut="MM_nbGroup('out');"
<img name="layout_r4_c3" src="images/layout_r4_c3.jpg"
border="0" alt="" width="126" height="20"></a></td>
<img name="layout_r5_c3" src="images/layout_r5_c3.jpg"
border="0" alt="" width="126" height="1"></td>
<td><a href="#" onMouseOut="MM_nbGroup('out');"
<img name="layout_r6_c3" src="images/layout_r6_c3.jpg"
border="0" alt="" width="126" height="20"></a></td>
<img name="layout_r7_c3" src="images/layout_r7_c3.jpg"
border="0" alt="" width="126" height="1"></td>
<td><a href="#" onMouseOut="MM_nbGroup('out');"
<img name="layout_r8_c3" src="images/layout_r8_c3.jpg"
border="0" alt="" width="126" height="20"></a></td>
<img name="layout_r10_c3" src="images/layout_r10_c3.jpg"
border="0" alt="" width="126" height="1"></td>
<td><a href="#" onMouseOut="MM_nbGroup('out');"
<img name="layout_r11_c3" src="images/layout_r11_c3.jpg"
border="0" alt="" width="126" height="20"></a></td>
<img name="layout_r12_c1" src="images/layout_r12_c1.jpg"
border="0" alt="" width="335" height="75"></td>
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alt="" width="136" height="223"></td>
<td><table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="289">
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alt="" width="289" height="116"></td>
<td><table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="289">
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border="0" alt="" width="215" height="107"></td>
<img name="layout_r9_c6" src="images/layout_r9_c6.jpg"
border="0" alt="" width="74" height="107"></td>
<td><table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="760">
<img name="layout_r13_c1" src="images/layout_r13_c1.jpg" border="0"
alt="" width="27" height="277"></td>
<td width="100%" valign="top">
<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"
style="border-collapse: collapse" bordercolor="#111111" width="710"
<td width="130" valign="top">
<img border="1" src="images/decoration012.jpg" width="128"
<td width="11">&nbsp;</td>
<td width="569" valign="top">About HTML<br>
HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language. HTML uses special
called tags, that indicate how Web browsers should display page
elements such as text and graphics.<br>
About digital dashboard<br>
A digital dashboard is a user-configurable Web page that
functions as
an information portal. A digital dashboard consolidates personal,
team, corporate, and external information and provides
access to analytical and collaborative tools. It brings an
view of your organization's diverse sources of knowledge to your
desktop, enabling better decision-making by providing immediate
access to key information.<br><br>About HTML<br>
HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language. HTML uses special
called tags, that indicate how Web browsers should display page
elements such as text and graphics.<br>
About digital dashboard<br>
A digital dashboard is a user-configurable Web page that
functions as
an information portal. A digital dashboard consolidates personal,
team, corporate, and external information and provides
access to analytical and collaborative tools. It brings an
view of your organization's diverse sources of knowledge to your
desktop, enabling better decision-making by providing immediate
access to key information.</td>
<td width="710" colspan="3">&nbsp;</td>
<img name="layout_r13_c7" src="images/layout_r13_c7.jpg" border="0"
alt="" width="23" height="277"></td>


<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"
style="border-collapse: collapse" bordercolor="#111111" width="100%"
id="AutoNumber2" bgcolor="#C0C0C0" height="30">
<td width="4%">&nbsp;</td>
<td width="97%">Footer information....</td>



Randy Webb

Andy said:
I would like to build a website using a template. I got one from internet
but after I open it my new Internet Explorer gives me a warning : 'To help
protect your security, Internet Explorer has restricted this file from
showing active content that could access your computer. Click here for
And there are options : Allow Blocked Content. What's the risk ?
Information Bar Help.

That is the default message presented by IE6 SP2 when running a page
from local disk. Try uploading it and running it from a server.
Unfortunately I do not know any thing about those scripts, so maybe any kind
person would help me and delete that malicious script and left just those
part of script necessary to run that web page. Your help will be very
And this is a web page source :

I snipped what you need to get rid of and can start with. Namely,
nothing. Most of it is deprecated HTML3.2 and some awful Dreamweaver code.

What exactly are you trying to do? A solution can probably be found that
is a lot better than what you found on the internet.


Randy Webb said:
That is the default message presented by IE6 SP2 when running a page from
local disk. Try uploading it and running it from a server.

I snipped what you need to get rid of and can start with. Namely, nothing.
Most of it is deprecated HTML3.2 and some awful Dreamweaver code.

What exactly are you trying to do? A solution can probably be found that
is a lot better than what you found on the internet.

Thank you Randy for a quick reply. I thought that this page has a malicious
code, but you assured me that every thing is OK. I hope it will not show
warnings after uploading to server. Thank you again.


Geoff Cutter said:
Hi Folks,

A page I found very useful is at:

It's long, just skip to where you need to get to. Part reads:

To give a web page a "Mark of the Web" add in "saved from url" comment
at the start of the file. There are two possible incantations:
<!-- saved from url=(0014)about:internet -->
<!-- saved from url=(0020) -->
The number in brackets is the length of the string that follows it.

regds Geoff (FREE software and other stuff) (lots places to eat at)

Attachments to incoming mail will be deleted unopened.

Thank You Geoff for a useful link. Now I know why I got this warning

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