what is a good/fast way to format date string?

  • Thread starter it_says_BALLS_on_your forehead
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it_says_BALLS_on_your forehead

I inherited a script that uses Date::Manip. powerful module, but
painfully slow. Methods from this module are called perhaps over 100
million times for log processing, so even small incremental gains in
speed would accumulate to substantial savings (i hope).

i have replaced Date::Manip with Date::Calc, but i'm losing the padded
0's on the left. what's the fastest way of left-padding the zeroes back
on? just a map? (although i think if i transform a list in place, it's
better to use a for loop per PBP, although Damian Conway says that's
for readability--i'll have to benchmark since this is simple enough i
wouldn't lose much readability, but may gain speed if i use a map---

@new_date = map { /^(\d)$/ and "0$1" or $_ } @new_date;

) i don't want to lose the time i've saved by inefficiently formatting
the output.

currently the input and output is:
use strict; use warnings;

use Date::Manip;

my $date = '2006-03-02';
my $time = '05:04:44';

print "original date: $date\n";
print "original time: $time\n";

my $timeDiff = 4;

my $goodTime = DateCalc(ParseDate($date.$time),"-$timeDiff hours");

$date =
$time = substr($goodTime,8,8);

print "adjusted date: $date\n";
print "adjusted time: $time\n";

original date: 2006-03-02
original time: 05:04:44
adjusted date: 2006-03-02
adjusted time: 01:04:44

my new script is:
use strict; use warnings;

use Date::Calc qw/ Add_Delta_DHMS /;

my $date2 = '2006-03-02';
my $time2 = '05:04:44';

my $old_date = $date2 . ':' . $time2;

my @pre_date = split /[\-:]/, $old_date;
my @new_date = Add_Delta_DHMS( @pre_date, 0, -4, 0, 0 );

#@new_date = map { /^(\d)$/ and "0$1" or $_ } @new_date;
#print "@new_date\n";

$date2 = join( '-', @new_date[0..2] );
$time2 = join( ':', @new_date[3..$#new_date] );

print "date2: $date2\n";
print "time2: $time2\n";

date2: 2006-3-2
time2: 1:4:44

# with map
date2: 2006-03-02
time2: 01:04:44

J. Gleixner

it_says_BALLS_on_your forehead said:
i have replaced Date::Manip with Date::Calc, but i'm losing the padded
0's on the left. what's the fastest way of left-padding the zeroes back
#@new_date = map { /^(\d)$/ and "0$1" or $_ } @new_date;

Using sprintf is the way to go. In addition to being much
more readable, it's much faster. Using one sprintf call, seemed
to provide very good results.

($date2, $time2 ) = split (' ',
sprintf("%d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d",
@new_date )

it_says_BALLS_on_your forehead

J. Gleixner said:
Using sprintf is the way to go. In addition to being much
more readable, it's much faster. Using one sprintf call, seemed
to provide very good results.

($date2, $time2 ) = split (' ',
sprintf("%d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d",
@new_date )

excellent, just what i was looking for! thanks!

it_says_BALLS_on_your forehead

Christian said:
it_says_BALLS_on_your forehead schrieb:
i have replaced Date::Manip with Date::Calc, but i'm losing the padded
0's on the left. what's the fastest way of left-padding the zeroes back
on? just a map? (although i think if i transform a list in place, it's
better to use a for loop per PBP, although Damian Conway says that's
for readability--i'll have to benchmark since this is simple enough i
wouldn't lose much readability, but may gain speed if i use a map---

@new_date = map { /^(\d)$/ and "0$1" or $_ } @new_date;

Normally a sprintf should be cheaper than applying a regex.
@new_date = map { sprintf "%02i", $_ } @new_date;

But you might get even more speed if you omit the re-assignment
of the list at all:

$_ = sprintf( "%02i", $_ ) for( @newdate );

thank you Chris!

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