when 'myArray * 'myObject' is not equal to 'myObject' * 'myArray'



Although I'm sure somewhere this issue is discussed in this (great)
group, I didn't know the proper search words for it (although I

I'm using python (2.6) scientifically mostly, and created a simple
class to store time series (my 'Signal' class).
I need this class to have a possibility to get multiplied by an array,
but pre and post multiplication have different mathematical outcomes
( basically A* B != B*A ) .

Post multiplication by an array works fine defining __mul__ in the
Signal class, but pre multiplication does not. It keeps trying to
multiply all elements separately instead to send this array to my
__rmul__ function.

How can I fix this without the need for a separate
'multiplysignal(A,B)' function?
To make things easy I've made a small example:

import numpy as np

class Signal(object):
    def __init__(self,data,dt):

    def Nch(self):
        return self.data.shape[0]

    def __mul__(self,other):
        print 'mul called! ',other

        if isinstance(other,type(np.array([1,2]))):
            #it's an array: use dot product:
            return Signal(np.dot(self.data,other),self.dt)

        if other.__class__.__name__=='Signal':
            # do something

    def __rmul__(self,other):
        print 'rmul called! ',other

        if isinstance(other,type(np.array([1,2]))):
            #it's an array: use dot product:
            return Signal(np.dot(other,self.data),self.dt)

        if other.__class__.__name__=='Signal':
            # do something


result_mul = mySignal*myArray
result_rmul = myArray*mySignal #called 4 times for all members once!

#mul called!  [[ 1.  2.]
# [ 4.  3.]]
#rmul called!  1.0
#rmul called!  2.0
#rmul called!  4.0
#rmul called!  3.0


Although I'm sure somewhere this issue is discussed in this (great)
group, I didn't know the proper search words for it (although I

I'm using python (2.6) scientifically mostly, and created a simple
class to store time series (my 'Signal' class).
I need this class to have a possibility to get multiplied by an array,
but pre and post multiplication have different mathematical outcomes
( basically A* B != B*A ) .

Post multiplication by an array works fine defining __mul__ in the
Signal class, but pre multiplication does not. It keeps trying to
multiply all elements separately instead to send this array to my
__rmul__ function.

How can I fix this without the need for a separate
'multiplysignal(A,B)' function?

Make Signal a subclass of numpy.ndarray. If one operand is a subclass of
the other, its __rmul__ will be preferred to the parent's __mul__.

In the absence of a subclass-superclass relationship, the LHS's __mul__ is
preferred to the RHS's __rmul__, so the RHS's __rmul__ is only called if
the LHS lacks a __mul__ method or if the method refuses its argument
(returns NotImplemented).

Likewise for other "reflected" methods.


Make Signal a subclass of numpy.ndarray. If one operand is a subclass of
the other, its __rmul__ will be preferred to the parent's __mul__.

In the absence of a subclass-superclass relationship, the LHS's __mul__ is
preferred to the RHS's __rmul__, so the RHS's __rmul__ is only called if
the LHS lacks a __mul__ method or if the method refuses its argument
(returns NotImplemented).

Likewise for other "reflected" methods.

Great, many thanks. It seems to work well.
For others looking into the same issue: http://www.scipy.org/Subclasses

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