



I am starting a new Asp.Net 2.0 web site.I am looking for a fixed width
web site.

I notice that CNN is using a 875px fixed width web site and Yahoo a
950px width web site. And many other web sites are using widths higher
then 800px.

My question is:

What do you think of moving to widths higher then the 750px...780px
usually used taking the 800px screens in consideration.




shapper said:
What do you think of moving to widths higher then the 750px...780px
usually used taking the 800px screens in consideration.

Personally I do not think you should have a fixed size web site any
larger than 780px. From my own experience, there are still a lot of
users out there who have old monitors which are only capable of
displaying an 800x600 resolution image. If you have a web site which is
larger than this, then the user will have to horizontally scroll in
order to see the whole web site. To me, having to scroll horizontally
is a bad design and would really annoy me.

Mark Rae

From my own experience, there are still a lot of users out there who
have old monitors which are only capable of displaying an 800x600
resolution image.

I use this site: http://www.thecounter.com/stats as a benchmark for global
web statistics for no other reason that their sample is so large - over 22
million hits last month, of which 16% were running at 800x600.

That said, I never really target anything less than 1024x768 these days
unless specifically requested to do so by a client...

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