Access a Control from Another Page



Hello -

I have a registration page that could be altered slightly for different
kinds of registrations if I was able to access the show/hide, enable/disable
features from a page where people select the type of registration they would
like. They select it with a radiobuttonlist, click submit and then are taken
to the registration page.

I am trying to avoid having a couple of different registration pages. How
do I access the properties of a control on one page from another page?


Sandy, if I understand your requirements, I'd probably not go to a second page.

You can have two panels on one page--one for the selection and one for the
actual registration. Show the first on entry, then show the second once they
choose. Better yet imho is to skip panels and do a user control for the
registration piece, exposing the various properties you want to change, and
setting visible=true after they choose (or add it dynamically). Advantage of
a user control is that it's easier to put on another page someday, and for me
cleaner than mucking up a panel.

You can do the two page thing, but it doesn't sound like you'd ever go
directly to page 2, and with two pages you'll need to pass the selection
either via query string, context (w/server.transfer), session, etc., and it's
a little more work than you might need. With one page all your data is right
there, whether it's hidden or not. One page also makes it way easier when you
need to add steps two, three, and four someday.

Does that help?


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